Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 479: sweet breakfast

?Junxiu suddenly remembered that there is a special candidate among the stylists, Jessica, doesn't she want to do a fashion career? And isn't it the most direct fashion in terms of album styling? So Junxiu wanted her to be responsible for the design of her album this time, so that she could accumulate more design concepts and ideas. The most important thing is that she has connections in Japan, and without spending money, Junxiu doesn't have to worry about whether the fashion that Sika understands meets his own standards.

Exercise Sika and save the cost of album production. Moreover, the clothing sponsorship involved in the album needs to be negotiated by the stylist Sika, which can improve her business negotiation level in the future. So Junsu feels that choosing Sika this time as a stylist is a matter of self-interest.

Yui, who was sitting next to her, looked at Junxiu dumbly: "If you invite a fashion editor, I can really recommend two to you."

Junxiu smiled and shook his head and said, "Hee hee~ No need, I found a stylist who is perfect for me, Jessica of Girls' Generation! It happened that she was telling me some time ago that she was going to make fashion products. Sideline. This time, I can invite her for my album styling, and Girls' Generation has no schedule during this period, and will not delay her work. I will go back and call her later!"

"Let's fight tomorrow, it's so late now." After Yui said this, she distracted from Junxiu's stylist: "By the way, I asked the director about the progress today, and he said that it might be in a few days. The filming is over, how about we go to Okinawa to rest for a few days and then come back?”

After a busy shooting period, it is good to go to Okinawa to relax for a few days, and there are so many paparazzi in Tokyo, especially the paparazzi know that Junsu will be very dangerous when he is in Tokyo, so choosing to go to Okinawa is temporary. to avoid the paparazzi. And Junsu can also take two photos at the airport to induce paparazzi.

Junxiu nodded and said, "Okay, it's all about translation anyway. It's the same in Okinawa and Tokyo."

"There are a lot of things that need to be prepared to make an album. Will going to Okinawa delay your work too much?" Yui still doesn't want to be too selfish. After all, Junxiu's main focus this time is the preparation of the album. She has also tried the career of a singer before. She knows that there are many things that need to be prepared in the early stage of an album, and Junxiu is not only a singer, he is also the producer of the album, so she thinks about her own arrangement. Wouldn't it delay Junsu's album preparation too much?

"It's alright. In the early stage, it was mainly stage planning, MV costumes, makeup, etc. It's fine to leave these to the stylist and stage planner. My main responsibility here is still music. Translation is the biggest part of this album. problem."

When Junxiu said the word 'translation', Yui remembered the hard work she had done with him to complete the job, and she subconsciously called out, "Wow~~ Translation is too difficult."

"Hehe.. that's right, hey.. it would be much easier if my Japanese reading and writing skills were better."

"You speak Japanese very well. If you didn't know it, they wouldn't even notice that you're a foreigner. Hehe~~"


When Junxiu's scent stays by her side, Yui's spirit will naturally relax, so she will feel that even dozing off will become extremely sweet, maybe it's because of a long-term habit, when Junxiu is there, she knows He would always wake himself up and tell her not to be late for work. Every time is no exception, and today is the same.

Enjoying the sweet Yui in my sleep, I suddenly smelled the very familiar smell of shampoo, close to the soft lips and imprinted on the corner of my mouth, Junxiu's familiar and gentle voice appeared in my ears: "Little lazy pig, get up."

At this time, Yui began to twist her body, letting herself lie flat and stretch her waist. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Junxiu's familiar smile. Yui habitually stretched out her hands towards Junxiu and asked for a hug. Junxiu leaned down slightly and gave her a big hug, while Yui kissed him twice before she was willing to let go of this man who loved him so deeply.

Junxiu put Yui's underwear where she could touch it: "Quickly wash up and go out to eat, the manager will be here in a while."

"Hehe~ Oppa is so good at home." Yui said with a sweet smile, then reached out and started to put on her underwear. Yui is used to the 'fruit sleep' when she is with Junxiu, and she is absolutely at home alone on weekdays Will not sleep red fruit. Only when he's around, because she likes the way her skin rubs against his, she likes the ease of sleeping with her legs on his, she likes snuggling in her arms and smelling him the scent, she liked everything he felt around her...

After a while, Yui looked at the breakfast on the dining table, a Okinawa miso soup, a fried salmon, a French scrambled egg, a vegetable salad, and some Korean kimchi, a simple Japanese-style comprehensive breakfast The cooking is done.

Yui looked at the Japanese breakfast on the table, she smiled and said, "Hey~~ the Japanese breakfast that oppa made today?"

"After breakfast, you have the strength to shoot."

Yui smiled and dug a spoonful of soup: "Hahaha~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Okinawa miso soup is getting better and better, even better than me."

"When you make the soup, you put raw onions. I fry the onions and add the soup. The natural sweetness that the onions bring out after they are cooked is a caramel flavor, which is better than when you make them directly into the soup. Sweeter."

Junxiu began to criticize her cooking, which made Yui pouted at Junxiu in dissatisfaction. Junxiu looked at her extremely cute appearance and said with a smile, "Try it, the honey grapefruit salmon specially prepared for you."

"Honey grapefruit?" Yui put the fried fish in front of her, she looked at the salmon sauce, Junxiu smiled and picked up a knife and fork to separate the fish: "I made it with fresh cream. The sauce is mixed with grapefruit juice and honey. It has a sweet taste. The salmon is also fried for five years. It looks burnt on the outside, but it is actually fried until the skin is crispy. Try it.”

Junxiu scooped out a spoonful of fish and sauce with a spoon and fed it to Yui, Yui stretched out her head to receive Junxiu's feeding, and when the food entered her mouth, Yui stared at Junxiu with wide eyes: "Wow~~ delicious~! The crunchy texture, the sweet and sour taste of grapefruit, and the aroma of fresh cream will always stimulate the appetite and make people want to eat it all the time." Yui said and picked up the spoon again and scooped it out. into the mouth...

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