Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 402: Spring Festival (2)

After Junxiu finished eating, he left the food court downstairs. As he walked, he recalled the words of the woman in the 'shopping group', which was very interesting. Buying equals earning? And she also earns airfare money? The more he thought about it, the more interesting it became, but the woman was right, the luxury tax was different in each country. Her living standard can support her to buy luxury goods, but she is not stupid, obviously the same model is one-third cheaper overseas, so why do you have to buy it in China?

Don't look at a bag less than 10,000 yuan, but the shopping bag at her feet obviously bought more than one. Buying three will save you 30,000 yuan. As she said, buying is equal to earning! !

The woman looked at Junxiu's back after he left, and she always felt familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen him. It wasn't until she went to Chanel after dinner and saw the humanoid sign at the door that she realized that the world star 'Junxiu' she met while eating downstairs. What I didn't expect was that Junxiu was also eating a simple set meal in a department store?

Sometimes the public always wonders if the lives of celebrities are different from theirs? Because celebrities make a lot of money, do they live a slightly extravagant life? In fact, celebrities are the same as the public. They eat, sleep, and work. The only difference is that the nature of the work is different. Artists always show a bright side when they appear in front of the public, and there is no difference in private life that the public cannot see.

After Junxiu came up from the restaurant, he walked towards the door, and suddenly he heard what a passerby said and told him to return to the department store.

Passerby A said when he entered the department store, "When are you going to go back? Have you booked your ticket?"

Passerby B: "Go back on the 16th. After Valentine's Day in Korea, go back. Tomorrow, my 'husband' and I will go to Busan to see."

Passerby A: "Yes, there is Valentine's Day during the Spring Festival holiday this time. What did your husband give you?"

Today is the 11th, and it will be Valentine's Day in two days. Junsu and Taeyeon, when they were in love with Yui, never gave them any gifts on Valentine's Day. I came to the department store for dinner today, so I decided to choose Valentine's Day gifts here, so Junsu just returned to the department store.

Looking at the lively cosmetics counter on the first floor, Junxiu wondered if she wanted to send a cosmetic set? But after two seconds, he rejected this plan, let them buy this thing themselves, because of the problem of skin quality, what he bought might not be suitable for them. After going upstairs from the first floor is a place to sell shoes, Junxiu did not stop here and went upstairs directly. In Korea, the superstition of shoes delivery is 'If you give shoes, she will run with others. ’

On the third floor, women's clothing, Junxiu started shopping on this floor. Maybe it's a seasonal relationship, winter clothes and spring clothes are sold. Junxiu just wandered aimlessly on this floor. Stop and go, look around, suddenly a brand of clothing caught Junxiu's attention, because of the fluffy fur on the collar of the army green coat, Junxiu looked at the brand 'Mr&Mrs.Italy'.

Junxiu entered the store looking at these clothes and laughed: "There is actually a parka in Seoul?" There are more parkas in Europe, but not many people in Seoul choose this kind of clothes, because winter coats are full of fur, which is warmer than down jackets More, but the price is ten times more expensive than the down jacket of the sports brand that Junxiu usually wears.

Junxiu casually took a look at the price tag, his eyes were straight, he couldn't help but say, "How much is this?" The shopping guide smiled and said to Junxiu, "Sir, this is our fur couple. This year's new style is 100% fox fur inside and raccoon fur on the collar. And it's all handmade in Italy. This is the top one, with a price of 9,990,000, 9,990."

Junxiu couldn't help but complain and said, "Isn't it 10 million? The price of '999' is not in the ranks of millions, it means tens of millions!"

The shopping guide said with a smile: "The fur used is different, so the price is more expensive. Sir, you can look at the rabbit fur. It is as warm as rabbit fur inside and out, and it looks just as good."

Junxiu was brought into the store by the shopping guide. He saw the rabbit fur that the shopping guide pointed to Junxiu. The pure white rabbit fur was at the neckline, and the fluffy fur was not obtrusive on the army green coat, but looked very beautiful. Junxiu saw this dress at first sight: "How much is this?"

"4.88 million won."

If the fox fur makes Junxiu feel expensive, this medium and long rabbit fur looks much softer, not only the softness of the white fur, but of course the price is also very soft.

Junxiu nodded with satisfaction. When Junxiu was shopping in the store, several women came to the door, but after seeing the price, he went out soon. Because the cheapest rabbit fur is close to 5 million won, not to mention the tens of millions of clothes that are placed in a prominent position at the door. Taking a look at the tag, my God, the price shows too many 'numbers', and even Junxiu was frightened.

Junxiu then pointed to the rabbit fur dress with a white collar and said, "Wrap it for me, the smallest size. Oh, two pieces, and a large one." Of course, the small one is Taeyeon's, the large one Needless to say, I knew it was Yui who was 170 tall.

While the waiter was putting on clothes, Junxiu tilted his head, took out his mobile phone, and started booking a flight. He planned to go to Japan again on the evening of the 13th. Because Girls' Generation's concert next week will be held in "Saitama", which is very close to Tokyo. The 13th passed, and the 14th brought clothes back.

After the checkout, Junxiu came out of the store~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and went home with her clothes satisfied. The streets of Seoul during the Spring Festival do not have the strong festive atmosphere of Huaxia. Instead, they are very deserted. Not only are many shops closed, but there are also many fewer vehicles on the streets. The whole city seems very deserted.

Junxiu returned home by himself and looked at the empty room, and his heart became heavy again. During such a festival, he couldn't call someone to go out to dinner or something, and he was sitting on the floor by himself looking at the clothes he bought. While in a daze, suddenly his cell phone rang.

Junxiu saw that the call was actually from Li Zhien, and he picked up Zhien's call: "Zhien, why did you remember to call me during the Chinese New Year?"

"Teacher, are you at home?"

"Yes, where can I go when I'm not at home, it's so deserted outside, and the doors are closed everywhere."

"Oh, wait for me, I'll be there in ten minutes, I'll call you when I get there, and come to the door."


"Happy New Year's greetings to the teacher, I will send you some New Year's goods, hee hee~~ I'll call you later!!"

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