Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 464: 30 million (below)

?In the beginning, when Sika said invested 30 million, he didn't say the currency, so Junsu naturally thought it was Korean Won. Thirty million won is enough to open a small store, and the location of this small store cannot be selected in the Jiang/Nan district where an inch of land is expensive. This price is not even good for the location of the store on the edge of the southern district, so don't think about the tree-lined road and the place like Cheongdam-dong. Otherwise, a tenth of the security deposit of 30 million won would not be enough.

But when Sika said that the currency was 'dollars', Junxiu's eyes almost fell. Because a single currency is different, its value has doubled a thousand times. Junxiu stared at Sika with wide-eyed eyes: "What.. what? Three.. Thirty million dollars? I heard right, you said thirty million.. dollars!!"

"Well, 30 million dollars, I plan to open my own flagship store..." Sika just said the first step, Junxiu immediately interrupted Sika's dizziness: "Don't say it, Don't think about this plan, it's unrealistic. I don't know who made this plan for you, and I don't know if the person you cooperate with is a chaebol, but the initial investment of 30 million US dollars.. Whether it is a scam or not , you don't touch it, if you touch it, there is only one way to die."

Junxiu's words made Sika hit the brakes to the end. If Junsu hadn't fastened his seat belt, Junsu would have flown out, and he looked at Sika in astonishment. But Sika looked at Junxiu coldly and said, "What do you mean by that?"

Looking at Sika's appearance, Junxiu could only sigh helplessly: "Oh, my God, do you really not understand what I mean by saying this? You are so cute and stupid, do you think I I set up my own agency and thought I made a lot of money? How is that possible? I also own 40% of the shares! You think 'JS Entertainment' is wholly owned by me, can they not let me set up a wholly owned company of my own? You are really stupid, how do you think I got the position of director? The shares of JS Entertainment were exchanged..."

Junxiu continued: "You invested 30 million US dollars? You still open a flagship store? In your hands, your portrait rights are included in the contract. You can turn a blind eye to a small store company. But you are now a business, and you are still a big company with an investment of 30 billion won. You think the company allows you to sell Girls' Generation's fame, don't forget, you Jessica is also Girls' Generation! Everything about you is printed with Girls' Generation Logo, what do you think? .."

"Why did we disband TVXQ in the first place? It was because those three opened their own cosmetic companies, which were still small companies at the time, and they had a lot of trouble with the company. What are you trying to do now? Start a business? Are you planning to quit? Is Girls' Generation fully committed to the side business? Really, are you short-circuited? Believe in such a cooperation plan? What do people like about you? Design? Graduated from the department, there are many people who understand fashion, and I have never seen them open their own brands! People value the fame of Girls' Generation you carry, which is more valuable than your design!! But 'Girls' Generation' does not belong to you Ah, Xiuyan. If you use it on a product in the future, you will be subject to a lawsuit! Thirty million.. in US dollars? Hehe~~ If the collaborator in your mouth says something like this in front of me, I will directly He just slapped it, does he want cooperation? Or does he want to tear down your Girls' Generation?"

Junsu frowned after saying this to Sika, because Girls' Generation's contract was about to end, so Junsu heard Sika's "ridiculous cooperation" and immediately began to wonder if it was outside. Is your company trying to break up Girls' Generation? To know that Girls' Generation is recognized as the number one girl group, they will naturally attract jealousy when they stand at the top of the girl group.

After all, there is only such a small market in Korea that they can't let their family dominate. It's the best to break up Girls' Generation with a strategy. If you can pull one or two to your own company, that's perfect! And wasn't the friend that Sika brought last night working as a brokerage company?

So Junxiu tilted his head and said, "Sika, the collaborator you mentioned...couldn't be the friend you brought last night?"

Junxiu looked at Sika's expression after saying this, and when Sika heard that Junxiu guessed the person directly, she was stunned for two seconds before nodding.

Sika's nodding made Junxiu's brows stand up all of a sudden: "Hehe, it's really him? Yesterday I felt that his intentions were impure, but the result is true? Cooperation? What good cooperation is there with such a person? When you were sold, you still helped to count the money. With 30 million dollars, do you really think your girlhood is a money printing machine? Sika, you must not cooperate with such a person, otherwise I will not be able to save you. Let me save you. Hmm~ Don't worry about your side business, I'll help you think of a way later. When I go to ask 'Tony brother', he used to make school uniforms. Although he failed, I will help you to ask what is involved. You must not rush people to cooperate with you, do you understand?"

Sika nodded and said to Junxiu with a smile, "Got it."

Junxiu looked at Sika's smile at this moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't know if she heard it or not? If you don't take your warnings to heart and insist on cooperating with someone, the consequences will be disastrous. So Junsu has to find a way for Sika as soon as possible!

Sika started the car and the two continued to drive towards the market down the mountain, while Junxiu just threw away the cigarette in his hand and immediately lit another one. Because of Sika's incident this time, the alarm bell is ringing. At this time, it is not only the side business, but also their contract issues. It's not superficial to look at the problem, so the next thing requires him as a director to spend some time.

As for Sika's sideline business, Junxiu really had to take the time to chat with her carefully. If she just wanted to open a shop similar to Yoon Eun Hye's, he could rent Sika a Cheongdam-dong facade without a deposit. If her heart is really as big as '30 million US dollars', this matter must not bypass the company. Once she bypasses the company and works alone, there will be a battle between Sika and the company.

Of course Junxiu didn't want to see Sika and the company fighting against each other, because after the fight between the two sides, it was Girls' Generation who was injured. After all, this group Junxiu also bothered. This is something he really doesn't want to see.

So Junsu has to find the best way to cooperate, Sika, the company, Girls' Generation! !

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