Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 434: borrow money

? Girls' Generation's Pani suddenly said that he had no money, and he had to borrow money? If Junxiu hadn't heard clearly that it was Pani's own voice, he almost thought it was a scam call. But what Panney said on the phone to borrow money... This is what Junxiu didn't believe if he killed him. Junxiu has always known that Panney's daily life has no big expenses, and the biggest expense was recently buying a house in Los Angeles.

But even if he bought a house, he wouldn't let Pani ask Junxiu to borrow money, right? So Junsucai immediately asked if Pani was filming the show on the other end of the phone? But Pani was very depressed in Japan. She said to Junxiu on the phone: "No, I didn't shoot the show. I mean, can Oppa lend me some money? I have an urgent need here. "

Girls' Generation is obviously holding a concert there. What is the urgent need for Pani to ask Junsu to borrow money? So Junxiu thinks that Pani is filming something to say this. Maybe she is just inconvenient to say the 'show' now, or is this a test on the phone?

Junxiu didn't take borrowing money seriously, he said with a smile, "Okay, I see, how much do you want to borrow?"

"Oppa, I'm serious, I'm not kidding you, I really need 2 million!"

Borrow 2 million? Junxiu was amused when he heard this amount, because Junxiu, the unit behind 2 million, automatically classified it as 'KRW'. If it is a daily office worker, 2 million, which is their monthly salary. But on the other end of the phone is Girls' Generation's Pani, she only borrowed 2 million won. Isn't that a joke?

So Junxiu concluded that she was probably filming a show, so Junxiu smiled and said, "I see, 2 million, I'll transfer the account to you right away."

But listening to Junxiu's sleepiness, Pani became anxious, she called Junxiu depressed on the other end of the phone: "oppa~~" and then when she was anxious, she said to Junxiu in English: "I didn't talk to Junxiu. You're kidding me, I don't need Korean won or Japanese yen, I need US dollars, 2 million US dollars!!"

Junxiu finally became serious after hearing about the unit, because Pani couldn't ask himself to borrow 2 million US dollars for no reason. Junxiu finally put away his smile, and he said seriously to Penny on the other end of the phone: "Are you sure you really need two million dollars? Are you Penny? Wait, I'll make a video call for you. "

Because Paney said 2 million US dollars, this is 2 billion won, and this amount made Junsu have to confirm with his own eyes whether it was Paney on the other end of the phone? So he immediately hung up Pani's phone and called her via video. After the call was connected, it was Pani who was on the camera, but Pani, who likes to smile on weekdays, did not smile today. .

Junxiu confirmed the matter again in front of the camera: "Pani, are you sure you want to borrow $2 million? Are you kidding me?"

Pani said to Junxiu with a melancholy expression: "No, oppa, I really need this money urgently right now, my family... and I really don't know who to look for with such a large amount of money, please help me."

Looking at Pani's anxious appearance, Junxiu agreed without any hesitation: "Understood, send me your account number, and I will transfer it to you immediately."

"Thank you, thank you. I'll... write you an IOU when I get back to Korea."

"Wait when you come back, send me the account number first, and I have to go to the bank to apply for the transfer limit." The transfer limit needs to be adjusted for large-value transfers. Junxiu's bank card does not have such a large transfer amount. I can go to the bank.

After Junxiu hung up the phone, he waited for two minutes. He waited for Pani's text message. He still had to make sure that Pani was joking. If her reply was 'joking' Junxiu would not have to run. Because this is not a small amount, if it is true, then the text message from Pani is the bank account number!

Ding dong, after the text message rang, the phone displayed the bank account number and Huang Meiying's English name. Junxiu was sure that Pani's loan was true, but why did Pani suddenly ask for $2 million? Did something suddenly happen at her house? If it really was an accident at home, what was it? Although Junxiu's heart was still full of doubts, he still set off towards the bank.


Junxiu came to the bank counter with doubts, which surprised the lady at the counter. Junxiu took out her bank card and said with a smile, "Please help me transfer the amount, I need 2 million US dollars!"

Hearing Junxiu's increase in the transfer limit, the counter lady was surprised again, and she confirmed again and again: "Mr. Junxiu, are you sure you need to raise the amount to two million US dollars?"

"Yes. Please raise the amount to two million US dollars, oh, after the amount is raised, transfer two million US dollars to this account." Junxiu began to write Pani's account number and her real name to the counter. Then he took out his phone and called Pani again: "That~~ I'm in the bank now, do you really need it?"

"I really need it, oppa. My father has something in the Philippines and needs two million dollars. I'll tell you the specifics when I get back, okay?"

"Understood, as long as you've confirmed it. I'll transfer it to you right away! If you have any questions, please contact me in time."

"Well, I see, thanks oppa."

"That's it, I'll transfer the money to you first." After hanging up Pani's call, Junxiu nodded to the lady at the counter and said, "Please transfer two million dollars to this account~www.wuxiaspot.com~The lady at the counter Sitting next to her, listening to Junxiu's phone call to confirm the transfer, she was relieved that Junxiu was not deceived. Because the amount involved was too large, she was obliged to remind Junxiu to be more careful. But now she was relieved, she said with a smile, "Okay. , Mr. Junxiu, I will handle it for you right away. "

After transferring money, Junxiu got up and walked out of the bank. When Junxiu was in front of the bank, she received a text message from Pani, ‘It has been credited. Thank you oppa, I will tell you more specifically when I come back, thank you very much. ’

‘Although I don’t know the specifics, since money can solve the problem, don’t worry too much, come back and talk. ’

‘Thank you oppa. ’

After coming out of the bank, Junxiu was still full of doubts. Pani was too general. Something happened to her father. What happened and needed two million dollars? This is a number that cannot be ignored by anyone.

Although he didn't know what was going on, Junxiu still lent it to Pani without hesitation, and he didn't ask me in detail. Maybe every family has a scripture that is difficult to read?

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