Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 436: Taipa

?When Junxiu sang an encore with a trophy, this picture has been screenshotted and posted on the Internet by someone with a heart, but this picture was only used at the beginning of the article! Because the whole article is not only used for this picture, but also the pictures from N years ago. If Junxiu sees these pictures, he will definitely praise this fan for being really attentive.

Article title 'JS Junsu and Taeyeon have been in love all the time! ! ’ And then fans used a lot of pictures as examples. The first one is Junsu's encore singing just after winning the first place, and the next is Junsu's 'MV', a giant pictorial of Junsu's 'MV' with her upper body turned sideways and Taeyeon burning. Example of the official start after this photo! !

In 2009 Girls' Generation's "Gee" period, Kim Taeyeon's hair color was brown, and 2009 was handsome brown. In 2009, Taeyeon wore a 'red and black plaid shirt' on the show. Junsu was privately photographed by fans wearing the same red and black plaid shirt as Taeyeon.

In 10 years, Taeyeon wore a ring on her right ring finger, and everyone thought it was a decoration. Junsu also had a ring on his ring finger when he was photographed by fans at the airport. 11 years... In January 2013, Girls' Generation returned to Taeyeon with a necklace on her neck. Everyone thought that the necklace was an accessory. When Junsu participated in an event in the United States, he was photographed by fans with a necklace hanging from his neck! !

This fan listed Taeyeon and Junsu's hair color, clothes, accessories, etc. as evidence that the two are in love after their debut in Girls' Generation! !

Before Junsu read this article, some fans immediately listed new evidence that when Yoona wore a printed T-shirt with 'Giant Panda', Junsu also wore the same giant panda printed T-shirt. When Yoona dyed her hair, Junxiu also dyed her hair. When Yoona wore a ring and necklace, Junxiu appeared in different places with rings and necklaces. The final conclusion is that there are many pictures of women's idols and Junxiu's "same style" that can be freely searched on the Internet. Can this be used as evidence? ’

After Junsu emerged from the TV station amid cheers from fans, he pulled out his phone and saw the news as he sat in the car home. Especially when Junxiu saw the example of this fan several times, he really caught his and Taeyeon's couple accessories, especially the necklace that Taeyeon wore this year as an example from fans.

That necklace is really a couple's jewelry, but fortunately, Taeyeon didn't show the pendant when she was wearing the necklace, because the pendant she was wearing was a 'fish hook', which was the 'J' representing Junxiu, and The necklace that Junsu is wearing is the symbol of Taeyeon's constellation 'Pisces'. If the two of them accidentally exposed the pendant and were photographed, I really don't know what to say.

Fortunately, someone on the Internet has come out to 'rehabilitate' this so-called evidence. Junxiu put away the phone and looked at the agent and asked, "By the way, when will you shoot "RS" tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow morning, after the rehearsal of "Music Bank", you will go there to record. Maybe the program team will call you for a brief interview. By the way, are you going to eat it back, or...?"

"Go back and eat, Taeyeon and the others are coming back today."

"Are you coming back today? Don't they want to host the show the day after tomorrow?" Tai, Di, and Xu are still the hosts of the music program "Music Center", and this time they come back to host the last episode of the show. This song-playing program was not broadcast directly before, because their program group has not selected the "One" since 2005, so the program has always been recorded and broadcasted.

Only recently did the program team plan to revise the edition and resume the 'one' selection, and if there is a selection, there will be a live broadcast. Therefore, the revision of the program team also planned to change the host, because they have been hosting for more than a year, and the host of the show has changed almost every year.

"Well, this time they came back one day earlier, and came back for a day off." Because of Pani's matter, she wanted to come back and give Junxiu an explanation. So I applied to go back to Korea one day earlier, and Taeyeon and others came back with her, planning to take a day off.


When Junxiu's car arrived home, the street lights at the entrance of his house were all on, which meant that someone was at home. After Junxiu got out of the car, he made an appointment with his agent and went in after leaving at five o'clock tomorrow morning. When I got home, I saw Taeyeon and Pani, who occupied the sofa one by one, and the two of them were still watching today's song-fighting show.

Junxiu, who entered the room, hadn't removed the stage makeup on his face. He stared at the two of them and said, "I don't watch the live broadcast, but watch the replay? When did you come back?"

Taeyeon said listlessly: "An hour ago, we came back to take a shower, you came back just after lying down, we haven't eaten yet. (Hungry

Pani smiled when he saw Junxiu and said, "Wow, today's oppa is a world star!"

Because Junsu often sees them put on makeup and jokes, "It's Girls' Generation", today it's Pani's turn to joke with Junsu.

"Sit down for a while, I'll wash my face and come out to cook." Junxiu, who had just walked two steps, turned to Taeyeon and said, "By the way, Taeyeon cooks the rice."

"Nei!" Taeyeon got up lazily and went to cook when Junxiu entered the room to wash her face. Penny also got up from the sofa at this time, she and Taeyeon went to the kitchen together, but she went to make coffee.

Junsu quickly washed his face and changed into comfortable clothes. When he came out, he actually saw Taeyeon and Pani sitting at the table in the dining room, eating kimchi empty-handedly?

"I said the two of you.. is this salty~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just stuttering for fun? Haven't you eaten Korean food in Japan?"

Taeyeon put a spring onion kimchi in her mouth, chewed it, and said, "We are not in Tokyo, where can we find Korean food? Huaxia Cuisine has seen a few, but after so long, suddenly I just want to eat kimchi."

"Aren't you two running back and forth? Didn't you eat Korean food when you came back?"

"I don't have time. After I come back, I go directly to the TV station. When I'm hungry, I order a bowl of fried noodles on the TV station. After the filming, I flew to Japan right away. It's not like you didn't know that I didn't spend the night in Korea."

At present, take-out is generally called Chinese cuisine in South Korea. At present, only pork trotters can be taken out in Korean cuisine. No, it is accurate to say that pork trotters can also be regarded as the "braised boiled" of Chinese cuisine.

"It's really stupid. If you want to eat Korean food so much, go to the TV cafeteria to eat it during filming."

Taeyeon looked at Junxiu dejectedly and said, "Oppa, we are recording in a different restaurant. MBC only has a cafeteria in the main restaurant. We can't leave the show and go to the main restaurant to eat and come back?"

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