Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 406: Girls'Day

After the 'GSD' four greeted Junxiu, he also turned to them and asked with a smile, "How was the Spring Festival?" After all, today is the first day after the Spring Festival. But the four of them were a little confused by Junxiu's question. They looked at Junxiu dumbly and said, "We don't have a holiday."

Junxiu also looked at them in surprise: "Aren't you on vacation? The company doesn't all... um, I see."

During the Spring Festival, the employees of the company are all on vacation, including the staff of the TV station who are on duty and all will be on vacation. But the four of 'GSD' are different. They see that they will return in a month, so they did not choose to give themselves a vacation before this return. Because they themselves know that they can't have any slack in this comeback, and their popularity at this time is not enough to support them on vacation!

Instead of going back to rest for three days, it is better to spend these three days on practice, because hard work will never betray them, and only when you are familiar with dance will you avoid mistakes on the stage. Moreover, there are a lot of people going home during the Spring Festival in South Korea. Their traffic is very congested, and trains and planes are hard to get a ticket.

If they want to go home for the Spring Festival, they have to leave a few days in advance, which means they have to rest for a week. There was not much time to practice, and they were taking a week off at this time, so they couldn't forgive themselves, so they decided not to go back at all and hurry up to practice! !

Junxiu clapped her hands at them: "You will be back in half a month, let me see the results of your recent practice."

This time, the choreography of 'GSD' is a strap dance, which is also a **** style. Compared to SISTAR's sexy, their dance is more provocative.

When the music played in their practice room, their dance unfolded. After more than a month of practice, their dance uniformity has been completed well, and the **** in the dance has also been fully expressed by them. The only thing that makes Junsu dissatisfied is that they didn't sing during practice!

After the dance ended, Junxiu nodded and said, "I'm doing a good dance practice, but I don't know how to sing. You guys have released an album, and you understand what's going on at the scene, so I won't say much more. I just want to say, do you think you can sing well when you dance this dance? If not, remember to sing it next time you dance, because dancing and singing can easily make your breath unstable. If you are in LIVE, Because of the problem of breath, there is a situation where no one can save you. There is no shortcut to the path of 'breath'. The only way to stabilize the breath is to practice. You can also try fitness, your physical strength is good , the breath will be more stable!"

The current song-playing shows are all LIVE singing. If something goes wrong during the recording and broadcasting, it’s a big deal to do it all over again. But if something goes wrong during the live broadcast, then a new group like them will basically be cold by more than half, so Junxiu reminds them that "breath" is a very important issue on the stage, and it must be paid attention to!

Fang Minya nodded heavily and said, "We will definitely strengthen our practice."

I believe they themselves know how important this comeback is to their group. They have gone through a period of no name for more than two years, and they have also experienced withdrawal from the team. It seems that all kinds of misfortunes in the girl group have happened. Like on them. Fortunately, they did not become decadent because of this. They believed that they could succeed one day, and they believed that the company would not give up on them.

Now, they finally ushered in this day, the title song Junxiu produced for them, so they will cherish this opportunity even more! !

Junxiu smiled and raised her watch to check the time, it was twelve o'clock, Junxiu took out the phone and called Chef Li Lianfu: "Oh, Chef Li, you are open today...not open, the fifth day? I know. Yes. Master Lu Jinglai's shop is open? Okay, I'll call Master Lu Jinglai."

Lu Jinglai, the president of the Korean-Chinese Cuisine Association, introduced Junxiu at Li Lianfu's restaurant. Junxiu also went to Lu Jinglai’s restaurant to eat, but the food Lu Jinglai cooks is generally bland. Although it is said that eating bland is better for the body, Junxiu prefers the rich dishes made by Chef Li Lianfu. Of course, this is just Junxiu’s personal preference. , not to say that Chef Lu Jinglai's cooking skills are not good.

After hanging up Li Lianfu's call, Junxiu began to look for Lu Jinglai's number. I’m Junxiu, you’ll have dinner at your restaurant in forty minutes. Five, um, 200,000 per person, sorry for your troubles, okay, see you later.”

After finishing the call with Chef Lu Jinglai, Junxiu looked at the 'GSD' people: "Go change your clothes, I haven't gone back to have a good meal during the Spring Festival, I'll make it up for you today, go, I'll wait for you here."

Everyone from GSD went to the locker room to change clothes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They walked out of the practice room and then whispered: "Senior Junxiu just ordered the restaurant, 200,000 per person? The five of us are not worth one million won, this is What do you want to eat?"

"I have never eaten a million-dollar meal. It must be very rich! Is it the legendary authentic French meal?" Even Yura, who has a good family, was surprised. Her family in Ulsan is considered to be a middle-to-upper-class family, and her family's houses are all apartments with sea views. This house can't be bought with only a few hundred million won, and the decoration and decoration are also included. It can be seen that Yura's family conditions are indeed good.

After a while, the four of GSD changed their clothes and set off towards the restaurant together with Junxiu. Sitting in the car, Junxiu said to them: "This time your comeback may not get one, because this time your return opponent is SHINee, and I just heard that they plan to come back in March! They I don’t need to tell you about the current popularity, you should also know. It can be said that they are the general trend in the boy group, and you can now be regarded as a newcomer. So this time your songs are good, but you want to be very popular. I personally feel that it is almost impossible for Gao Gao to grab a trophy in their hands. I tell you this in advance, not to discourage your enthusiasm, but to not want you to feel disappointed in yourself by not being able to win the first place. There is a chance in the future, this time mainly to let everyone know about your GSD!!"

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