Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 484: Brother and sister shopping (below)

?From Chiyoda of Junxiu's house to Shibuya, the terrifying flow of people has already been felt before leaving the station. There are many people getting off and getting on. Especially when I came out of the station, I felt the crowded Shibuya. There are also many tourists taking pictures in front of the Hachiko sculpture. Junxiu and Shungui also stayed at this 'Hachiko Dog', watching the street where people came and went.

Shibuya, like Ginza and Shinjuku, are both commercial centers and trendy places. The people coming and going here are definitely beyond your imagination. Junsu and Shungui just stood in front of the small park of Hachiko and heard many languages. For Shun Kyu, being able to stand in the crowd like this is already very satisfying. In Korea, it is almost impossible for her to go shopping like this.

As they said on the show, Girls' Generation will be recognized by fans even if they wear a mask in South Korea, but only one shoulder is exposed, and this situation will not appear on the streets of Tokyo, so they are all in South Korea. I don't like going out very much.

Although the flow of people in Shibuya is large, the taste of freedom exudes in Shungui's heart. The repressed mood she and Junxiu had at home earlier became much more comfortable with the people who came and went in Shibuya. Junxiu put his arms around Shungui's shoulder naturally and said, "Let's go, let's go for a walk, otherwise why are we standing here? We don't take pictures."

Shungui immediately stared at Junxiu with wide eyes: "Why don't you take pictures? It's a very rare thing for me to come to the center of Shibuya. When we were in Tokyo before, we never had the opportunity to go to the streets. What am I doing out here?" After saying that, Shungui took out his mobile phone and handed it to Junxiu: "Oppa, ask someone to help take a picture."

Shun Kyu is a typical Korean girl, the only language she can speak is Korean. Therefore, it is best to leave it to Junxiu, who can speak many languages, to find someone to take pictures. Whether it is a passing Japanese or other overseas tourists taking pictures here, he can communicate well.

Junxiu smiled wryly and held Shungui's mobile phone, and troubled a Japanese young man next to him, asking him to help take pictures of the two of them. However, this Japanese young man looked at Shungui and Junxiu very strangely, because the shooting of the two of them was very strange. It would be fine if they didn't take off their sunglasses, but they didn't even take off their masks. This kind of photo is really Can it be used as a memorial...

The Japanese young man took a few photos of Junsu and Shungui. After thanking Junxiu, he hugged Shungui and started walking aimlessly through the crowd, while Shungui lowered his head and started a cross-ocean chat mode. , after she selected the photo, she immediately sent it to Girls' Generation's chat room.

"Shibuya, there are so many people. However, it is unexpectedly comfortable to go shopping in a place with a lot of people. Are you envious?"

The first person to reply to Shungui was Pani: "Yeah, when did you go to Tokyo? Why didn't you tell me, I want to go too!"

Hyoyeon: "Sungyu, take off Junsu's mask and see how popular he is in Tokyo?"

"Hehe, when Junxiu's mask was torn off on the street, Na Shungui could only go home alone."

Junsu and Shungui just walked and stopped on the streets like that. Walking on the streets of Shibuya, everything here seems to make Shungui feel very comfortable. It is too much for their profession to enjoy this 'freedom'. Valuable. Women as big as Shun Gyu, who doesn't like to go shopping, who doesn't like to get together with three or five friends, but their occupations have drawn a 'cage' for them in Seoul and they can't go anywhere!

Having chosen this profession, they expected this outcome, so they had to accept it all. Enjoying the glory brought by fame, and at the same time earning money that most people of the same age cannot earn, it is inevitable to have a relative professional restraint!


Shopping always feels like time flies. Shunkyi went to the department store from the streets of Shibuya. Even if she didn't buy it, she was very happy looking at the dazzling array of products. Only when she went shopping did she feel like she came out to play.

After entering the department store from Shun Gyu in the afternoon, when she came out, the sun had already started to set here. In the middle, I drank a cup of coffee and took a break for less than half an hour. At this time, Shungui held some trophies in his hand and said with a smile: "Yes, this is the enjoyment you should have when you go abroad. By the way, you will find Xixi later in the afternoon. Ka coming to Japan? Will she agree?"

"I haven't asked her yet, how do I know if she agrees or not? Isn't she at home lately? I serve delicious food and drink here, and I also give her work experience on a sideline. She has no reason not to. Come on? Could it be that she has wronged her for styling my album, and she still wants to ask me for a fee?"

Shun Kyu divided half of the booty in her hand for Junsu to hold, and then she stopped asking the 'stylist' question. Because her fashion level is really not as high as Sika and the others, this is something she knows in her heart. Even if it sounds ugly, her fashion has not been completely straightened out, so she will not include it in Junxiu's album styling. Yes, after all, that's a very important thing.

Shun Gyu shook her head and didn't respond to Jun Xiu's question, she just said, "I'm hungry, find a place to eat, don't you know a lot of gourmet restaurants in Tokyo?"

Junxiu smiled and said to Shungui jokingly, "Let's go, I'll take you to a nice sushi restaurant."

Shungui immediately stopped and looked at Junxiu viciously and said, "Yeah~! Did you do it on purpose?"

Li Shungui has never eaten 'sea fish' since she was a child. In her words, it smells fishy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Whatever you do, she won't eat it as long as it has the slightest 'fish smell'. She also eats shrimp and crab for seafood. And sushi is the home base of marine fish, so she won't eat it no matter how Michelin-starred it is. Because she has a serious shadow about 'sea fish' in her heart.

Looking at the angry Shungui, Junxiu laughed: "Just kidding, I will take you to a restaurant that has a good yakitori that I have eaten."

"Hey~~ There are also many famous Korean yakitori restaurants, you can't think of other things? Tempura... um, well, change to something else."

Shun Kyu wanted to eat something, but remembered that it was something Junsu rarely eats. I wonder if Junsu learned some strange theory from Kim Jongguk. He rarely eats fried food, and he rarely cooks oil even when he cooks by himself. Fried. It's not that Junxiu doesn't eat it at all, it's very little, really very little, maybe only once a month or two?

Korean late-night fried chicken beer is so popular, sometimes they ask him to enjoy it when they order it. Junsu is basically a piece of fried chicken, and you can drink a 500ml can of beer! !

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