Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 532: Birthday present (below)

The relationship between Yoona and Junsu is complicated, and her affection for Junsu can be seen by many people around her. If it wasn't for Kim Taeyeon blocking her, maybe Yoona would be brave once and face her heart. Also because of Taeyeon in front of her, her emotions became complicated. It's not enough to take a step forward, and she's unwilling to take a step back, so Yuner herself is very entangled, not knowing whether she should continue to love.

For the upcoming birthday party, because Junsu was far away in Japan, they didn't even think what Junsu would say. Even Yoona thought it was her birthday that she would receive his birthday wishes, right? Because no matter who's birthday is in their Girls' Generation, it's basically Junsu's four words "Happy Birthday". Except for Taeyeon, there will be a little difference, but it's just a few more words.

In the past, it was because everyone was busy, and Junxiu didn't have time to spend any birthdays with them. It was the same with them. Everyone was exhausted from work, so why would they have a birthday party? So ah, the birthday of the person you meet is nothing more than a birthday wish that day, that's all.

They started to hold birthday parties because they had a little more time off in the past two years, and then they had the heart to hold some kind of party. In fact, their birthday party can really be regarded as a party between their members, because they really rarely meet each other privately when they have no schedule, it is really rare. If you want to ask why? Maybe it's because they have lived together for more than ten years, and the feelings between each other are in the bottom of their hearts. They don't need to be tired of being together every day. After all, they still need to choose a life that suits them.

When they lived together in the dormitory, the nine of them had different personalities, temperaments and habits, but since everyone lived together, those little habits that belonged to them had to be restrained. Only in this way can we create an environment in which everyone feels comfortable, and is for everyone to be comfortable, not just for their own comfort. So in terms of living habits, everyone must give in.

Now that they have started to return home, and the number of people in the dormitory has dropped to a minimum, almost one room per person, can they let go of their living habits a little. In fact, after living together for a long time, they are too familiar with each other, so after everyone goes home, they don't want to meet and play in private anymore.

Because the play and chat in the dormitory are all done. After all, they have lived together for ten years, and they have only lived for twenty years now, and they have to remove the ignorance period of the early days, so they have been together for half of their lives, and they can talk about topics. It's all over. After returning home, they don't want to meet again in private, which doesn't mean their friendship is broken. After all, their work is always connected, and no one can be separated from the other, just temporarily spend some time of their own.

So ah, since this year, their birthday party has become a real friendship after the separation.

The birthday present has also changed from the previous 'Happy Birthday' to a real present, and this time Yoona's birthday present is at least Junxiu's intentions. Although it is a flow of water that he wants to give to Li Zhien, it is also a special consideration. Yes, that's a heartfelt one.


Yoona knelt on the carpet in the living room, and on her cheeks there was an expression of joy that Yoona's father had ever seen. This made him feel that as a father. The present in front of him was probably given by Yoona's boyfriend. However, he did not rush to inquire about this matter, but patiently watched Yoona unpack the gift box. .

Yoona happily held the scissors and cut the silk ribbon on the gift box. After unsealing it, a bright red little monster lay in the box. Seeing the backpack inside, the smile on Yoona's face was as bright as a spring flower. The sweetness is overflowing. This made Yoona's father, who was calmly watching all this, be sure that the gift was from her boyfriend, even if it wasn't a boyfriend, it was a man in the ambiguous period.

For Yoona, who is always watching Junsu's SNS, of course she knows the meaning of this 'bag'. This is a special product that Junxiu designed by himself, and then asked the luggage manufacturer to make it! Can't buy it, at least it's not available on the market right now!

Yoona smiled brightly and took out the backpack from the gift box. She flipped through the bag and said with a smile, "What, this person is really..."

Yoona really misunderstood, she misunderstood Junsu's SNS message to design a birthday present for herself. So at this moment, her heart was extremely moved, but the 'Tarzan' in front of her was too high, and it suddenly appeared in her mind while she was holding the bag. Such a cute look fits Taeyeon very well. But isn't it written on his SNS to make a birthday present?

This made Yoona a little confused, such a cute style suits Taeyeon, but Junsu said in May that it was making a birthday present. Was it made for Shun Gyu? Of course, Yoona also thinks that Shun Kyu is also very suitable for such a cute style, she herself is a little confused.

So Yoona picked up her mobile phone and took a few pictures of the bag, and first passed it on to Junsu, who was far away in Japan: "Thank you oppa for the birthday present, very cute design~www.wuxiaspot.com~ very unique and very I like it, but it's designed in the style of Shun Kyu, right?"

Although Shungui is now "transforming" to the 19th ban, when it comes to Shungui, everyone's heart always recalls her "cute" image. So this design, Yoona thinks it fits Shun Kyu's image design very well. And didn't Shun Kyu go to Japan on his birthday? The two siblings also went on a trip. Only the two of them's solo trips will be praised on the Internet, not rumored.

In fact, everyone knows that Junxiu's surname is Zhang and Shungui's surname is Li, and these two brothers and sisters are not blood brothers and sisters.

After Yoona sent the message, she put her phone aside, and Junsu replied shortly after, because he was busy with Jessica's styling department, so his reply was very simple with the word 'no', while Yuna replied. After seeing Junxiu's reply, her mood instantly became happy. Junxiu said that it was not designed for Shun Kyu, so that means it was designed for her?

But Yoona forgot that the cute design of this 'bag' is more in line with the cute image of the national sister Lee Ji Eun.

Yoona's father looked at his daughter so happy, he finally asked, "Who sent you the bag, see how happy you are..."

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