Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 410: Valentine's Day (Part 1)

? Yui, who just came home from get off work in the early morning, just took a shower and came to the living room to drink a glass of water, then went to rest, but when she heard the combination lock on the door and remembered the password input sound of 'Didi Di', she She was so frightened that she ran back to the room and picked up the phone to call the police. Fortunately, Yui yelled in the direction of the living room before calling the police: "Who... who is it?"

"I, did you just come back? I thought you were asleep. Today is over so late?" When Junxiu's voice appeared in the living room, Yui finally breathed a sigh of relief, but still in shock, she walked away angrily. He came out and pouted at Junxiu in dissatisfaction and said, "You scared people to death, don't you know to call ahead of time when you want to come back? Even if you don't call, you won't be running back in the middle of the night like this, right? I was so scared that my heart almost burst. already."

Junxiu said with a smile: "Hee hee~ Didn't I think that today is Valentine's Day? I also deliberately chose Yehang to avoid the reporter's eyes. I wanted to give you a surprise, but the surprise turned out to be a shock instead? "

Seeing that Junxiu came here specially for Valentine's Day, Yui's original horror mood also fell, replaced by a thick sweet feeling, she came to Junxiu with a smile, and first sent it on his cheek. A BOBO: "Happy Valentine's Day, this kiss is my gift to you, so the chocolate is free. I really don't have time to prepare chocolate for you, and I didn't know you were coming today."

Junxiu had only been gone for two days, and he immediately returned to Tokyo. As for Valentine's Day, she was busy filming after she turned on the camera, so why bother with Valentine's Day? Of course Junsu understands! !

He smiled and put his arms around Yui's shoulders and said, "Chocolate is not as sweet as your kiss, it's enough to receive your kiss, 噔噔~~!" Junxiu mentioned the clothes shopping bag he bought and added a little dubbing childishly. : "Happy Valentine's Day to my beloved 'Aga'!"

Yui showed her signature sunny smile, happily took the shopping bag from Junxiu's hand, and when she saw the white fur, she exclaimed, "What is this?"

"Clothes, Pieka, it's quite suitable for this day, try it out~!" Junxiu helped Yuyi to take this dress out of the shopping bag and put it on for Yui. After putting on Yuyi, she ran to the cloakroom to look in the mirror. She looked left and right. She liked this white-collared Pieka very much: "Well, you have a good eye, and you are the spokesperson of Chanel! What about this? Yours? Couples?"

Junxiu still has a shopping bag in his hand, and the fluffy white-collar worker is exposed to the takeaway. Junxiu shook his head and said, "No."

Yui was very knowledgeable and didn't ask after Junxiu denied it, because if it wasn't Junxiu, she knew who the other dress was for without asking. Then why should she add to her grief after asking? Yui comforted herself in her heart, "It's his sister's. ’

After Junsu said 'No', the atmosphere in the locker room condensed a bit, but Junsu immediately changed the subject and said, "Wow, I just got back from the airport by taxi, more than 30,000 yen, it's really too expensive! "

"Stupid you, there are reserved taxis at the airport, and the price is fixed in which area. Are you really a rich person with more than 30,000 taxi fares? Do you take a shower? I will give you water?"

"No, I'll just rush. You're so tired today, go and rest early."

After a day of shooting, Yui was really tired. She took off the Valentine's Day gift Junxiu gave her and went to rest. After a while, Junxiu also took a shower and returned to the room.

Yui quickly turned around, wrapped around Junxiu, and kissed him on the mouth: "Did you come here specially for Valentine's Day?"

"Well, I'll go back tomorrow. In half a month, our children will return, because these children are different..." Junxiu briefly explained 'GSD' to Yui in the quilt, and described them The bitterness and sadness encountered after debut.

"After more than two years of hardships, it's hard enough for them. Go back and watch. With you here, their hearts are much more at ease. You are their producer and their spiritual support!"

"Yeah, by the way, I may come later this time. There is a boy group that requires me to be fully responsible, and I have issued a military order. The time to come should be the end of April and the beginning of May? When is your TV series? show?"

"It will be released in mid-April, and the filming may not end until around the beginning of June. It's almost, you come in May just in time!"

After chatting and chatting, the two hugged and fell asleep. When Yuyi went downstairs the next morning, she carried the bento box again. Her manager said in surprise, "Junxiu is back?"

"Well, he came here to give me a present on Valentine's Day today."

"Is this what you're wearing? It's pretty good, it's pretty."

"Yeah, it's very beautiful, just this dress is more than half a million yen! It's too luxurious!!"

"Haha~~ If you have the ability to buy it, it is not luxury. You have to know that Junxiu earns money in one year, and you have to earn ten years! Thanks to Junxiu, your worth has also risen a lot."


In Saitama City, Junsu came to the city where Girls' Generation was performing this weekend with a bag and a shopping bag in the afternoon. They were practicing backstage at the concert. Suddenly Taeyeon's cell phone rang, and when Taeyeon stopped practicing to answer the phone, the teammates next to her immediately let out a wolf howl: "o~~ Let me just say, how could Valentine's Day be without the two of you? What about the sweet words? Go out to pick up, go out to pick up, don’t be an eyesore here!”

Taeyeon gave her teammates a vicious look, took the phone and ran out of the practice room: "oppa~~" Taeyeon was calling this boring 'oppa'~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Practice The door of the room has not been completely closed, and the teammates inside the door once again broke out the wolf howl: "o~~!!!"

Junxiu on the other end of the phone has already arrived at the gate of the venue, because the Japanese staff are guarding the door, Junxiu does not have a work card, and because the fans are squatting here and he did not choose to take off the mask, the staff will of course not let Junxiu go in. Of course, there is also the reason why Junxiu wants Taeyeon to come out alone and give her this dress first, so as not to give Taeyeon gifts in front of that group of people, it must be a bit of a fuss, right?

"Come and pick me up at the door. I don't have a work card and can't come in."

"The door? What door? Are you in Saitama?"

"Well, at the gate of the gym. You called the agent out, there are many fans at the gate. Don't panic and go to the practice room, wait for me for two minutes, I have something for you."

"Oh, I see, I'll find an agent right away~~" Taeyeon raised her voice significantly when she said these words, which showed that she was very happy! !

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