Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 509: Okinawa (4)

Junxiu really didn't think about how Yui's mother suddenly mentioned this matter. To be honest, because of the relationship between the three of them, Junxiu really never thought about it. At least he didn't think about it when Yui's mother asked at this time, so he was so short-lived when Yui's mother asked about "marriage".

And his absent-minded appearance just fell into the eyes of Yuyi's mother, so Yuyi's family all waited for Junxiu's answer. After a short absence, the entire dining room fell into a kind of silence, and their eyes all fell on Junxiu, which made his back feel like needles were stabbing, hot.

Junxiu was silent for a few seconds and then seriously responded to Yui's family: "I'm sorry, I really haven't thought about this issue yet. Although I think it seems selfish for me to do this, and I understand that women's youth can't wait, but ..I can't tell myself why I never thought about this issue? I don't know if it's the so-called idol burden, or it's because I thought it wasn't the time yet, so I didn't think about it. But I promise I am sincere to Yui. Please give us two years, and Yui and I will seriously consider it in these two years."

Although Junxiu was absent-minded for a few seconds, his sincerity and seriousness later gave Yui's family an answer, although the answer was not so satisfactory. But Junxiu could be considered to have spoken out what he thought about 'marriage', which achieved the purpose of Yui's mother.

The reason why she wanted to mention this matter was not that Junxiu would give an explanation or an answer right away. But she would urge him and her to think about marriage after talking about it, which is her purpose. Didn't Junxiu also promise that he and Yui would seriously consider marriage issues in the past two years. As long as this matter is on the agenda!

At this time, Yui also helped Junxiu and said, "Mother, Junxiu and I are still young, we need more time to think about this matter. My career in the past two years is also good. Once I announce my marriage at this time, it will be a good deal for me. My career is also a shock. And in the future, when Junsu and I get married, I never thought about becoming a housewife at home. Junsu, will you support my career?”

Junxiu smiled and nodded to Yui and said, "Of course I support it, and I support it unconditionally. We have all come step by step, so we know how difficult it is to win the love of the public in this profession. And I have never I never thought about using marriage to tie up your work. And I think this job of mine is a hobby and a hobby, not how much money I have to make with this profession."

After expressing his support for Yui, Junxiu turned to face Yui's mother and said, "Auntie, in fact, as actors, we can let us try different careers. For example, Yui has tried it, lawyer, director, doctor, etc., Every shooting is a new professional experience, maybe that's why we love this profession. And we can also see that every audience member is watching our TV series, movies, they can get laughter, or Touched, touched. This is also our pride and gratitude as professionals."

Junxiu's words made Yui's mother also smile, she smiled softly: "I'm not trying to urge you to get married, because that's the world you two live in, it's just us as parents... you should understand. ."

Junxiu immediately responded: "Of course I understand, I totally understand."

"Well, it's good to understand. As a parent, you don't want any great wealth or honor, but only want you to be safe, happy, and happy. Other money... just don't starve to death."

"Haha.." Junxiu smirked and scratched his head, "Actually, even if I don't become an artist, I can't starve to death. I think I can study well. When I took university entrance exams in Korea, I was about fifty-five in our year. Ten thousand people took the test, and I came out in the top 50."

When Junsu talked about his academic performance, Yui's mother was so frightened that she gave a typical Japanese reaction: "Hey~~? Did you go to a school like 'Tokyo University'?"

The University of Tokyo is the best university in the eyes of the Japanese!

Junxiu shook his head and said, "I passed the exam, but I had already made my debut as an artist. At that time, I had a lot of work schedules, so I didn't choose Seoul University, which is more academically advanced, um, just like Tokyo University in Japan. Later I chose to study in a better university in 'film and television major', just like Yui's study in 'Sunrise High School', the college I attended has trained many famous Korean actors."

Junsu said that these are not to express how smart he is, but to tell Yui’s mother, ‘Don’t worry, your daughter will follow me, even if she stops being an artist in the future, she will not suffer. ’

Yui's mother smiled and said, "I didn't expect Junxiu to be so good at reading, and Yui's grades in reading were not good when she was a child. In the future, no matter what, as long as you feel happy. Marriage, I believe you will It's more thoughtful than we think."

Junxiu nodded and said in his heart that the matter was over.


After the meal, Yui and Junxiu came out of the house together to bid farewell to their parents, and their family did not disturb their travel. Because Yui told her mother that her next rest will last for several months, while Junxiu's rest may only be a week, and she will have time to reunite with her family.

Yui drove Junxiu in a small car that Junxiu rented and returned to the hotel with Junxiu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After they returned to the hotel, they rested for a while and then went to take a bath. Wrapped in a bath towel, he leaned against Junxiu's shoulder.

"On such a cloudy and rainy day, a bath is perfect." Junxiu said comfortably.

Yui smiled and sat upright and patted Junxiu on the shoulder. Junxiu got up from the bath and sat on the bath stool, Yui also got up and stood behind him and picked up the towel, while rubbing Junxiu's back, he asked, "What is your sister here for this time? Don't perfunctory me, although I don't understand why you are arguing, but I can feel it. Don't tell me 'it's okay', I want to hear you honestly. "

I don't understand the specifics, but when Shun Kyu asked Yu Yi to call, it was strange that Jun Xiu stopped him. No matter how stupid Yu Yi was, he knew that it must have something to do with her.

And the news that came out after the release of Junsu's Korean album this time has also been reprinted in Japan. Although she rarely asks about Taeyeon, but recently it has been said on the Internet that she and Junsu are in love. As a result, Shun Gyu came, and there must be something about the three...

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