Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Chapter 147: The exaggerated ability of Korean media is high

The company ordered a banquet for the three of them. The next day, Junxiu was picked up by TVXQ's general manager to practice at the company, and his personal manager also submitted his resignation to s.m on the same day! Although the company has repeatedly retained him, after all, he and Junxiu have cooperated on personal schedules for many years, and it is reasonable for the company to retain him. ??W=W=W≤. ≤81ZW. COM However, his personal attitude was too firm, and finally the company had to approve his resignation.

Of course, Junsu didn't have any personal itinerary recently, so he didn't need an agent. The company also knows that starting in November, Junxiu is about to launch his round of movie promotions, but the agent must also look for it sooner.

At the same time, the front pages of major media on this day also published the news that the world star Black Eyed Peas went to Korea to exchange music with TVXQ Js Junsu. In the photo, Junxiu is laughing and talking and laughing with the two lead singers of the Black Eyed Peas. After this news came out, Junxiu went to a higher level in an instant, and at the same time, TVXQ's upcoming comeback once again ignited the entire Korean music circle. People at the world star level have all gone to the Korean music industry to communicate with Junsu. One can imagine how well-known Junsu is now?

Some time ago, the media disclosed Junxiu's advertising and other expenses, and everyone exclaimed that Junxiu's expenses were high, but now Junxiu is gradually being touted by the media as 'world-class', so even such a high cost is not worth it at this moment. Once again the enthusiasm of the manufacturers is high. Junsu, who exchanges music with world stars, has once again become the darling of advertising companies.

Originally, Junxiu's endorsement of products would increase sales, but now he has become a 'world-class' and countless TVXQ fans enthusiastically bragged about it again and again on the Internet, making Junxiu's height reach a level never seen before. to the point of .

And this is not the end, at the same time, s.m also announced that Junxiu and the Black Eyed Peas will be sold in the United States as a single, and the song's lyrics and songwriter is Js Junxiu! ! This heavyweight news was lost, and the Korean media seemed to be crazy and started a round of unlimited promotion of Js Junxiu.

Korean media is such a big thing, it will become a world event under their pen. Yes, because Junxiu wrote his song together with the Black Eyed Peas this time, the Black Eyed Peas naturally invited him to collaborate, and because the albums of the Black Eyed Peas and their group are all in American watch. And the song is all in English, which has become inevitable!

However, even if the album shows Junxiu, it is impossible to go to the United States with them to perform and perform, right? After all, TVXQ is about to return, so he has to continue promoting the movie, right? And what will happen to the ranking after the song has not been released yet? Who knows?

But all of this seems to have made Junxiu seem to have entered the United States in the writing of the reporter. Of course, Junxiu himself wanted to go, but that was just a thought. ? ' number.

The most important point is that Junxiu's songs have not been fully produced yet, so the media said it as if they wanted to show it. Junxiu practiced with TVXQ every morning and evening. From noon to after dinner, he went out for a walk with the Black Eyed Peas and came back to slowly make music and write lyrics.


In this way, a week has passed quickly, and the completion of the lyrics is only two-thirds of the chorus. Because the Black Eyed Peas came to Korea for 'vacation' and 'music production', of course, going out to play, see, and experience Korea is also a very important thing for them. This week TVXQ officially returned and the album was officially released.

The sound source, mV, instantly became the number one download and the number one click rate after it was announced! ! And TVXQ's song this time is dance style, and the handsome dance moves once again attracted countless high school students.

On this day, TVXQ's first song show after the comeback. There were quite a few reporters outside the TV station, and they all wanted to interview Junsu, who is the hottest topic right now. And there are also TVXQ fans who came outside the TV station. Of course, the fans were blocked by the TV station outside the security line, while the reporters were arranged inside the venue.

The reporters of newspapers and magazines, and the reporters of TV entertainment reports are all at the door. It was like a small conference. There were twenty or thirty reporters, and there were n cameras.

As TVXQ's nanny car arrived at the door, the fans burst out with strong screams. This can be regarded as a reminder of TVXQ's arrival, right?

Accompanied by the screams of fans, TVXQ members waved enthusiastically at fans after getting out of the car in their singing suits. After their debut, the screams were really deafening, but TVXQ hasn't waved twice yet, soon It was pushed into the venue by the security of the TV station.

After entering the venue, a swarm of reporters surrounded Junxiu, and the rest of the members could only be questioned by reporters who couldn't squeeze in. Junxiu was surrounded by reporters with countless questions. They couldn't hear their questions at all. The TV station's security saw that the reporters were even more unruly than the fans at the gate, so they had to act as the agent who went to the parking lot and surrounded TVXQ: "Don't crowd~www.wuxiaspot .com ~ don't squeeze..”

Junxiu also shouted: "Don't crowd, let's find an open space, okay? There will be many seniors to pass by in a while, so let's find an open space. Trouble you!!"

Because it was the green light from the TV station, they quickly gathered everyone in the lobby. More than 20 reporters stood in front of TVXQ, and they also started their first news interview after their return.

Junxiu said embarrassedly: "Reporters, can you make an appointment for an interview? Today, this not only brings inconvenience to the staff of the TV station, but also brings discomfort to the seniors who will come in later."

At this time, a reporter responded to Junxiu: "Now our Korean media know that the most difficult artist to interview in Korea is you, Js Junxiu! You TVXQ and your teammates have all been interviewed since your TVXQ debut two years ago, but you are the only one who has never been interviewed. We haven't had a formal interview, so that's all we can do today."

"Hehe.. it seems like this? However, you can't blame me? Everything is arranged by the company.."

(To be continued.)

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