Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 511: Okinawa (6)

?Japan, South Korea, and the north of China all have the habit of taking a bath. This is not a strange thing. It is also normal for male and female friends to take a bath with each other. Junxiu looked at Yui's smooth back skin, he smiled and reached out to touch, Yui turned his back and plucked out his dishonest hand, Junxiu picked up the bath towel and started rubbing her back. Noodle'.

Junxiu rubbed Yui's back while expressing his intention to retire behind the scenes in two years. When Junxiu said these words, Yui seemed to be frightened, she covered her chest with her hands and turned to look at Junxiu with a startled look. There was a 'million why' in her eyes at this time. She really couldn't figure out why Junxiu thought of retiring?

In Japan, South Korea, and the entertainment circles on both sides, there have been some big-name artists who have issued retirement declarations. However, most of the people who issued retirement declarations have done 'wrong things'. Of course, there are also many female artists who are married to family and retired. But what about Junsu? Why did he start planning to retire so well?

According to normal thinking, the two of them will get married in the future and need someone to take care of the family, so it should be yourself who will retire? At least Yui thinks so. After all, Junxiu has a lot of fans all over the world, and he makes ten times as much money as Aragaki Yui a year with this profession. Even if he took less work for the family, he would definitely earn more than Yui.

What do you think, it should be you who retire? So Yui couldn't understand Junxiu at all. Looking at Yui's astonished and inquiring eyes, Junxiu smiled and said, "If I continue to stand in front of the stage, then my time with you is really too little. Music albums, film and television works, Asia, In Europe and the United States, these jobs take me a lot of time every year. Now I can’t even make time for concerts, so I’m wondering if I should just quit the stage in two years. Even if I give up I got my job in front of the stage, but I can still make a lot of money just by working behind the scenes, so you don’t have to worry that I can’t support our family.”

Junxiu's last sentence made Yui very speechless, she rolled her eyes with her big eyes, which is more Korean-style: "Do you think I will worry about supporting my family? I just don't understand why you chose to retire? You Don't you think about the fans who like you? Now you are the world star Junxiu, I know there are many people who like you, and your musical talent..."

To be honest, Yui doesn't want Junxiu to retire. He has given his best youth time to the stage, and he has only debuted ten times. You must know that some artists who have debuted for 30 to 50 years are also a lot of people. here I am. He is in the thirties of men, and he is retiring at this prosperous age? This is probably unacceptable to countless fans. Although retiring is his personal matter, Yui feels that 'things' can be solved in a better way.

But before Yui's words were finished, Junxiu stopped and said, "You don't have to stand on the stage to show your musical talent. I can express my musical talent by myself or by producing for others. The producer of the boy group, the production fee offered by the company is also quite good, 500 million yen."

When Yui heard that Junxiu's production fee as a 'producer' was as high as 500 million, it was almost a very lucky year for her income, and she had to receive seven or eight new endorsements this year. So Yui completely widened her eyes and looked at Junxiu, revealing the surprise word commonly used by Japanese: "Hey~~!!"

Junsu said those words not to show off himself, but to tell Yui not to worry about her future life. Yui's surprised expression made Junxiu smile contentedly and continued, "So it's fine to stand in front of the stage, or stand behind the scenes..."

But Junxiu's words were also interrupted by Yui: "I didn't say anything about money. As you told my family earlier, we are standing in front of the stage because we really love this job. Isn't it because you like this job? Does it take a job to become an artist?"

"Of course I like it, but if you let me choose between work and you, I'd rather give up my current job. Because only by giving up the stage can I..." Before Junxiu finished speaking, Yui's mouth was already full. blocked up.

Yui is very clear about what Junxiu wants to express, because the two of them are too busy with their work, so they must sacrifice a little to have more time together, so Junxiu will choose to retire after two years. Although I was talking about two years later, this feeling is now obtained. These words, whether true or not, are romantic love words.


It was late at night. In the hotel bedroom, Yui leaned on Junxiu's arms and looked at the moon outside the window. She smiled and said, "The moon has come out. It will definitely be sunny tomorrow." The location of the hotel is the highest in the surrounding area. Building, so the two did not close the window tightly when they slept, and the wind from the island blew the screen window and Yuyi could see the moonlight outside the window through the gap.

Junxiu smiled and turned around and hugged Jue Yi and admired the moonlight together with her: "Well, it's fine if it's sunny, so that I don't want to go anywhere when it rains like today. Suddenly I feel very depressed when it rains, I don’t know if I’m getting old?”

"Haha... don't you often say that men are the most attractive when they are thirty? Why do you suddenly say that you are old?"

"I'm talking about the mentality~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The heart is still young, but the mentality is getting old. I think of the past, before my debut, as long as I made an appointment with my classmates to go out to play, it would be rain or shine. But look at it now. When it rains, I don’t want to go out for some reason. This is not an old mentality, what is it?”

Yui smiled and turned to look at this 'old man'. She held his cheek and kissed him softly on the mouth, and said, "Okay, old, we are all old."

"I'm telling the truth, you don't know. I used to think that dancing was as easy as drinking water. But now, I'm out of breath after practicing two or three times. So I'm thinking about whether I should write dance music in the future. I used it for myself? Especially the dance music I gave to the company's children this time, I watched the video of dance practice and learned two or three moves, wow... Really tired."

Yui is someone who has seen TVXQ dance before, but now listening to Junxiu admit that she can't dance, she also finds it funny: "Hahaha~~ The choreography should be done with simple movements. I still like to stand on the stage. You are so radiant, so, for me and for the fans, you have to stay on the stage for a few more years."

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