Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 515: Looking for a nice collaborator?

Sika's words are indeed right, whether it is Yui Aragaki, or the super popular idol she suggested to replace Yui, these are all for the heat of the topic. As long as the music album has a topic of preheating, it will naturally stimulate sales. Whether that topic is about the quality of the album itself, or whatever.

Listening to Sika's useful suggestion this time, Junsu lowered his head and nodded as if thinking about something, and began to digest the suggestion. Sika was right about one thing, that is, when Junxiu was thinking of inviting Yui Aragaki, he thought about using 'high-tech' to modify the sound. Because Junsu has a high quality of songs, in order to meet his expectations, and Yui is not a professional singer, these high-tech means are naturally needed.

However, what Sika did not say was that he invited Yui not for the popularity of the album, but to make up for what he owed Yui in his heart. Because he used Taeyeon as the heroine of the MV in the Korean album, although Taeyeon did not appear in real life, but with the song "Eyes, Nose, Mouth", the effect of not appearing is more enthusiastic than appearing, and Junxiu is just for the sake of The so-called 'balance' in my heart was thinking of inviting Yui as the collaborator of this album.

After being silent for a while, Junxiu said, "Idol~~" Junxiu's eyes turned to Sika when he said this word. Sika looked at him and immediately said: "Why, didn't I tell you, I told you to find Japanese idols, why are you looking at me?"

Junxiu laughed and joked: "I think you are beautiful. Xiuyan, since you are using technology to make up for it, do you think I can find beautiful ones?"

Sika pouted and thought to herself, "Sure enough, men are all virtuous." But she said, "Pretty? Is there a prettier person in Japan than Yui Aragaki? I saw that she was selected as the 'Popular Favorite' in a magazine. The actress NO.1'."

'' Japanese media also used this term to express the sense of healing she brought to the public. Because her smile is really too powerful, it warms people's hearts and heals people. Her smile can be described as radiant and can sweep away all the haze. So Yui also became the 'wife' in Asian men's dreams with her smile.

The main reason why Yui Aragaki went out of Japan and faced the whole of Asia was because of this Junxiu's love news. Junxiu's love is definitely the headline trend in the entire Asian entertainment circle. Various media reports from Taeyeon to Yui's speculations also made 'Aragaki Yui', who was originally only very prosperous in Japan, instantly occupy Asia with this name. The search list in many countries, so 'Aragaki Yui' has entered the eyes of men from all over Asia, and Chinese netizens are even more excited to call her 'wife'.

Hearing Sika's praise to Yui, Junxiu was overjoyed. He smiled happily at this time and said: "The beauty of Yui and your beauty are two different kinds of beauty. Your beauty belongs to the amazing kind, and the first feeling when I see you is beauty. The beauty of clothing belongs to the kind of beauty that slowly and quietly invades your heart."

In fact, Junxiu also wants to say that the stunning beauty is very ordinary in comparison, because occasionally you will meet a super beautiful woman who suddenly makes your eyes shine when you are passing by a certain street. After all, there are too many beautiful people in the world. More, not every beautiful person has the opportunity to become a star. There are many passers-by who also have the beauty that is not lost to the stars, so the stunning beauty is often seen.

The beauty of Yui Aragaki is different. She will not make you feel amazing at first glance, but will make you feel comfortable. Under this comfortable feeling, you will be unknowingly attracted by her smile. To the extent of being unable to extricate yourself, such a quiet beauty is the beauty that can live in your heart forever.

Taeyeon is also the same as Yui. Just like Taeyeon in Girls' Generation, her beauty, figure, and all aspects will not attract you in the first time. But when you start to learn about Girls' Generation, you will find out.. It turns out that the smile of this 'little man' has invaded your heart silently. Junxiu may have the feeling of 'eating' that he was deeply attracted by Taeyeon and Yui.

If you only choose a girlfriend based on her beauty, it is estimated that Junsu has really become a 'super playboy'. Because today I see this beautiful, I am a little moved, and tomorrow I will look at that beautiful, and I am moved again.

So, to talk about love, it's actually quite 'cheap', because only one or two specific people can hook her/he fingers, you have to obediently take the hook, and you have no complaints and no regrets. kind of. Perhaps looking at such 'love' from the perspective of an onlooker, she would say that love is too base.

But for the authorities, even if this kind of love is a scam, she/he has no regrets! !

It is also possible that 'love' is a matter of willingness to fight and a willingness to suffer. Who is right and who is wrong? Is it fair?


Sika looked at Junxiu's sweet smile when she talked about Yui Aragaki, she whispered into Junxiu's ear in surprise and said, "Oh, oppa, shouldn't you be with Yui Aragaki..."

When Junxiu talked about Yui Aragaki, the expression he showed was a happy smile. And this 'smile' Sika feels that it should appear between boyfriends and girlfriends, not between friends, because it's too sweet.

Sika and Junxiu have known each other for more than ten years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The mutual understanding between them is enough. So Sika clearly felt that the relationship between Junsu and Yui Aragaki could not be the 'friendship' as he said to the media, nor the natural intimacy like they did in Girls' Generation and him. Obviously, Junsu and Yui Clothing is a love relationship.

Sika didn't notice this before, because it was impossible for her to chat with Junsu or her teammates inexplicably about him and Yui Aragaki? Even if they got together to talk about love, it was Junsu and Taeyeon who were talking.

Besides talking about love, and in front of Taeyeon, it's even less likely that they would talk about Junsu's scandal target Yui Aragaki, right? Otherwise, it was deliberately causing trouble in love for Taeyeon and Junsu. Therefore, the explanations that Junxiu gave to the media through the official release, "he and Yui are friends", they naturally believed.

After all, they haven't received any inside information about the breakup of Taeyeon and Junsu, and of course, because Junsu and Taeyeon have always been very sweet, these are what they see in their eyes, so there is naturally no official 'repudiation'. any doubt.

Until now, until this minute, when Sika heard Junxiu talk about Yui Aragaki for the first time, she was really scared to have a heart attack! !

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