Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 504: AOA (middle)

When Minhyuk summoned the AOA agent earlier, he didn't say that Junsu would take over the children's affairs after returning, because Junsu also returned to China in July and August, so it is still early. And Minhyuk also knows that Junsu still owes Korean fans an album for the second half of the year. So when he is done with his own affairs, and if he can really make time for it, it will be close to the New Year's Eve.

From the time point of view, at least have to wait for the first half of the year, right? So he didn't tell the agent about Junxiu's takeover so early, but just casually said that the agent should supervise the weight of the children of AOA. Minhyuk really just conveyed it casually, without saying why. So when it fell to the agent, she felt that it seemed a bit abrupt.

The agent didn't know 'why' the boss would say such a thing, so she went directly to the cafeteria to look for the children without knowing the context. As a result, she went into the cafeteria and found that the children saw that the calorie of the food 'tonkatsu' exceeded the total allowable intake of calories in a day. The agent finally understood why the boss would say such a thing.

Someone must have seen this group of debut artists ordering pork chops in the cafeteria without paying attention to management, and this matter came to the boss. The last time the members of the 'secret group' didn't pay attention to managing their bodies, everyone in the company knew that the representative Min Hyuk was very annoyed. Even Junxiu scolded Quan Xiaosheng in front of him after he came over, but fortunately, Junxiu got rid of Quan Xiaosheng's scolding, and Xiaosheng has now become a trend.

Therefore, the matter of body management has also attracted attention in the brokerage company. The company has to manage not only trainees, but also those artists who have made their debut but do not know how to manage themselves. Exactly, AOA, hit the muzzle today. The broker was pulled to the representative's office and warned.

The only thing Minhyuk said to the agent was, 'Take care of the children's bodies. ' But this sentence fell to the agent, and her interpretation was 'If you can't do it well, change someone else to do it. ’ So when the agent saw the children carrying a tonkatsu all by themselves, he got angry and fried.

At present, there is no AOA in the slightest popularity. Their life at this time is not much better than that of trainees. In the past, they were managed by an agent. They all understand a truth in their hearts. Before the group becomes famous, there is a high possibility of a 'change' in the group. GSD, wasn't it just before they became famous that there was a change of people and blood?

And these things have been seen by them, so, before they are recognized by the market, it is correct to obey the management of the brokers. Otherwise, the years will be wasted.

Hearing the manager's angry shouting, they looked at the pork chop in front of them pitifully, and then the team leader took the lead in returning the pork chop that had just been called and had not had time to cut to the cafeteria. Because the things have not been touched, they can still eat a piece of it. And this time is meal time, the employees are relatively dense, they just brought it to the canteen lady, and the pork chops were taken out immediately.

AOA changed from the pork chop meal of the employees to the diet meal of the trainees today, tuna salad, two small tomatoes, a banana, and a boiled egg. The diet meal was bland and tasteless. Still no appetite at all.

The agent left after watching them be honest, and the children sitting around started muttering: "We'll have to endure for the next time. At this time, I'm envious of Mane's figure. "

Mannei Jin Chanmei's figure is relatively petite in the team. On weekdays, she may complain that she is too short or something, but when faced with 'body management', her petite figure has the advantage More, because her skeleton is small, her weight is light, and even if she eats more prohibited foods than them during this period, she will not exceed the standard set by the company, so when the company is in management, tall members are Very envious of petite body.

Seeing everyone's envy eyes, he laughed happily, but at this time envy was useless. After their debut, they have been escaping the supervision of the "weight scale", but after a while when they return to the dormitory, everyone has to face the reality, they have to know how much they have exceeded and how much they need to lose.

After envy, they began to guess, why did the agent appear in the cafeteria at the right time? Why did the company suddenly start monitoring their bodies? The curious Shen Huijing told everyone her guess: "You guys, why did the agent suddenly start asking us to manage our body?"

"Didn't you listen to the agent Ernie? Was she called to the representative's office and taught a lesson?"

"I hear it, it's weird when I hear it. It's been a year and a half since we debuted. In the past year and a half, except for the occasional representative who came to see the film, he never asked us about it afterwards. As for the management of the body, he has never told us about it in the past year and a half, right? But he started to supervise our management so suddenly? I don't know, do you know that the seniors of the secret group started to be taken by the company When supervising and managing the body, he is a handsome senior.."

When the word 'Junxiu' was just said~www.wuxiaspot.com~ their team immediately had Junxiu's die-hard fan Kim Seolhyun to interrupt the guess: "Impossible, Junxiu-senpai is still in Japan now. Yesterday, he posted a news feed on SNS, and he and Shun-kyu-senpai were traveling on Mount Fuji. And everyone in the fan group knew that he was preparing for a Japanese album during this time."

Kim Seolhyun in AOA is Junsu's die-hard fan. She paid the membership fee and registered for the official fan club, so she knows the official news released by Junsu better than other members.

Now that Junsu is working on a Japanese album in Japan, the idea that Junsu is not going to start creating them has come to nothing.

As the eldest member of the team, Cao E said to the children, "I heard a very interesting news. I wonder if you have heard of it? It is said that this year Junxiu seniors will focus on JS Entertainment."

Junsu focuses his work on this, which means that this year, the company's girl groups may become 'GSD' in Junsu's hands.

Because the GSD group of children gave them the most intuitive changes this year. And they are also debut artists. They are in the same training room as GSD, SISTAR, and other popular girl groups. Maybe I heard some news from them?

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