Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 432: Junsu is back!

?The release time of the MV will be two days earlier than the official release of the album and the sound source, so except for those who have already received the pre-sale album, most people currently do not know that Junsu is this time apart from the title song "Eyes, Nose and Mouth". Outside the second song "MOMMAE". The rhythm of this song is very strong HipHop type song, as for the lyrics.. it belongs to the category of 19 bans.

During this period of time, the music of the hiphop genre has been liked by many young people because of a variety show ".", and Junxiu has been playing this kind of music mode many years ago, and even many singers who focus on hiphop genre. All have to admit that Junsu is a very powerful rapper and singer!

Junsu is a natural all-rounder. He can sing ballads and use rap perfectly, which is very similar to Yoon Mi Rae. But what makes him more powerful than Yoon Mi Rae is that he is more powerful than Yoon Mi Rae in the attainment of dance music. To put it bluntly, the dance skills are also very good. After all, he is from idol, dance is a basic skill that idol must master.

Ha Dong-hoon prefers this 19-ban Hiphop-type song to the sad song of the title song. He feels that the music created by Junxiu will always give people a refreshing feeling, because Junxiu never follows the trend in music creation, he always creates the popular elements of music, and this time is no exception! Junxiu used Hiphop's drum beats to perfection. Except for the lyrics, the melody and arrangement of this song are definitely textbook level! !

Since the music source has not yet started to provide download, everyone's eyes are still on Junsu and Taeyeon. Ha Dong-hoon and Jun-su were chatting about the kakao news, 'Wow, Jun-su, your album this time is totally making trouble, making trouble. Now everyone is paying attention to the news of your relationship with Taeyeon. After waiting for the song to be downloaded, I guess your 'words' will be used again. ’

‘Anyway, these people like to find self-restraint in the lyrics, let him, I will make my music. The music I make is not a moral lesson! I don't care anyway, any external evaluation will not affect my sales, let alone affect my emotions. ’

'It's best if you can think like that, okay, don't bother you. ’

After Ha Dong-hoon, many Junsu's friends sent messages asking about him and Taeyeon. And Taeyeon, who was far away in Japan, received a phone call from her family. They called to ask if Taeyeon and Junsu had broken up with the outside world. Taeyeon replied directly to her family, "Nothing, ignore the entertainment reports, it's all fake news. ’

Nowadays, the Internet is full of news speculations about 'Junsu and Taeyeon', breaking up and confessing, no one can convince anyone. It maintains the company's consistent style of "silence" regarding the comments on the Internet. Even if fans leave a message on the official website and ask, the company's answer is still so simple and clear: 'The company does not interfere with the artist's private life. ’

Just don't give a positive answer. Don't say 'yes' and don't say 'no'. The space for imagination is left to fans and the media. And everyone's eyes are waiting for Junsu's comeback interview, because there is no answer to this question from the company's side, everyone can only focus on Junsu himself.

Just as everyone was waiting for Junsu to appear in front of the camera, his album officially went on sale. The two songs in the 'JS Junsu' mini-album immediately swept the major charts of Korean music sites and the 'No. 1' of overseas charts in Asian countries. Junsu's music was ranked No. 1 on a certain music website in China. Boarded the Taiwan Strait, Japan, Singapore, Thailand...

Junxiu's album once again swept the charts of all Asian music websites. Perhaps foreigners do not understand Korean. They prefer the more rhythmic song "mommae" from the rhythm alone. And on the day the song was available for download, all nightclubs in Korea were baptized on the dance floor by this song. The dynamic rhythm of the music makes all the men and women of the night shake their bodies.

But on the day the music was offered for download, countless people demanded that Junxiu's '19 Ban' song be removed from the shelves. Because from the lyrics, there are a lot of explicit or implied about 'sex', it can be said that this song is a 'small/yellow/song'.

Netizens ask to be taken off the shelf? How could the website listen to them, because this song occupies one of the major overseas charts, and is even more popular than Junsu's title song. A song that can bring benefits to a website, there is no reason for the website to take them off the shelf. And they haven't received a request from the Ministry of Culture to take it off the shelves, so they won't make money just because of the clamor of a few netizens? Isn't this bullshit?

The clamor of netizens continued to ferment on the online forum, and many netizens even came to Junxiu's SNS to leave a message, asking why Junxiu wrote such a song?

Facing the clamor on the Internet and the questioning of fans, Junxiu chose to turn a blind eye. Junsu didn't expect that the lyrics about the lyrics would overwhelm the news about him and Taeyeon two days ago. Junxiu seems to have become a sinner overnight, as if everything is okay, he will step on Junxiu's SNS.

What's more, someone came to Junsu's SNS to leave a message and said: "A person who writes small/yellow/song has sold 1.5 million albums? I really don't understand what happened to Junsu~www.wuxiaspot.com ~Are you morally depraved or depraved? Your girl group splits one by one, and you start selling small/yellow/songs again! Can you still be called an idol like this? I bah~!"

In the face of this message Junxiu finally replied: "I've fallen? Why don't so many people register for the 'African TV19' channel and go to the court to block the channel? So many junior high school students in Japan's 'love movies' are watching secretly behind their families Why didn’t you sue the International Court of Justice to eradicate this industry? Don’t pretend to be a Taoist guard here, and don’t pretend to be arrogant. If you have the ability to become a monk, the six faculties of Buddhism are pure, and you also have food and shelter! I Make my music, download it if you like it, delete it if you don't. Don't put 'morality' on my music, since you are so idle, you can use your 'moral' standard to measure the night channel of the TV station when you have time Well. There you can discover a continent wider than my music! And one more thing, morality is in the heart, not in the mouth!"

Junxiu once again 'fouled fans' on his SNS. Of course, Junxiu's words made many people who were in rhythm shut up. Because Junsu is right, don't use morality to kidnap his music!


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