Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 555: The development of the times

Just as Junsu's plane rose above the clouds, a photo of him appearing at the airport was posted on the Internet. Junxiu's dress has always been noticed by the majority of fashion magazines, and today is no exception. Even the simplest dress is analyzed by fashion magazines. Junxiu today is a pure black crew-neck jacket with a simple printed T-shirt, washed ripped jeans, a pair of white shoes, a 'JS' hat, and Chanel sunglasses.

The simplest casual outfit, but after Junxiu wears it, there will always be a large number of imitations. Especially the round-neck jacket, inexplicably became popular under the leadership of Junxiu. Many popular brands have begun to make a lot of good-looking round neck jackets. Facing the coming early summer, such thin round neck jackets really belong to the versatile series.

This dress can be paired with jeans, slacks, trousers, and even sports pants. Therefore, the round-neck jacket is loved by many men under the leadership of Junxiu, and this round-neck jacket does not distinguish between men and women. Women can be handsome or beautiful wearing a round-neck jacket. This is the real all-match This style, especially Girls' Generation next to Junxiu, gradually liked this style. With the help of idols, the public also became fond of it. This style of clothes can now be said to be a piece of clothing for young people.

People in the fashion industry also have to sigh at Junxiu's driving force, Junxiu drives idols, idols drive Hallyu, and Hallyu affects the masses. Gradually, the round neck jacket became popular! That's why the fashion world pays so much attention to Junsu!

Junxiu was picked up by his agent after he landed in Japan. On his way back to the company, he flipped through the online news in South Korea with his mobile phone. When he saw the online pictures of his airport, he sighed: "The times are getting better now. Now, the photos from the mobile phone are very clear. In the past, you only needed to pay attention to your words and deeds in front of the camera, but now you have to pay attention to your clothes in private. The mobile phone has really made the world more convenient. Hehe~~~ "

When he said this, Junxiu let out a long breath, because he was depressed. Nowadays, mobile phones are convenient for the public's way of life. In the past, we needed to carry a "digital camera" when going out to play. But now the pixels of mobile phones are as high as 10 million, and the images found can clearly distinguish the people and various colors in the photos.

Mobile phones, the Internet, this is an era when all people are paparazzi!

It's no wonder that there are so many star idols who are more and more reluctant to go out, no wonder so many stars are now suffering from depression. This is all brought about by the changes in this era. In the past, celebrities begged the media to let them take care of themselves, but now they are also begging the media, but they are begging them to let them go! !

Mobile phones and the Internet have brought great changes to the world, and also brought new tests and tests to the star's career.

Stars don't want to be so out of reach before, because now making stars is not only a patented method of brokerage companies, but also the Internet! ! There may be a topic, a photo can make you a star immediately, of course, there are those so-called Internet celebrities who use makeup, use the webcam is not particularly high-definition, maybe they are behind the camera How thick the makeup is .

You must know that a woman's makeup is the real top-level magic of "changing the living"!

As Ha Dong-hoon and Jun-su said many years ago when they were drinking and chatting, he clearly met a beautiful woman at a nightclub last night, but when he woke up in the hotel the next morning, he didn't know if it was because of the strong hangover, or because he saw that the woman's makeup was gone. Anyway, the headache is terrible!

If he had met a top magician like 'David Copperfield', he would have even wanted to die. In the past, Junsu thought that Ha Dongxun was a joke made by drinking, but after seeing the "magic" of the show with his own eyes, Junsu realized that such a "sacred hand" really exists in the people. Why spend money to go to the beauty department for 'styling' and instantly feel weak!

The main problem.. is that not everyone has that much money to 'change their life'.


When Junsu put away his phone, the driver who was driving said with a smile: "In everyone's eyes, a 'star' should be bright, so it's important to dress in private. Especially in Japan, women don't go out without makeup. There are many. I even heard a joke that some Japanese husbands have never seen their wives without makeup in their entire lives.”

Junxiu has also heard this joke, but the people around him are very powerful. Whether it's Yui or Taeyeon, there is no sense of humiliation in the plain face of the two. And Taeyeon's makeup will make her look more childish. In addition, Korean women's idols pay special attention to skin management, so they will go to the dermatology department regularly to maintain their skin, because the use of beauty needles in Korea is already It's a normal thing, and in Korea, not only women will go for beauty injections, but many men will also go.

Although Junsu hasn't used beauty needles yet, he doesn't use face masks and maintenance cosmetics.

The agent didn't understand the meaning of Junxiu's words. Junxiu mainly wanted to say that 'mobile phone' brought convenience to everyone, but it brought inconvenience to people in their profession! The feeling of staring everywhere, who likes it?

It is rare for Junxiu to complain too much to his agent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Because this career was chosen by him, he knew from the very beginning what the outcome would be, so he can't complain about the development of world technology. Besides, there are many times when mobile phones and the Internet are not completely bad things for artists. For example, they can bring you closer to fans and make you appear more down-to-earth!

It's like Junsu is holding his mobile phone and sharing today's first daily "Thank you for your support, the pre-sale of the Japanese album has exceeded 700,000 copies." The MV will be officially announced at 12 noon next Wednesday! ’

After posting on INS, Junxiu opened his scarf, and he saw that he had become a 'V' certified user, which is the official real-name certification that Song Qian said. In terms of the number of followers, Junxiu found that he had tens of millions of followers, and at the same time, Song Qian also followed her, and he also followed Song Qian.

Then he saw that some fans were asking him, would he attend this 'China-Korea Friendship Concert'? So Junsu replied to the netizen, "Because of the relationship with the Japanese itinerary, the Korean agency is currently communicating, because there are many related itineraries that have been signed very early. So.. I haven't gotten any accurate news yet, the company is also trying its best to coordinate with the contracting party, I will announce it as soon as there is any news! ’

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