Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 446: And such a big event?

?Taeyeon went into the bedroom to look for her birthday present and never came out, because she liked the birthday present Junxiu prepared for her, and it was something she had been pondering and researching recently... nail art! She likes to do her own nails when she has nothing to do at home on weekdays, and Junxiu specially prepared her the 'Opi neon suit' as a birthday present after knowing that and some small nail art accessories bought from Huaxia by a trustee. Yeon just couldn't put it down.

Gifts are not expensive, but they must be in line with your heart. Taeyeon doesn't need any luxury bags, but these small bottles of nail polish can be completely satisfied. Don't look at that it's just a bottle of nail polish, but a heart, understand her heart. The same bottle of nail polish also means that Junxiu has been paying attention to her all the time, and even her recent preferences have been kept in mind.

The meal for the two of them was almost ready, and Taeyeon came to Junsu with a bright smile with her hands behind her back, and then she pointed the nails of her hands to Junxiu and showed him: "Denpao~ ~How is it? Pretty?"

Junxiu smiled and nodded and said: "The flowers outside are not as bright as your fingers. Sit down, it will be ready in a moment. Just the two of us, I will simply prepare some. Okay, you will light up your fingers again. Show me, the meat is mushy."

Only then did Taeyeon put away her hands in satisfaction, sat in the restaurant, and watched Junxiu cook the rice: "Thank you, Oppa, this birthday present is very thoughtful, I like it very much. Where are you those trinkets? Bought it?" Because she kept the equipment for making nails in the dormitory, those accessories were not useful for the time being.

"The trustee bought it from Huaxia, how about it, many accessories are different from those in Korea, right?"

"Well, some are good-looking, some are not good-looking. It doesn't matter, in short, I have received Oppa's heart, thank you."

Junxiu was also bought by someone, but they are not professional manicurists. Which ones look good? Those who don't look good can't grasp Taeyeon's mind, right? However, she was satisfied.

Soon Junxiu prepared dinner, fresh shrimp and winter melon soup, stir-fried pork with kimchi, fried beef with enoki mushroom and spinach, and fried bean sprouts. Taeyeon looked at the fat beef roll, she smiled and dipped the sauce in front of her and put it in her mouth, then hummed contentedly and said, "Oppa is so attentive, rolling fat beef? The sauce is good, how did you make it? "

"Soy sauce, garlic paste, chives, sesame oil, chili noodles, fish sauce, mustard."

Taeyeon's head was big when Junxiu was talking about the seasoning, she shook her head slightly and took a roll dipped in sauce and put it into her mouth: "It's too complicated, I want to eat it later, aren't you here? "

"I'll never get bored of cooking for you for the rest of my life. Have some soup, clear soup, not Korean thick soup."

"I can talk, I don't know how many people envy me after waiting for the news?"

"Oh, that's right...." Junsu told Taeyeon about the show, which was the "past tense" that the hosts and the others conjectured at the end. Taeyeon, who was still excited at first, also lost a lot when she heard that it finally became 'past tense'. She held the soup bowl and took two sips as if drinking. After putting down the bowl, she said with a little regret: " The 'past tense' is fine, so we all have less troubles, at least the 'past tense' media won't run after us. By the way, Sooyoung is in love."

Taeyeon's last sentence, "Xiuying is in love," made Junxiu's eyes widen: "Huh? When did it happen? Who is the other party?"

Taeyeon stopped and said, "Church oppa, teach oppa. Wasn't Soo Young filmed by the media when she came back in February? It's actor Jung Kyung Ho, the two of them belong to the same church."

Of course Junxiu knew that when Xiuying came back to film "Late Night TV Interpretation" in February, she was photographed by the media having dinner with actor Zheng Jinghao. As soon as the news came out, the company immediately came forward to deny the scandal, saying that two People are just friends. Junxiu never asks Xiuying about these more private matters. In fact, after getting along for a long time, it is natural to know that the best boundary to maintain each other's friendship is not to ask in private.

It's like they never ask Taeyeon and Junsu in private, it's the same reason that they know they are in love anyway, as for their love process, there's no need to ask them, at most they say two things when they are joking occasionally. sentence.

Junsu finally knew why when he and Taeyeon were talking on the phone recently, Sooyoung, who danced the most fiercely on weekdays, didn't clamor next to him, but Pani and Hyoyeon clamored loudly. It turned out that she was in love with herself, and she was a 'sinner', so how could she say Taeyeon was a 'sinner'.

Junxiu felt incredible and said: "What, this news is actually true? I really didn't expect it. I said before that 'church oppa' goes to church not to pray hard, but to find fate."

"Hee hee~~ Fortunately, I'm not a believer." Neither Taeyeon nor Junsu believed in religion.

"Wow.. No wonder Xiuying stopped dancing recently. The result is like this. Now it's my turn to fight back. I have to chat with Xiuying after dinner."

"What are you talking about, let's eat your meal. Why do you care so much about other people's love? You can't clean up your own mess!"

Taeyeon's last sentence made Junsu can only shut up obediently. Yes, he can't clean up his own 'mess', so is he going to point out Xiuying? Forget it, say a few words less and eat two more bites of rice.

Looking at Junxiu who became obedient~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Taeyeon felt that her last words were a bit too much, so she smiled and said, "When are you going to Japan? Is your birthday in Korea? How many of you can do it all together?"

Junsu, Shunkyu, and Yoona, all three of them have their birthdays in May. Taeyeon calculated the three-week promotion and singing time, and it looks like Junsu will go to Japan in the middle of May. By then, Junsu will not be able to participate in the birthday party of Shungui and Yoona. That's why she came up with the idea of ​​holding a party in May, just so she could use this topic to divert her unhappy remarks just now.

"I don't mind, my birthday is in the first place anyway. Ah~~ Speaking of birthdays, oops, I forgot to send a wish to Sika. Ahem~~ It's all over.. Really."

"It doesn't matter, we all know that you have been very busy with your return these days, we can understand."

"Hey, it's too late to send another blessing at this time?"

"Of course it's late, but you can prepare a gift, and it's not bad to give her a blessing along the gift. Just say, although the blessing is late, the gift will never be forgotten!"

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