Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 487: career, love

In this quiet night, thinking about a way to balance your 'love and career'? But no matter what he thinks, there is no one way to make his love career reach the balance he thinks in his mind. His profession is destined to be bound by a basic moral framework, and his profession is overseen by countless people. His personal achievements, in fact, many other brokerage companies have long hoped that he collapsed.

It's such a simple thing in this cruel entertainment circle. For example, in '2010', MC Meng, who became popular with "Two Days, One Night", also disappeared from the entertainment industry because of being suspected of escaping. In fact, if there was no manipulation by other brokerage companies behind this incident, MC Meng would definitely be able to solve this trouble. After enlisting in the army, there is no way to postpone joining the army.

Was Kim Jong Kook not the same as being suppressed by other brokerage companies after he won the "Triple Crown"? And it also uses the trick of 'military service'. At that time, Kim Jong Kook also thought about procrastinating as long as he could. After all, the glory of the Triple Crown has just arrived, and he and the company are waiting for the next album to play more heat. At that time, Kim Jong Kook did not reach the final age when he must enlist in the army. Obviously, he can be accommodating, but because of some other factors, he cannot delay the enlistment time, so he must enlist immediately! It's not intentional to prank him. What is it?

There are a lot of dirty things in the entertainment industry. Junxiu has been in this industry for nearly ten years and can see it clearly. Anyway, that's what happened. When you are good, everyone flatters you, and when you are in trouble, no one dares to help you. It's not that the friends around you don't want to help you, but the people around you can't help you at all. If you can help you, they will pull him into the water. Just like MC Meng, his relationship with He Dongxun is iron buddies, but He Dongxun has no way or ability to help him stand up again.

And Junxiu, who is standing at the top of the pyramid, is even more so. If he encounters a 'difficulty', it will collapse in an instant. The media will magnify his mistakes infinitely. The navy hired by the company can completely overwhelm Junxiu's efforts for so many years. Whether it's in Korea or Japan, there are many such things that the entertainment industry rarely tolerates the sins of artists! The only one who is easily forgiven by fans after making mistakes in the circle is Huaxia! !

"Aisy..." Junxiu uttered swear words in his mouth for a rare time, because the cigarette in his hand unknowingly burned to the filter, and the hot sparks woke him up in pain. . Because her hand was suddenly burnt in the absence of attention, Junxiu's natural reaction was to throw her hand, and this throw threw the cigarette **** onto the very expensive carpet, and Junxiu was shocked and swearing casually.

Junxiu scolded and quickly ran over to pick up the cigarette butt, touched the carpet, nothing. Fortunately, the time for Mars to fall is short, and their carpets are not 'long-haired', so it's okay, there is no serious damage.

Junxiu was troubled in the living room, and so was Shungui. After taking a bath, she lay on the bed in the guest room, staring at the ceiling in a daze for no reason. She came here this time to stimulate her brother, so that he could make up his mind, or to let Yui Aragaki understand the seriousness of the matter and choose to 'back off'. But Shun Kyu clearly saw Jun Xiu's suffering before he realized that he loved Taeyeon and Yui with the same heart.

But he wanted to tear his heart apart, and in retrospect it was really bad. The problem is that if you don't break up one, Junsu will be hurt, and it will be more than just heartache. Maybe at this time, Shungui would feel too cruel to do such a thing, but after waiting for another three or five years, when the wounds in their hearts are completely healed, they may not feel so.

At least Shun Kyu felt that her starting point was for Junsu, and it was him who blamed him for all this. If Junsu is only with Taeyeon or Yui Aragaki, there is nothing like a relationship between the two. If there is only one, whether this love is hidden or announced will not cause any devastating blow to his career. At most, fans will feel a little lost when the love is announced, and this sense of loss from fans will not affect his career.

But once it was discovered by the public that the oppa they loved, the most hated incident happened to the general public, "splitting", the image of Junxiu could be said to fall to the bottom in an instant, yes, it was an instant!

Junxiu's current personality, although it is impossible to say that he surpasses Liu Zaishi, is not that kind of bad person in the eyes of the public. Moreover, Liu Zaishi, Kim Jong Kook, etc. have all said it personally on the show, and there are also many staff members. Once came out, Junsu is really a kind person.

Yes, he is the only person in Korea who can persist in doing good deeds to this day. In the ten years since his debut, although he is the number one artist in income every year, he is also the number one artist in donations! Kindness, yes, Junsu thinks that he is kind in his heart.

But it is such a kind person who did something that everyone hates~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then the end becomes even more unforgivable! Because this will give fans who love him and give the public a strong sense of 'betrayal'! He has always been advertised as a 'kind person', but doing such a thing will naturally give the public a strong impact, a kind of psychological deception, and even serious people will think that Junxiu's previous 'goodness' is a kind of cheat.

The collapse of ten years of hard work will make Junxiu too much unwilling, right? If you want to let Junxiu make a choice at this moment, tell him to choose love, or choose a career? He couldn't find an accurate answer himself, maybe all he could do was keep silent, neither giving up love nor losing his career. But who in the world doesn't want such a good thing?

Junsu didn't blurt out what to choose love in the choice of 'love and career', which proves that he has matured a lot. Because he knows that once his career is hit, it's not just a matter of one person. There are still so many employees in the company, and so many children, and the stock price of S.M., and the colleagues who have just signed on.

Although he is rarely responsible for the operation of the company on weekdays, he at least has to be responsible for the lives of others. They believe that they chose their own company, so should Junsu make a choice worthy of their belief?

Standing in front of the choice between career and love, Junxiu suddenly felt that if he was just an ordinary person, no one would care if he was in love with two people...

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