Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 559: "Human Observation" (middle)

When Junxiu and Becky went to choose their outfits for the day, the director of the program found Junxiu's agent and said, "The shopping trips during the day are all for the preparation of the night. It's okay for you to leave first, right?"

The manager said with an embarrassed look: "Junxiu is different from the artists in Japan, because all his trips are accompanied by a car, and I have to go to his downstairs to pick him up from work in the morning, and then have to go to work in the evening. In charge of sending him home. So, I'm leaving first, which may arouse his suspicions."

Most Japanese artist companies do not provide the artist with a vehicle specially responsible for his itinerary. Under normal circumstances, the artist will take public transportation by himself, or take a taxi to catch the itinerary. Only top entertainers have dedicated cars, and Junxiu certainly belongs to the ranks of top entertainers. So the program team asked the agent to abandon Junxiu, and it is estimated that Junxiu really abandoned him the next day.

It is his job to send Junxiu to his doorstep after finishing his trip. How can there be a saying that Junsu's agent would drive first while filming? Isn't this looking for death? It is understandable that you say that there is an emergency in your home. But he had to report to the company first, and then discuss with Junxiu. In the end, Junsu can only leave first if he agrees, right? Of course, if it is an emergency, Junsu is also a reasonable person, so it is impossible not to let him leave, right?

The director of the program continued to say: "Find a way to let him take the taxi we arranged. The biggest highlight of today's program is the taxi segment. The shopping in the front will not be broadcast at the time. It's too long. So we have to figure out a way to get him in the taxi we arranged!"

The manager was also embarrassed, because at the beginning, the show team did not inform him that Junsu would have a taxi ride at the end of the show. You must know that the company provides Junxiu with a car. If he can't complete his work, it's a small thing to be scolded when he goes back. If Junxiu really feels dissatisfied, being replaced is a big thing. Although Junxiu is also a veteran in the entertainment industry, the arrangement of the program team is also for effect, which he should be able to understand.

It should be just a rationalization of the self, but who can guarantee Junsu's 100% understanding? Can the show team guarantee it? They dare not! Then the broker is even more unsure. For example, Junsu can understand the small jokes like suddenly rushing in to shoot like the opening scene. But if Junxiu is really treated as a Japanese comedian and spoofed, no one can guarantee it.

Moreover, the Japanese spoofs have really reached a point of insanity. Junxiu also saw that Adele was also tricked by the show here when she came to Japan. Of course it's impossible to spoof Adele, but they made Adele laugh with their 'Japanese English pronunciation'.

Junsuo is acceptable for such interviews and pranks. It doesn't matter like the small tricks that "Human Watch" used to do Junsuo, but what the **** is the prank in a taxi tonight, and the agent didn't see the script? . If the spoof goes too far, he will definitely lose his job.

So he hesitated at this time, and he said to the program director: "I really didn't know the arrangement of your program team in advance. If you do things too much, I will probably suffer."

The director assuredly said: "Well, you first look at the script we designed and decide. If Junxiu thinks our design is too much, I can kneel down and apologize."

The agent would like to say that it's useless for you to plead guilty, and the final account is not counted on your own head. In front of your show crew, Junxiu may be embarrassed to offend the TV station. Who knows if he will settle the account with himself afterwards?

While the director showed the script of the show to the agent, he inquired about Junxiu's home address, because the final route was designed: "Does Junxiu still live in the port area now?" Junxiu's home in the port area was filmed before. , However, that house has been rented out at a high price.

While the manager looked at the script, he casually responded to the program team: "No, he lives in Chiyoda." The program team didn't think much of it after hearing that Chiyoda thought Junxiu was staying in a hotel.

The agent looked at the desk and said, 'If there is someone in the taxi that only you can see, believe it or not? ' He asked the director puzzled: "What's the situation?"

The director told the agent about the design arrangement. After that, the agent bargained and said, "This time, how about just making a handsome special?" The agent used this method to 'discuss' the program team. Rejected, they immediately called the choreographer on the scene and began to imagine what modes could be used for shooting?


Junsu's side has finished changing his clothes. When he and Becky stood in front of the camera again, he and Becky both chose high school clothes. Because Becky is petite, it looks like she is wearing a high school uniform. And Junxiu is wearing a high school uniform, with a wig and Ke Lan's round glasses are also very suitable, the two are really similar to high school students standing in front of the camera.

When the show was broadcast, the two high school students dressed up so many viewers said they were very suitable. Junxiu tugged at his tie and said a little embarrassedly, "I'll be thirty next year, but I didn't expect to have a chance to wear a high school uniform? Hahaha..."

Becky looked up at Junxiu in surprise and said, "Wow, it's almost thirty? I can't tell. I thought you were twenty-four or five."

"It's strange for a man to hear such a compliment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Junxiu smiled and shook his head.

Becky returned to host mode, and she asked Junxiu, "Where are you going to go shopping next?"

"Isn't this not far from Omotesando? Let's go shopping in Omotesando. By the way, the agent came to tell me just now that we are going to shoot for a day?" Junxiu thought that it would be two hours before lunch time, the agent People told him that he had to stop work at 7:30 pm, and he never figured out where he got so much content to shoot?

"I don't know. Anyway, the estimated shooting time of our small unit is three hours from the beginning to the end." The three hours were counted from before she joined the show crew and took the camera to the beauty room where Junxiu was. Becky is also a very successful artist in Japan, so her afternoon schedule must have been arranged otherwise. As for the rest of Junsu's filming, he hasn't gotten the script yet.

Junsu and Becky wore high school uniforms and came to Omotesando Street, where people came and went, and started the official shooting of today's first unit...

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