Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 522: Supper (end)

In Japan, a country where paparazzi are flooded, Junxiu's coming to Japan for such a high-profile event would be unreasonable without paparazzi stalking. So when Sika didn't want to talk about this issue, Junxiu really found that there was a paparazzi holding a long-lens camera facing them in the far corner of the two of them. Junxiu could only smile and tell Sika what to do. Get ready for the headlines.

Why is Sika in Japan? Why did she date Junsu on Japanese nights? This is something that everyone around Junsu and inside the company knows. Of course, the two of them are not in a secret love relationship. Sika came here this time and was invited to be the stylist for Junxiu's album. But the news hasn't spread yet, so fans who don't know the truth have seen photos of Junsu and Sika sitting on the roadside. With the addition of the gossip club's story, fans may really think that Junsu and Sika are in love It is.

Sika listened to Junxiu's position, she quickly turned around and looked in the direction of the camera. When Sika turned her head, the moment she saw the camera, the paparazzi closed the camera and disappeared into the corner of the street.

Sika said with a smile: "I had a meal, but I was not recognized by the people in the store, but was followed by the paparazzi? Hey... or blame ourselves for being too careless."

Junxiu smiled and stopped and said, "What does it matter? Seriously, you have to thank them for being followed by the paparazzi this time. After the news came out, did you just reveal your identity as a stylist, and you were the first one? This time I broke away from Girls' Generation and became the stylist of my album as a designer. In the fashion industry, I don't know how I can help you. After all, I'm not a professional design department. My own clothes are alright. I really want to design my own clothes. That's another matter. No matter what your side business will be in the future, remember, I will definitely be on your side. I will be you in the future. If you encounter a problem that cannot be solved, or there is a conflict with the company, you should communicate with me first, I can't harm you, you know?"

Junxiu's words moved Sika, holding her face and laughing and shouting, "Wow~~I'm so moved~~"

It was a rare time to see Sika's 'cute-selling' Junxiu, who also laughed speechlessly: "What's so touching?"

Sika quickly nodded her head and sighed, "Of course I'm moved, hey.. I knew you first, so why was Taeyeon the first to get in? Oppa, you have Iraqi nationality anyway, so you got me too, right? Anyway, you have two now, so one is not too much for me, right?"

When Sika said these words, the smile on her face was obviously joking. Junxiu's words were really touching, but they were just touching, not beyond touching. The emotional component is in it. Maybe?

But it's definitely not love. As Sika said frankly, she clearly knew Junxiu first, but after getting to know him, she didn't find his tenderness and his goodness, so she missed it?

It is also possible that when she and Junsu got acquainted, Junsu and Li Yanxi were secretly dating. You must know that Li Yanxi's appearance in high school was indeed much more likable than her Zheng Xiuyan, because Sika was beautiful, and Li Yanxi was pure. As a high school boy, he didn't have much resistance to a girl as pure and innocent as Lee Yeon-hee. The most recognized beauty among the trainees!

At that time, Sika knew that she could not compete with Lee Yeon-hee, so she naturally didn't put her emotional thoughts on Jun-su. After her debut, she also reached a heart-warming youth period, but Taeyeon fell in love with Jun-su, to be honest She never thought about how Taeyeon and Junsu were attracted together? However, it is now, anyway, her love cells have not stayed on Junxiu.

Until recently, because of her sideline business, she started to spend more time with Junxiu in private, and Sika finally paid attention to Junxiu. I don't know if she has matured, and her heart has become aware of how to appreciate men, so she can feel the warmth of Junxiu and his goodness. It is a pity that some feelings are missed once they are missed at the very beginning. So now she can play jokes with Junsu unscrupulously.

In the face of Sika's speechless joke, Junxiu directly threw her a blank eye and said, "Okay, shall I go back to the hotel with you tonight? Seriously, why have you started to learn such dirty jokes?"

Sika laughed and said, "Hahaha, I didn't learn from your sister. Shungui is now the 'Nineteen Forbidden Teacher' in our team."

"Yeah. Don't mention her, I have a headache." Junxiu had no choice but to raise her hand to surrender to Shungui. She came to Japan and really made Junxiu sleepless.

"Haha.. Didn't you two brothers and sisters have a warm trip some time ago? Why did you suddenly have a headache?"

"A warm trip? Hehe...it's warm enough. If I don't talk about it, I have to think about the candidates for this cooperation."

Sika smiled and said, "Didn't you say cooperation in beauty pageants? Why did you suddenly forget? Are there too many beauties and don't know how to choose? Or did you call your Taeyeon over to cooperate? Don't say, if you call Taeyeon It's really a good choice. Think about it, isn't it rumored that you two broke up recently? This song came out, didn't it hit countless media in the face? "

Junxiu glared at Sika angrily and said, "Inner~~ calling Taeyeon to cooperate is a slap in the face of the media~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the same time.." At the same time, Junxiu didn't say anything, because this song The song was created by Junxiu for Yui, but instead she asked Taeyeon to cooperate, which not only hit the media in the face, but also hit Yui in the face. So the partner of this song can be Sika, it can be Pani, but it can't be Taeyeon.

Seeing Junxiu omitting the following words, Sika couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha..." Because she knew what Junxiu wanted to express.

After laughing, Sika raised a glass to Junxiu, and after the two clinked glasses, Sika said, "Oppa, what about you and Yui Aragaki, I think... Forget it, I don't know what to do. Hey. You have helped me so much, and I will help you hide it once."

Junxiu smiled and shook his head and drank the spirits in the glass, and said, "Do you really think Taeyeon is an idiot? Or do you think Yui is an idiot? The news has appeared so many times, we hide it We've got a lot of fans, but can we hide the people we've been together for a long time?"

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