Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 416: Lunch

After entering the office, the director made Junsu a cup of coffee and handed it to Junsu. Junsu thanked Junsu with a smile and asked, "Is Seulgi's practice okay? Among the next generation of children, Seulgi is the best I have ever seen in two companies. My child. I really wanted to dig Seulgi to my side at first, but Representative Kim wouldn’t let Seulgi leave, hehe..”

The director smiled and nodded and said, "Although Seulgi is the longest-staying child among the trainees, I have never heard her slack off after practicing for so many years." The trainee process itself It is full of too many uncertainties, and you may not necessarily make your debut if you become a trainee. The competition of such large companies is even more intense.

Just like when F(x) was founded, Seulgi was not selected, she still gritted her teeth and insisted that she did not give up her stage dream. You must know that many trainees can't bear such an impact. It feels like in high school, they clearly studied hard every day, but they failed in the final exam, as if all years of hard work were in vain. back to square one. That sense of failure, frustration, and all kinds of negative emotions will all rush up, and if you can't bear it, you choose to quit.

But Jiang Seulgi did not fall down because of one failure, but practiced harder, which is why Junsu likes this child. The solid foundation laid by hard work will lead to a cute baby bear in the future!

Junxiu smiled and nodded: "This is why I like this child. I feel relieved every time I see her efforts. Her future will definitely be good."

When Junsu and the trainee director were talking about Seulgi, the door of the office rang, Junsu opened the door and looked at Seulgi and Joohyun who were standing at the door and changed their clothes, he waved to the director inside: "I bring The kids are going to eat first."

"Well, let's go."

After coming out of the trainee passage, Junsu put on a mask and hat again, and Seulgi and Joohyun who were following him were both fans at the door and could tell at a glance the feeling of 'Ah, it's a trainee', so Junsu went with them He was also labeled as a 'trainee' on the way.

After they came out, neither of them said a word. Maybe they were still wondering, why did Junxiu suddenly ask them to eat? However, Junsu walked leisurely on the streets of Cheongdam-dong in this comfortable March, without being noticed by anyone. He smiled and said, "It's great~ I'm walking down the street with the two of you and everyone thinks I'm a trainee. It's been a long time since I walked and shopped in such a comfortable way."

Perhaps after being puzzled for a long time, Xiong Seqi finally couldn't help but ask: "Senior Junxiu, why did you suddenly come down today?"

"My car was parked at the back door. I thought that there were a lot of fans standing by the gate, so I didn't go out there. As a result, when I came down and saw the 'Women's Class A', I thought of you, and it was time for dinner, so I asked you to join us. go for meal."

"Oh, I just said, why did the inexplicable senior remember to ask me to eat?"

"What? Can't I ask you to eat? It's not a secret love, I made an appointment with my boyfriend for lunch, right?"

Jiang Seqi was about to shake her hand and said excitedly, "How is that possible?"

Junxiu said with a smile: "Hehe~~ I was a trainee for a lot longer than you before I debuted. I have seen these countless times. No one cares when I leave the company door, as long as I don't eat near the company, Usually they won't be found. In the past, there were still some practice sessions where the two of them would go home together. In the past, we had coded calls, and the number of SMS transmissions, such as '223040' at 10:30 in the evening, at the bus stop of No. 40 Wait."

"Hahaha~~" Because what Junxiu told is what happens around them now, so Xiong Seqi and Pei Zhuhyun both laughed.

Almost everyone has a mobile phone now, and the company will not confiscate the mobile phones of the trainees, because they are not sure about the "time" of their practice. Sometimes they practice late, and they will call their family members to pick them up. Mobile phones will never be confiscated, only JS Entertainment will confiscated mobile phones, of course, only for the newcomers who have just debuted.

The two of them who came out with Junxiu also gradually let go of Junxiu's memory story, not as cautious as when they went out just now. After all, they have met so many times, and there is not much estrangement between them.

Junxiu brought the two of them to a very high-end Korean beef restaurant in Cheongdam-dong. Jiang Seulqi stared at the grill in front of her with wide eyes: "Senior, do you want to eat barbecue at noon?" Because there are many Koreans who eat barbecue at noon Everyone finds it strange that barbecue is understood as dinner, and at noon, whether it is an office worker or a student, it is a simple meal.

Junxiu smiled and nodded: "Of course, you can eat barbecue when you want to eat it. And there are fewer people at noon. If I go to eat barbecue by myself at night, even if I order for two, there are probably countless pairs of eyes staring at me. Me? The culture of eating alone is very different in Japan. In Japan, there are many people who go to eat barbecue alone, because people over there like to go to an izakaya for a drink after get off work and then go home. So the food culture of eating alone It's very common there. In Korea, it's weird to go to the restaurant by yourself. Sometimes I don't know why, why is it weird that I eat what I want?"

Korea does not have a culture of drinking alone like Japan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Especially the barbecue in Korea is generally two or three people, and most barbecue restaurants have written 'minimum consumption for two people! ’ So eating grilled meat alone can be weird to others.

"It's really strange to eat barbecue alone." Jiang Seqi tilted her head and said.

Junxiu shrugged and picked up the menu and gave it to the two of them: "So I usually want to eat barbecue, so I can only eat it at home. Let's see, what I want to eat." Junxiu has already picked up the menu and faced the waiter beside him. Said: "Frost and Seasoned King Ribs."

The 'Shuangjiang' of the top Korean beef store is very expensive. A 100g of cream is worth 70,000 won! Relatively speaking, it is cheaper than Japanese Wagyu beef.

Junxiu looked at the two people who were slow to order, he smiled and said, "Don't know what to eat? Forget it, let me order two for you." Junxiu ordered 'Xileng and Rib Eyes, special parts for the two of them. ’

After ordering, Junxiu said with a smile, "How many layers of cooked do you both eat? If it is fully cooked, you won't feel the taste of beef. Do you know that beef has a special taste? That's what the fat of beef emits. Butter aroma. If you eat it fully cooked, the rich and special aroma, as well as the tender texture and gravy of the beef will disappear a lot.”

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