Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 418: Open INS

?When Junxiu listened to Sulli complaining to himself, he thought it was not a problem. He felt that it was enough to be Shirley in front of the screen and himself behind the screen, and there was no need to tangle too much. But he forgot that they were stared at by countless eyes all the time. Do you want to be yourself? easier said than done? This is a multiple-choice question. After releasing myself, it will inevitably affect the group and other members.

Is this multiple-choice question for myself, or for everyone? When most people face this problem, they choose to sacrifice the ego, right? That's why Shirley is so tangled! Now this entanglement is also felt by Junxiu. Although he is no longer bound by the combination, he has too many advertising contracts on his back. If there is any problem with him, it will affect not only himself, but also the stock prices of the companies he endorses. , so he can't be careless!

After dinner, Junsu wanted to go back to the company to pick up the car, so he walked slowly towards the company with them, and when he passed the cafe, Junsu took out his wallet and asked Seulgi to go to the cafe to buy three Holding a cup of coffee, Junxiu hesitated for two seconds before taking off the mask. Of course, it didn't take it down completely, but pulled it down a bit, exposing its mouth.

But on their way back from the restaurant, they had to pass through the gate of the company, so Junxiu thought that she would just put on her mask not far from the company. But before he could put on his mask, passers-by couldn't take their eyes off the man who was accompanied by two beauties, and the passers-by shouted in surprise, "Oh~~oh~~yes. Junsu, right? That’s right~~ Junsu!!”

Then there was the first person who took out his mobile phone and took pictures of Junxiu. There was such an action among passers-by, which instantly attracted a lot of passers-by. Seeing this, Junxiu quickly pulled up his mask, lowered his hat, and patted Seulgi's shoulder: "You two go first, go to the company and call for security."

Jiang Seulqi and Pei Zhuhyun quickly left Junxiu's side, and when they walked away, they saw that Junxiu was surrounded by more than a dozen passers-by, Jiang Seulqi shook her head and said, "Wow~~ Senior's Popularity, really~~!!”

Five minutes later, when the four security guards from the company came to Junxiu, there were already twenty or thirty passersby beside Junxiu. Junxiu took off his mask and kept signing autographs for passersby on the roadside. Seeing this, the security quickly inserted: "Please let me, please let me~" When they came to Junxiu, Junxiu was able to escape, and he returned to the company under the **** of the security.

And at this time, Jin Yingmin, who was standing at the door of the company, looked at Junxiu with a wicked smile: "How is it? Are you excited to go shopping alone? You say you go out when you go out, why don't you even wear a mask? Let me give it to us. Cause trouble, fortunately it's not far from the company this time. If it's far from the company, what will you do? What? Are you going to call the police for help? What a mess!"

Junxiu took out the mask from his pocket and put it on: "You know I'm not wearing a mask? It was just two minutes after I drank coffee, just two minutes, who knew it would be like this?"

"Yeah, you are JS Junsu! You are the top world star in Korea, you think your life is free and you want to go out and go shopping, just take your wallet? You don't look at how many registered fans you have, you official coffee There are more than 700,000 fans in Korea alone, and you TVXQ only had 800,000 fans! I really don’t know what you are thinking?”

Junxiu laughed and said, "Wow~~ I'm blaming me, okay, okay, I'll give you EXO's songs tomorrow, and the teacher will supervise the recording. I'll go to Europe to play for half a month and come back."

"Going to play in Europe? Are you crazy? You have refused the invitation to Paris Fashion Week. What Europe are you going to at this time, why don't you stay at home by yourself?"

"You care about me? What do I just want to do?"

"Yes, yes, yes, let's go, just come back in half a month." Anyway, Junxiu has no domestic itinerary recently, so he can do whatever he likes, and Jin Yingmin doesn't bother to argue with Junxiu.

Junxiu shook his head and went downstairs again to get the car from the passage of the practice room. After sitting in the car, Junxiu sighed speechlessly: "Wow, tsk tsk~~"

After sighing, Junxiu took out her mobile phone and opened the app store to download the software, one is the software for hotel reservation, and the other is the recently hot 'INS'. Taeyeon opened her personal INS on her birthday, and Junsu also plans to open her own 'INS'. He has not opened this software because he has Twitter, so he has not opened it for a long time. Recently, more and more people have opened this software, and he also intends to keep up with the trend.

Download, open, and publish the first article: "Hello everyone, I'm JS Junsu, and the opening of the 'INS' account today will record the bits and pieces of my daily life. Please pay more attention to me." After publishing the first article Junsu then updated his 'INS' account on Twitter. Put away the phone, Junxiu drove home, and Junxiu's INS followers broke 2 million in just one hour! !

After arriving home, Junxiu sat on the sofa looking at the 2 million followers and laughed happily: "It's 2 million so soon?" And Junxiu's Twitter followers are 20 times higher than they are now! It's just that the users of 'INS' are not as many as Twitter now. 2 million is already very good. After Taeyeon opened, there are only a few hundred thousand people.

After Junsu announced the opening of INS, Shunkyu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yuri and Hyoyeon in Japan also opened INS on the same day. After several people paid attention to each other, Junxiu updated a photo at night. The photo was very old. In the photo, he looked like four or five years old, and there was a child wearing baby clothes in his arms.

"What a cute baby, guess who it is?"

Shungui quickly left a message: "Yeah~! You'll be dead when I go back to Korea!!"

Then Junxiu released the second photo. In the photo, Junxiu already looks like a high school student. He is wearing the uniform of Kent High School, and next to him is Sika who is wearing the uniform of the same school: "Hahaha, young Zheng Xiuyan !" Immediately after Sika's photo, Junsu announced Xiuying's, Yoona's, Yuri's...

The last photo of Girls' Generation is Junsu wearing the school uniform of Jeonju Art High School. He and Kim Taeyeon were taken by classmates when they were sitting in a restaurant for dinner: "Jeonju Art School's Kim Taeyeon! Big earrings, full of fashion sense, hahaha ~~”

Kim Taeyeon also released an ugly photo of Junsu holding a rice spoon and sitting with YoonA imitating a flat-mouthed fish: "World star JS Junsu and Girls' Generation's face Lim Yoona, flat-mouthed fish imitation contest, really interesting, hahaha ~~”

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