Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 508: Okinawa (3)

No matter how beautiful love is, I hope to have a good destination, especially women will have a stronger "sense of destination" than men. Especially in Japan and South Korea, they are not so 'friendly' to female professionals, so women sometimes regard marriage as a 'life business', and this feeling is even stronger in Japan Some.

Perhaps because the workplace is not optimistic about the recruitment of women. This is exactly the opposite of Huaxia. In Huaxia, the appearance of women can add a lot to their workplace, and it is much easier for women to find jobs than men. But the workplace in Japan and Korea is different. Once hired, women are involved in their marriage leave and maternity leave. After waiting for the birth of a child in the future, the child will be ill for a while, the child's parents will meet, the child will be off school, and the child will be on vacation, which will delay a lot of work.

Therefore, Japanese and Korean workplaces have become less friendly to women. The vast majority of men in the workplace will think that we are all doing the same job and receiving the same level of salary, and you are the only woman who has more things to do? If you don't come or not, you can ask for leave, then who will do the job you leave behind? Who is to blame because you delayed the process of the working group? Coupled with the idea of ​​machismo, the most common sentence for women in the Japanese and Korean workplaces is "If you are not honest and bring your children at home, what kind of work do you go to?" ’

It is also the reason for the 'unfriendly' nature of the workplace. Women in Japan, Korea, and Japan are all full-time wives at home after marriage. The only advantage of a full-time wife is that she is in charge of the financial power of the entire family. This is a very common phenomenon in Japan, Korea, and Japan.

Men work outside, socialize. But the wife controls the family's economy, which can cut off the idea of ​​some men wanting to 'do evil'. If you don't have money in your pocket, what kind of bad thoughts can you have? To put it badly, you have to have a meal before you make a mess, but you don't have the money to go to some slightly higher-end restaurants to eat, let alone any follow-up.

This idea is the idea of ​​most full-time wives, and Yui's mother also feels the same way. After getting married, Junxiu holds the economic power. Even if he meets a young and beautiful person, but has no money in his pocket, he will naturally cut off those evil thoughts.

But what she knows is only the Japanese entertainment industry, because Yui is in this circle, and she knows a little bit about the internal market. But when she heard Junxiu's tip of the iceberg, she was completely in shock. The 'Junxiu' she thought of before also ranked him in the realm of Kimura Takuya. The problem is that Junxiu's income is three to five times higher than that of Kimura Takuya.

So what is Junsu's annual income? It was something she couldn't imagine. Junsu has so much money, and he also owns his own entertainment company. Didn’t Yui say that it is a large company in Korea, and the company’s annual running accounts are calculated in tens of billions of yen. Such people want It is unrealistic to take charge of his economy after marriage.

After hearing about it, Yui's mother could only sigh and say, "Hey.. Sometimes, it's not good for a man to be too capable, but if you meet someone who can't do anything, it's also a cowardly person. You have stepped into this circle, and you need to look for it. The only ones who understand your profession are people. Otherwise, you will be uneasy at home."

As a visitor, Yui's mother was more open. She also understands that Yui's chosen career is to be friendly with others on TV. What if it is said that Yui is looking for a man with his own career, or a high-ranking official working in a government unit? These men who don't understand the circle very well, are very likely to ask Yui to give up their careers after marriage? Otherwise, married life is accompanied by a lot of noise.

To be honest, Yui's mother doesn't want her daughter to give up the great career she likes and makes money, so the only thing is to find an insider who can understand this profession, so Junxiu is not the best candidate? As for the little things she was thinking of, they were no match for the happy smile on her daughter's face. Be happy, be happy, be happy. As for the rest, Yui didn't think much about it herself, and she didn't bother to worry about it.


For dinner, Junxiu and Yui's family sat at the dining table. Maybe it had been three times, and he let go of the restraint in his heart. Junxiu and Yui's father exchanged glasses at the dinner table, and Yui smiled and said, "Drink, I'll drive later."

Junxiu nodded, and then said to Yui's parents, "This time, Yui and I are here for vacation. She plans to take me around to see. If auntie has time, will she be with us?"

"I won't be involved in the world of your young people. Besides, I have lived here for more than 30 years, and the scenery of the whole island is only attractive to you who are outsiders. For me , I see a lot, nothing new. So, in my eyes, I prefer a quiet valley to the sea."

Junxiu smiled and said, "Okay, auntie can go to Seoul when you have time. My home in Seoul is built on the mountain. It's very quiet, especially at night listening to frogs croaking in the courtyard surrounded by green blankets. It is also very enjoyable to watch the lights of thousands of homes at the foot of the mountain.”

"I'll go take a look when you're free." Yui's mother did not reject Junxiu's invitation. It's just that the term 'free' is too mysterious.

A bottle of local '750ml' sake was eaten while Junxiu and Yui's father chatted~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Junxiu originally planned to have another bottle, but Yui stopped the wine fight. : "Enough is enough." Junxiu, who was just getting excited, had no choice but to give up. Yui knew Junxiu's alcohol capacity, so she handed Junxiu a bottle of beer, and as for her father's, forget it.

At this time, Yui's mother smiled and said, "Have you two not considered marriage yet?"

Yui's mother mentioned this matter at this time not to control Junxiu's economy, because after Yui said it earlier, she knew that it was unrealistic. She only reminds Junsu that the two of them have been in love for so many years, and it's time to put this issue on the agenda.

The specific discussion on this matter is left to Junxiu and Yui, but after the decision is finally made, she can participate in the discussion on how to hold the wedding.

After Junxiu heard Yuyi's mother's question, his heart was completely helpless and smiled bitterly. The three of them haven't figured it out yet, and today they suddenly talked about getting married? Is this pace too fast?

Junxiu could only smile and say, "This thing..."

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