Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 439: "RadioStar" (Part 1)

?The next day Junxiu came to MBC after the rehearsal to start recording "", the program officially started recording, the four hosts began to introduce Junxiu in turn: "In 2013, our program finally ushered in the most powerful since its launch. He is the pioneer of the Hallyu wave that has swept across Asia, and a world star that has swept across Europe and the United States, and he is the SuperStar of Stars!"

"He is the legend of the idol world, the legend of the music industry, and the legend of our entire Korean music industry!" "He is the richest person in Korea's music copyright tax, and the second GD registered 144 songs! He is a network of contacts. The rich man, he is friends with many world stars! He is a rich man with fans, and his SNS registration reaches 20 million fans a month! He is also our favorite gossip rich man in "RS"! We have our only guest today: World star JS Junsu!!"

After Junxiu entered the recording site, he laughed when he saw the exaggerated seat 'Throne' prepared by the program team: "You set this chair for me to sit on, I may be on the front page the next day after sitting down, 'Junxiu disrespects seniors! Sit on the throne alone!' PD, please change me a bathroom stool."

Junsu's first sentence made the seniors laugh, and Yoon Jongxin smiled at Junsu and said, "Hahaha~~ Sit down, Junsu, it's alright. Anyway, you're not afraid of too much news. I read your news every day."

Junsu pretended to be surprised, and looked at MC Cho Kyuhyun who was sitting at the back, and said, "Kyuhyun, come, let's change chairs. Of course, the juniors of your company have carried it for my seniors. "

After a while of joking, Yin Zhongxin greeted Junxiu to sit down: "Hahaha.. Sit, sit, it's okay, the audience can understand!"

Before sitting down, Junxiu gave the album to the four hosts: "Senior Yoon Jongshin, are you a musician anyway? My album is pretty good in my opinion, why are you reluctant to pay for an album to support it? What about us juniors?"

Yin Zhongxin took Junxiu's album and flipped through it and said, "It's obviously free, so why should I pay for it? I have a large family to support, so save if you can."

Junsu immediately stretched out his hand towards Yoon Jongxin: "Return the album, as you put it, there are more people in our 'JS Entertainment' family. I can sell one more!"

"Hahaha~~" After the show was broadcast, Junxiu entered the scene in less than a few minutes, and the audience had already laughed several times. Junsu deserves to be the 'MC material' that Yoo Jae Suk admits! !


After a simple opening joke, Junxiu sat on the "throne" prepared for him by the program team and began a formal interview. After sitting down, Junxiu deliberately twisted and said, "This chair... always feels like sitting on your buttocks."

"Haha~~" Liu Shiyun smiled and said, "It's true that the chairs here are a bit hot. I heard that Junxiu didn't want to come to our show. I don't know why he came suddenly today? What made you change your mind? ?"

"Changed my mind?" Junxiu tilted his head and said, "Hmm~ Honestly, it's because the production cost of your program team has suddenly increased tenfold compared to the previous filming, so I'm here."

Junxiu said such a realistic side, which made Yin Zhongxin burst into laughter again: "Hahaha~~ You mean that our program team has increased the production cost tenfold each time, and you can come every time?"

"Huh? Aren't you a variety show? Why did you suddenly plan to adapt it into a serial?"

Junxiu's stalking always hits the audience's laughter, and the presenters also felt that Junxiu was simply a slippery 'loach' and couldn't control it at all. They wanted to dig out some news from Junxiu's body, using this The way around ' certainly won't work. So Liu Shiyun took the script and started a frontal attack!

After another burst of laughter, comedian Liu Shiyun said to Junsu: "Junsuxi, you have been at the center of the conversation since your new album came out. Especially the heroine in the title song, the captain of Girls' Generation. Kim Taeyeon xi'Many people on the Internet are saying that the two of you are actually dating? Of course, some people say that the 'protagonist' in the lyrics and the 'protagonist' used in the MV are actually Kim Taeyeon? In this regard, What do you want to tell the audience?"

"If you ask me like this, I really have nothing to tell the audience. I think songs are songs, news is news, don't list songs as news. As for me and Taeyeon.. Feel free to think what you want. Say we are in love , Well, we are in love. Saying that the content of my song is about love with Taeyeon, well, the lyrics are written by Taeyeon, the answer everyone needs is this, isn't it?"

The host was stunned when he heard Junxiu's words. Did Junxiu admit it or not? To be honest, they couldn't tell the difference. Because Junxiu's words were extremely vague, it was considered an admission, and it was a denial, it was up to their program team to edit it. Whether it's a demon clip~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or an angel clip, it all depends on the program team, which means that Junxiu has given the program the right to choose.

Then Junsu said: "Actually, when I made this song at the beginning, I was very hesitant to publish it? Because this song was made last year, and it was the song when the album was released last year. It was already on the list at that time, but in the end the company chose to pinch the song down. Because all the songs at that time had MVs. The MV was also designed at the beginning, but the heroine really didn't know who to choose? Like Like today, no matter who I choose to be the heroine, it will be on the entertainment news. Just like this time, the company proposed the first candidate to be my sister, Shun Kyu.”

Junsu said that the title gradually began to go wrong, but Liu Shiyun didn't care so much, he repeated the theme again: "Um.. Junsuxi, what we want to ask is whether the lyrics were written because of breaking up with Taeyeon. of?"

"Wow.. Now the talk shows are so direct, so powerful? Okay, then I'll say something more powerful. That's right because I quarreled with Taeyeon for a while, and the quarrel was serious, that's why I created this song by taking advantage of the trend. Yes, everyone guessed right, Taeyeon and I are in love, and the speculation on the Internet is true, everything is true, and Taeyeon and I are in love We've been dating for many years."

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