Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 561: "Human Observation" (End)

Junsu took a taxi arranged by the program team and went to the so-called 'library' for filming. The vehicle he was in was heading from the noisy area to the remote area. Junxiu's heart may not have adapted to the quiet environment from the noisy environment, so it feels a little strange. And he took advantage of the street lights to look at the outside environment, as if there were very few vehicles around..

Junxiu came here from the busy city and looked out the window. Not only did the cars decrease, but he also noticed that the neon lights beside the street had also disappeared unknowingly. This makes Junxiu feel a little strange, this section is too quiet, right? However, he turned his head and thought that there is nothing wrong with the 'library' being built in a quiet place~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is supposed to be a quiet environment, and not every book bar should be opened in a downtown area . So the strangeness in Junxiu's heart was quickly relieved.

In early summer, with the windows open and the wind blowing, the cool wind blows at night. After a busy day, I feel inexplicably relaxed. But just when Junxiu was relaxing, a long-haired woman suddenly appeared in the co-pilot's position. Because Junxiu was looking out of the car, he didn't notice the co-pilot woman at the first time.

When he took his eyes back from the window, he glanced out of the corner of the eye, and a woman appeared in the co-pilot inexplicably. Junxiu knew very clearly that when he got into the car, there was obviously no one in the co-pilot. The car kept running and never stopped. When did this long-haired woman change?

Junxiu's heart tensed at this moment, and he didn't know whether it was the wind from outside the window that made him suddenly cold, or something. In short, at this moment, an inexplicable cold air radiated from the top of the head to the whole body, and goosebumps suddenly appeared. Surrounded by the quiet, the long-haired woman suddenly appeared, and it was strange that she was not cold. Everything is so inexplicable, everything is so unpredictable... Junxiu's heart suddenly tightens.

After shivering, Junxiu's first reaction was to push away his glasses and pinched his eye sockets. He wondered if he was too tired and misunderstood? But Junxiu's action, with the subtitles and the audience's laughter after the show aired, looked particularly cute.

Junxiu pinched her eye sockets, widened her eyes and looked towards the co-pilot's seat, but there was still a woman with long black hair sitting there motionless, wow, after Junxiu seriously confirmed, he was Instantly, my heart felt cold, as if it was being pinched by something.

I don't know if it was because the window was open, but he instantly felt that the wind coming in had penetrated his jacket and came to his vest. Creepy, Junsu really feels that way at this moment. But in the current situation, he didn't dare to speak to the driver, he was afraid that he would disturb the 'passenger' sitting in front of him.

So he closed the car window and said to himself in a mosquito-like voice: "What is this, really~~"

Of course, Junxiu's words were in Korean, and no matter how quiet the mosquitoes were, they could still be heard in the car with the windows closed. So Junxiu's self-talk is also a signal to remind the 'passenger' Junxiu in front of her to discover her existence.

Just after Junxiu finished talking to himself, the passenger in front slowly turned his head towards Junxiu. In the quiet night, this action, like slow motion playback, instantly made Junxiu feel that her scalp was numb, and her whole body felt as if electricity was passing through her body. The goose bumps that she remembered all disappeared in the future appeared again, and her vest was also sweating. The child came out.

Junxiu was so frightened by the passenger in front that he immediately turned his vision out of the car window to avoid eye contact with that 'thing'. At this moment, his heart stopped for a few seconds and then accelerated frantically. Junxiu's heart couldn't calm down after his eyes shifted out of the car window. The strange thoughts in his mind were like a movie, and all of them appeared. What if this thing grabs the steering wheel? What if this thing came to you in an instant? In case this thing...

Junxiu, who usually doesn't like watching horror movies very much, doesn't need to be nervous after encountering such a thing. If the car was still moving, he would like to jump out of the car quickly.

The more he thought about it, Junxiu's eyes shifted to the driver's position as if he was out of control, and the driver sitting in front of the car was staring at the road seriously, and there was no interference from the thing in the co-pilot. Junxiu quickly glanced at the driver's seat, and when he retracted his gaze, he also swept to the thing in the co-pilot's seat. This was exactly the same thing that appeared in the movies that Junxiu knew, with a snow-white face, just like that. A white cake face like a Japanese geisha.

Junxiu was so frightened that he couldn't help sucking in two breaths of cold air: "Sigh~~" Although the sound was small, it was still recorded by the hidden camera. The audience laughed when they saw Junsu's fearful appearance!

At the moment when Junxiu looked out of the car window again, the 'passenger' sitting in front was dissatisfied, and she greeted Junxiu in a vibrato voice: "Hey~~!"

"OMG~!" Junxiu opened her mouth and said a sentence in English, followed by Korean: "What... what the hell." Then Junxiu said incoherently in Chinese: "No, no, it's not a ghost, I'm sorry~www.wuxiaspot. com~ I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Junsu apologized to the 'passenger' in four languages.

The audience couldn't help but burst into laughter when they saw that Junxiu was so frightened that he was incoherent and started to speak in a maddening manner.

This 'passenger' was almost amused by Junxiu's incoherent speech, she asked with a smile, "Can I...can I follow you home?"

When the question from the 'passenger' came out, Junxiu suddenly felt cold from his tailbone to the top of his head, and then a numbness from the top of his head exploded and spread all over his body, he kept waving his hands and said, "No, no, no.. "Junxiu said to the passenger in Korean three times in a row. Anyway, he didn't care at this moment whether the passenger could understand what he said.

However, the gesture of waving her hand still made the 'passenger' understand Junxiu's words, and she continued to say: "I.. can I follow you home?"

"No." After Junxiu spoke Korean, he suddenly remembered that this was Japan, and he immediately changed into Japanese and said, "Uh, do you have to speak Japanese to understand?"

Junxiu's words once again made the audience burst into laughter...

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