Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 502: Arrive in Okinawa

Actors in Japan seem to have very few dyed hair, as if those women who dyed blond hair are called "hot girls" in this country. However, there are many kinds of occupations in this 'hot girl'. Junxiu is not clear about these, and he will not bother to study such fashion. Anyway, Japan's 'fashion' is very unique. Junxiu understands that fashion is The kind that is in line with the public's aesthetics, it is impossible to exceed it.

However, 'hair dyeing' is a fashion in Asia. It was a trend that Asians used to imitate the blond hair and blue eyes of Westerners. With the development of the times, 'hair dyeing' has become a very popular thing, and even many aunts dye their hair. Of course, aunts won't choose those weird hair colors, usually brown.

Junsu's career is more common for 'hair coloring', and because Korea has made 'hair color' a fashion, every hair color is a fashion trend, so Junsu just thought about the album styling Try fresh hair colors. But the title song of this album, as Yui said, seems to be more suitable for a solemn hair color.

It was decided to keep black hair for this album. Junsu thinks it’s not bad. It’s convenient if you want to shoot some TV series in the later stage. After all, it hurts to dye your hair over and over. Shungui is also caused by too much dyeing. The quality of the hair has become very poor, so this year, her style is set on short hair, and the effect is not bad.

The night passed, and the next morning Junsu boarded the plane to Okinawa alone. Because the airport is crowded with people, of course the two of them wouldn't be stupid enough to go on the same flight. So we discussed it last night and left for Okinawa today. It happened that Yui was going to make up shots in the morning, and the two missed the time difference.

It was sunny when we got on the plane in Tokyo, but it started to rain when Junsu landed in Okinawa. Junxiu said with a smile, "Oh, it's rare that it rains in Okinawa, so I'm lucky, right?" The latitude and longitude of Okinawa is logically a place where it rarely rains, but it happens when Junxiu and Yui come to play. It was raining, which made Junxiu's mood drop. After all, it's a trip, and no one likes rainy days, right?

After sighing, Junxiu changed a laptop bag and stretched out his right hand to test the rain under the eaves of the airport. Junxiu's action was a little childish and cute. In fact, he knew the size of the rain just by looking at the puddles that showed up, but he just stretched out his hand to catch the rain to feel it.

Just when he reached out to catch the rain, two people with cameras suddenly ran out behind him. They didn't see Junxiu and directly crossed the zebra crossing and stood opposite Junxiu. They started to raise their cameras to take pictures. Instead of taking pictures, use the video recording function of the camera (photography is fixed, videography is mobile).

Junxiu tilted his head and looked at the photographer, because he felt that this person seemed familiar to him. Just when Junsu was puzzled, the person carrying the camera appeared. Looking at the logo written on the camera body really surprised Junsu because it said 'bc'. No wonder Junsu thinks the photographer in the distance is so familiar, bc, isn't this a Korean TV station?

Junxiu moved to the side, and quickly left while they didn't notice him. But as Junsu moved, he succeeded in attracting the attention of the person holding the 'bc' camera. The man carrying the camera was stunned for two seconds after finding Junxiu, then he took off his hat and smiled at Junxiu, "Junxiu xi, long time no see."

When this pd took off his hat, Junxiu realized that the photographer was actually someone he knew well, "Hong pd, why did you come here?" No one was found to come out.

Why did Junsu look behind him, because this PD was the one he used to film "I Knot" with Taeyeon. So Junsu wanted to see if there was that 'husband and wife' coming?

This Hong PD smiled and said, "Of course I'm here to shoot, why are you here?" PD looked at Junxiu in a very low-key dress, just a simple hooded sweater, casual shorts, and white shoes. There were no other staff next to him, so he asked curiously.

"I came here to rest for two days to find music inspiration. Don't I still owe fans an album for the second half of the year?" Junxiu patted the computer bag in his hand. While filming the bag, Junxiu muttered in his heart, 'It's so dangerous. ’

Luckily, Junxiu came to Okinawa by himself. Fortunately, he also had a music assignment this time. Otherwise, he would have met the Korean film crew at the airport and would have made headlines soon.

Hearing that Junxiu came here to find inspiration, PD smiled and said, "Well, are you interested in meeting the 'newlyweds' this time we are shooting 'international marriage'."

"I came here to rest, but"

Before Junxiu could finish speaking, he heard the words "It's over~~" and Junxiu turned his head to look at it, and it turned out that the male pig's foot in the international marriage was Li Hongji. The woman is a Japanese actress, and it seems that she is often seen in Korean shows recently.

Li Hongji saw Junsu standing beside PD, he quickly came to Junsu and bowed and greeted "Senior Junsu, hello, I am Li Hongji of 'ftisnd'. This is my 'wife' Japanese actor, Fujii Mina ."

Junxiu smiled and nodded, "Hello. Are you here for your honeymoon?"

Lee Hongki looked at Junsu alone and asked, "Yes~www.wuxiaspot.com~Senior, are you here?"

"I'm also on my honeymoon." Junsu laughed after he finished speaking, and he patted Li Hongji on the shoulder. "Just kidding, I'll come over by myself to rest for two days. Okay, I won't disturb you shooting, goodbye."

Li Hongji was really taken aback by Junsu's words, honeymoon? Does it mean that you are married? In the end, Junsu was joking.

Junxiu smiled and nodded to the two of them, then returned to the airport to rent a car. Originally, Junxiu planned to take public transportation. As a result, despite the rain, he met the filming crew again, so renting a car was the safest way.

After Junxiu left, Fujii Mina said to Li Hongji, "Didn't you always say that you are a 'Hong Juxing'? Why didn't you say that you were a big star when you saw JS Junxiu?"

"Big stars are no match for world stars. In my eyes, Junxiu seniors are the real 'stars'"

It is true that Junsu's achievements are too dazzling, which makes many Korean idols worship Junsu as their idols.


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