Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 546: boy group EXO

The next day, Junsu woke up early, and Taeyeon also got up early with Junsu. The two sat in the courtyard drinking coffee and watching 'Kanazawa' having fun in the grass. Taeyeon's cheerful cry made Taeyeon There was always a smile on his face. We had a brief reunion last night, and today, seeing that we are going to part again, I am always a little melancholy in my heart. Maybe you have become accustomed to having him by your side in life, even if it is only a temporary parting, it will inevitably be astringent.

Taeyeon looked at Kanazawa's smile at this time, but she didn't want to burden him. Junxiu looked at Taeyeon's smile next to him and his heart was a little sour, he held Taeyeon's hand in his heart and said softly: "We have survived the hard times before, and we will get better and better in the future. . After all, we have more and more time off."

Hearing Junsu's words, Taeyeon turned her head and smiled at him. She patted the back of Junxiu's hand and said with relief: "It's alright, isn't there Shunyu at home, isn't there Kanazawa? Besides, I'm not a first-timer, and I need someone else to take care of me? You, do it well. Do your job. We'll be together for a long time in the future."

"Well, then I'll go first? You..." Before Junxiu's words were finished, Taeyeon leaned over and kissed Junxiu's cheek and said, "Okay, long-winded, let's go."

"Okay, then I'll go. For lunch, you and Shungui can solve it by yourself." When Junxiu said 'Shungui', his eyes turned to the room on the second floor. At this time, Shungui didn't know whether it was intentional. Get up, or leave the last two of them time? Anyway, she didn't show up all morning.

Junxiu set off from home, and another agent came to pick him up today, it seems to be the agent from SUJU. There are too many brokers in the company, and it is impossible for him to recognize them all. Some of them may just have a little appearance.

Sitting in the car, Junxiu didn't have any communication with the agent who came to help. He just watched the online news of shopping with Taeyeon last night. This is the first time that Junsu and Taeyeon have not been on the hot search list. Although they have not reached the top spot, they are still in the top three. After clicking on 'Junsu and Taeyeon', there are only some pictures of shopping and some one-sided photos. The Internet speculates that even the news website only used a small space to talk about this matter, because everyone did not understand what the 'show' of the two was doing?

Junsu and Taeyeon should be clear about what this 'show' is about. As for the outside world, what does it have to do with me? Junsu picked up his mobile phone and sent the first SNS of the day, a photo of him holding Kanazawa, with the caption 'Everyone, tell me [coal] is it better than Kanazawa? ’

Junxiu's SNS makes many people speechless, what is he trying to do? Yesterday I went shopping with Taeyeon, and today I posted a photo with Kanazawa? He deliberately wanted to lead everyone to guess, 'Did the two of you stay together yesterday? ’

Seeing such SNS content, fans have no idea what Junsu is trying to do? It stands to reason that these things should be hidden and tucked away, why did he want to expose them? Now Junsu and Taeyeon, Junsu and Yui Aragaki, the relationship between them is more and more incomprehensible! !


Of course Junsu doesn't need them to understand, because of his emotions, the more confused the fans are, the better for Junsu. Junsu went straight to EXO's practice room after coming down from the mountain. They are now the biggest chips in Junsu's hands, and this time they bear the title of 'a boy group made by Junsu'.

Junxiu hasn't touched a boy group since TVXQ came out. First of all, because his company is all girl groups, and no boy group can produce for him. There is also a very powerful boy group producer here, who is also Junxiu's teacher Yu Yongzhen. So under normal circumstances, he will not touch the production of the boy group. After all, he can't rob his teacher's job.

But this time, the EXO kids were made by Junxiu, and Junxiu was mainly responsible for the astronomical production fee. In addition, he couldn't smash his own signboard, so in terms of songs, he chose the songs originally reserved for him and gave them to them, which is really very conscientious.

Perhaps when everyone thinks of Junsu's production, the first thing that comes to mind is the girl groups he produced, and they forget that he used to be the producer of TVXQ. So through this EXO, he also wants to tell everyone. Me, whether it's a girl group or a boy group, I'm the No. 1 producer in Korea! !

Indeed, with the rise of Quan Zhilong with their 'big stick', there is still a lot of pressure here. Although the two companies are taking different types of routes, there is no boy group that can compete with the 'big stick', and even SUJU, who was so hot in the past, has been surpassed by the 'big stick'. Only here did I think of spending a lot of money and simply let Junxiu make a boy group! This is the new contract for the men's team with Junxiu's sky-high production fee! !

Junsu opened EXO's practice room with a reviewing look. It's only nine o'clock at this time, the company's employees have just started work, and they are already sweating in the practice room. It can be seen that they really worked hard this time. Maybe it's because Junxiu doesn't want to look down on them. You must know that when Junxiu became their producer at the beginning, there were still a lot of criticisms against them.

The children in the practice room quickly gathered together when they saw Junsu who came in, and bowed to him and greeted him: "Senior Junsu, hello, we are EXO." At the end, their self-introductions were neat and had the feeling of an army. Woolen cloth.

Junxiu nodded expressionlessly and came to them: "I'll take a look at the results of your practice. If it doesn't meet my expectations, the return time will be delayed. Do you understand?"

They started practicing in April and have been practicing for more than two months. So this time they responded with confidence: "Got it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Junxiu twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "This "Roar" was originally reserved for my own next album. The title song, I hope you don't let me down. Let's start~"

When the music in the practice room sounded, they quickly stood up in formation on the stage, and Junxiu also stood on the stool in front of them, from the front to the end, he just wanted to see their orderliness.

The strong music sounded, accompanied by their strong dance, full of movement. The results of practicing for more than two months are completely presented with the word 'uniform', and Junxiu is very satisfied. Such dynamic dance music is actually more suitable for groups than individuals.

At the end of the song, they stopped at the ending action, and Junxiu nodded with satisfaction: "It's not bad, at least it didn't disappoint me. Manager, let them arrange the shooting of the MV and let them come back in July!"

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