Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 455: Sika friend, surname Quan? (superior)

? Junsu sits with the comedians and listens to them chatting some interesting things that come up in theaters. The most important thing in theater performance is to perform on the spot. Although the audience is right, there are times when you forget your words after you take the stage. When you forget your words, how to round up the scene and how to amuse the audience will make certain jokes.

The performance of comedians is different from that of actors. Actors can say sorry when they make mistakes, and then try again. And their performances, like dramas, are directly facing the audience, and their performances have no 'Cut'. So, when the lines are stuck, they will be solved by playing on the spot, and the on-the-spot performance may not be perfect, so the joke was born. Fortunately, they played a comedy, and everyone laughed and passed.

Their comedy would not appear in a serious drama like Junxiu, so Junxiu laughed along with the daily jokes they told, as well as the jokes they made when they were drinking together in private on weekdays. Although their lives are not very wealthy, they are not even better than office workers. After all, they can't live on the money from performances. They still have to do some part-time jobs.

After working part-time to make money, everyone would get together at 'AA' to eat and drink, and as soon as the wine was drunk, more jokes would come out, and Junsu himself had made several jokes because of drinking.

Junsu told some jokes about her drinking, and they told some jokes about their drinking. After the joke was finished, Junxiu said to them: "You have seen the rise of the entertainment industry in the past few years. For example, "I Knot" and "RM" are very popular in Asia. And there are a lot of TVs in Huaxia, and online platforms have come to buy the copyright and plan to remake it, and your comedy world will slowly get better. I believe that in two years at the latest, your comedy world will be integrated into the entertainment industry. went..."

Junxiu continued to talk about his analysis: "Because in daily life, I prefer to watch your funny jokes than regular variety shows. I think watching your performances on weekends when life is so depressing will really make you feel better. I feel a lot better, really, even I think watching your performances is more interesting than watching TV dramas. TV dramas have been compiled in the past, and those stories of love and love will naturally become boring after a long time. So the joy you bring to the public It has become extremely important. This is the conjecture of President Li Xiuman and I about the future market. With a large number of recruits, actors and you comedians. You have to work hard for the past two years, and the circle you are in will definitely be good. Get up!"

Junxiu told them about his and Li Xiuman's "market analysis" of the future market, which means that he was cheering them on and giving them confidence. It is normal to think about it. If you are not optimistic about the future comedy market, it is impossible to sign some comedians who can't find much money.

As the oldest senior, Park Na Rae said with a smile: "We have persevered for so many years, don't worry, we can still eat this bit of hardship. Junsuxi, your words have given us a lot of motivation, in the future. We take every job seriously.”

Junxiu nodded, got up and left, he no longer bothered them to continue drinking. And they also felt that there was no point in continuing to stay here, because there was no food in the nightclub, only wine and fruit. Junxiu's words gave a certain amount of inspiration. So they decided to go out to the nightclub to find a late-night snack stall for a drink. Comedians also came to say goodbye to Junsu.

Because of GSD and SISTAR, they are both very busy girl groups in business and performance. The artists of SUJU are those who can talk for a long time after debuting like SUJU, and there are people who are crazy like Girls' Generation.

Junxiu didn't choose to get together with them, and he always sat alone at the bar drinking wine. As for them, no one bothered Junxiu, because Junxiu was with the seniors, so they could just say hello, and it was impossible to sit and chat together. Because there is a bit of a rift in my heart. Later, because they started chatting, Junsu wouldn't pay attention.

On the contrary, Taeyeon came over at this time, her cheeks were already red, Junxiu reached out and held her hot cheeks: "How much did you drink?"

"Two glasses of champagne, sitting over there and chatting with Kim Heechul and SHINee's children. You know, I'll make a face when I drink. By the way, they'll go to your house later, so as not to go back drunk."

"Let's go, there are only three bedrooms anyway. Let's sleep together, or make a floor in the living room. As for Sika, why didn't you see her?"

Taeyeon looked back at Girls' Generation's location, but she still didn't see Sika before she said, "Oh, she said she was going to pick up a friend? Why hasn't she come back yet."

Junxiu nodded and said, "Well, she told me to go out earlier, I thought she had drunk too much and went back first."

Sometimes, just after Junxiu's voice fell, Sika walked in with a man, which made Junxiu very surprised, Sika smiled and came to Junxiu's side and introduced: "oppa, this guy is Quan Ning. One, from an entertainment company."

The man named Quan Ningyi took the initiative to reach out and shook hands with Junxiu, and then took out his business card~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said in English: "Hello, JS, my name is Quan Ningyi, and I have an entertainment program for myself. The company, I hope to cooperate with you in the future."

This Quan Ningyi, who has a big hair, does not give Junxiu a good sense, so Junxiu glanced at his business card casually and said, "There is no good cooperation between us, right? Development. The entertainment industry is not bad. Not bad. Now.. The entertainment market in that place is too small, and the investment is not enough compared to Huaxia. By the way, did all the artists go to the embrace of the motherland?"

"The market is much smaller than Huaxia, but the copyright awareness there is sound."

Junxiu shook his head and said: "Huaxia is not bad, high. The price of Huaxia Business Performance is 500 million won for me. After tax, the three songs are almost '500,000'. I've never heard of anyone charging such a price for a show."

"The price of $500,000 for a commercial performance is impossible."

Then Junxiu said in fluent Chinese: "So, I'll just go to Huaxia. Why, I can't make any money. Oh, there is a branch office."

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