Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 420: Title Song (Part 1)

?As the PD of Korea's highest-rated variety show, Na Young-shik called Junsu to invite Junsu, and Junsu's manager would definitely meet without hesitation to learn about the content of the invited program. And this is Na Young-seok's first work after switching to CJ Entertainment. If Junsu can win this work, it will be very good. The only thing is that Junxiu only has time in the near future. If the show is made into a full-length variety show, then Junxiu will have no chance.

Because it is made into a regular program like "Two Days One/Night", that is, the program will not be stopped if the ratings are not so bad that it can't be helped, and there will be regular shooting every week. But Junsu didn't devote so much time to filming, because Junsu was still planning a Japanese album, but he was a little free recently. Just a month or two.

Junsu's agent soon met with Na Yingshi, and the agent learned that the production of this program was 'season'. For three months in the first quarter, one episode of the entire program is broadcast every week, which is 12 episodes, with a total shooting time of 15 days. The program is shot across Europe and Asia, and it is also a travel program. It is equivalent to saying that after returning from a trip to Europe, I will take a week off before going to Asia to shoot.

In terms of time, Junxiu is completely allowed, at most, the filming will end in a month. But the agent has other concerns. Junsu may be better in Europe. If he appears on the streets of Asia, will it affect the shooting? This problem is not only the concern of Junsu's manager, but Luo Yingshi is also very worried. Junsu's popularity in Asia is indeed too high, and it can be seen that he has appeared in the "RM" program several times. Tens of thousands of people picked up the plane in Bangkok, and it was the same in Yanjing. Thousands of people gathered in half an hour.

If Junsu is surrounded by fans, can the show go smoothly? You must know that the program is not a program composed of young people, but let Junxiu take care of the 'elderly tour group' as a porter. If Junsu's popularity affects the shooting too much, what about the old people around him? You must know that the fans are swarming, they won't give too much reaction time. If something goes wrong, the entire program team will be unlucky, and Junxiu will have to follow suit. Don't think it's a trivial matter, it's a very serious problem!

The program is only in the initial planning stage. As for when it will be implemented, further discussion is needed. Luo Yingshi still has to communicate with the grandfathers. Junxiu's affairs will be put here first, and then we will talk about it later.


Junsu's manager was discussing Junsu's schedule at CJ Entertainment, but Junsu was listening to the title song "Roar" from EXO's next album in Yu Yongjin's studio. After listening to Junsu delivering the title song, Kim Youngmin in the office upstairs, and Lee Sooman all sat here waiting to enjoy Junsu's new song for the boy group.

The people present are all people with a very strong sense of self-consciousness. As long as the song is played, they can feel whether the song can become popular. Junsu hasn't produced a boy group song for many years, and they also want to hear if Junsu's strength has regressed.

Junxiu took out the USB flash drive and said to the three present: "Originally, this song was reserved for me to release, and I made it. In the end, after thinking about it, I should give it to these children. Anyway, dance music, They can use it directly after doing 'word segmentation', and I don't bother to make another song for them. But ah, I want to say, can my "Eyes, Nose, Mouth" be published?"

Junxiu's "Eyes, Nose, Mouth" was produced at the beginning of 2012, but he chose Taeyeon as the heroine of the MV, of course the company disagreed. The love between the two of you has already been suspected by so many people, and now you have Taeyeon in the MV? And what about the content of "after breaking up" written in the lyrics, isn't this asking for trouble? The company has always said that songs can of course be published, but Taeyeon absolutely cannot!

However, Junxiu had to use Taeyeon again, so the two sides had to keep stalemate on this, and only that song had been pressed until now and it has not been released.

Li Xiuman leaned on the sofa and copied his hands sadly, stared at Junsu with a smile and said, "The song can be published, and the MV can also be made for you, but the female lead must not use Taeyeon, this is not negotiable! As for whether to publish it or not, it is up to you. Well, the company will never give in on this matter anyway.”

A year has passed, and the company still doesn't agree, Junxiu said angrily, "Okay, I don't need Taeyeon, please contact Yui Aragaki from the company!"

"No way! Neither Taeyeon nor Yui Aragaki will do. Are you fed up? You know that outsiders are suspicious of you, and you will definitely make headlines if you use either of them. Looking for trouble?"

Taeyeon, Yui Aragaki, these two are Junxiu's lovers, maybe the outside world doesn't know. But the three people present knew that it was difficult for the Internet to stop speculation about the relationship between the three of them. Does Junxiu have to take the initiative to provoke it when he has nothing to do? The company did not say that you are not allowed to be in love, but I hope Junxiu will not open her relationship for the time being. Even if it is public, who do you want to publicize?

But Junxiu felt a little unhappy after hearing the rejection again: "It's better if the company is silent. For news, you can write whatever you want outside. Today, Taeyeon and I, and Yui Aragaki are all concerned about these outside news. Natural immunity is a lot!"

Li Xiuman shook his head with a smile and said, "Hehe? Are you really going to make it public? Are you sure? If you are sure~www.wuxiaspot.com~ then we won't stop it, Taeyeon? Taeyeon went back to China to cooperate with you in shooting the MV head office, right? However, you have figured it out, how will you face your Japanese girlfriend after the MV airs?"

"I...I..." Junxiu was actually confused by what Li Xiuman said. This problem has been plaguing the three of them for a long time. Recently, they have finally managed to balance. Is Junxiu going to break this balance?

Looking at Junxiu who was speechless, Jin Yingmin laughed along: "What are you? You said it yourself, you want to use Taeyeon as the female lead. Well, we have agreed now, what else do you want? You want to release an album , our entire company is fully cooperating with you, even the EXO albums you made can be suppressed! All album design is up to you, we all listen to your head office, right? Who called you? What about our company's world star?"

Junxiu looked at these scoundrels, he was really speechless, he was not allowed to be killed in front of him, but after they saw that he was embarrassed, they immediately started to fight back? Junsu sighed and said, "Hey.. let's listen to EXO's title song first!"

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