Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 516: Sika also knows

When Sika listened to Junxiu talking about Yui Aragaki, she was about to have a heart attack, because she discovered a secret that she shouldn't have discovered. Sika was screaming in her heart at this time, how could she know these things? Yes, Sika admits that sometimes men make mistakes, but she shouldn't let her know about this "mistake", because there are people who are very close to her.

If Taeyeon finds out about this one day in the future, will Taeyeon turn around and blame Sika? This is what worries Sika the most. You, Jessica, know this, why can't you tell me? But when she said these things, she offended Junxiu, or she became the one who was "not human inside and out". Not to mention offending Taeyeon, but offending Junsu, both of them have had a personal relationship with her for at least ten years. How can she be caught in the middle?

Well, take 10,000 steps back. Sika is also a woman, so from a woman's point of view, she felt that Junsu was a bit too bullying, and then told Taeyeon about it. If the two didn't break up, would Taeyeon turn around and say, "You know what, why are you telling me about this?" Make me sad? ’

So ah, Sika's heart is very disturbed at this time. She doesn't know if she will say this when she faces Taeyeon in the future, or will she not say it?

However, before that, Sika didn't want to continue to inquire about him and Yui Aragaki, so she whispered, "oppa, shouldn't you and Yui Aragaki..." She just gently The name was brought up because she didn't want to know too much. Don't they all say that the more you know, the faster you die?

The shock in Sika's heart was beyond words. I used to think that those speculations on the Internet were simply playing the piano and chasing the shadows. Because she herself has a lot of boys and friends in the circle, and it is just a friendship without involving other emotions. So Junsu has a good relationship with Yui Aragaki in Japan, isn't it normal? Besides, Junxiu and Aragaki Yui have both worked together twice, so what's strange about a better relationship?

So when she didn't know the truth at first, Sika just felt that the news on the Internet was all rumors. As a result, the 'rumours' she thought were all based on facts. Netizens were not guessing randomly, but what did they really feel? On the contrary, because they knew about Junsu and Taeyeon's relationship, they became fans of the authorities.

Junxiu was so little bit by Sika that he could only look back at Sika with an embarrassed smile. Junxiu has a deep understanding of the truth that if you talk too much, you will lose it. He seldom said anything about Yui in front of them before, so they didn't notice it. But today, when Sika praised 'Yuyi' so much, he finally couldn't help but talk about her, which revealed his fault.

Seeing Junxiu's smile, Sika was confirmed, she held her forehead with a headache and fell silent in the position.

Seeing Sika's appearance as if she was holding a 'big', Junxiu smiled and comforted her: "Why do you think so much? Don't worry about these things, I have nothing to do with Taeyeon. ."

Junxiu's remarks not only did not comfort Sika, but made Sika even more depressed, Sika said with a wry smile: "It doesn't matter? It's really easy to say, hehe... You really have a big heart, you are so sure of me. Won't you tell Taeyeon something?"

Faced with this question, Junxiu just smiled faintly and did not respond to Sika, and then the whole car fell into a strange silence.


After getting off the plane, Junxiu was not taken home, but was pulled directly into the company's conference room. This was a meeting group specially prepared for Junxiu's album production, and the clothes racks in this room were densely packed with clothes. The table in the room is covered with layers of fashion magazines, as well as many, many accessories.

Seeing that there are at least a hundred sets of clothes, Junxiu laughed speechlessly: "Wow~~ I said Sika, does it need to be so grand? You don't want me to try everything, right?" There are so many styles, there are formal wear, casual wear, and some trendy wear.

Sika nodded earnestly and said, "If you don't try it, how do I know what is the most suitable? And this album has at least two MVs. Since there are two, the required clothing styles must reflect different styles. The title song you listened to, "I've thought about it once," I think it's better to use dark colors. Gray, black. I'll see if it's more casual or formal."

After entering this office, Sika stopped talking about Junxiu's emotions. She is no longer Girls' Generation, but fashion designer Zheng Xiuyan. The fashion matching in her mind needs Junxiu to complete, and the makeup work is done. This is how it started...

Junxiu, Sika, the stylist of the Japanese group, there are five people in the room surrounding Junxiu alone. Conflict, collision, negotiation, fusion of fashion ideas. Hair design, hair color selection, color matching of song MV. Junxiu is a person who wears a set of clothes for a while, and a set of clothes for a while, and keeps opening a personal 'fashion show'. The whole team got busy after Junsu came back from Okinawa.

Workaholic is a contagious disease. When Sika first received a fashion job, she became a workaholic. Under the leadership of Sika, the whole group became active.

Junxiu has been working since she got off the plane~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and it was almost ten o'clock at night, Junxiu looked at the time displayed on the phone, and whispered to Sika, "It's almost there, it's time to Let everyone get off work, and it is impossible to make a decision immediately today.”

Although in Japan and South Korea, overtime has become a normal phenomenon. But now they don't need to work overtime because of the workload in their hands, so Junxiu thinks that it is time to let others go after get off work, and the styling discussion is not something that can be settled immediately today, so why drag others to work overtime together?

Sika nodded and agreed with Junsu's suggestion. Everyone here is off work today. After coming out of the company, looking at the sky full of night, Junxiu said with a smile, "Workaholic, are you hungry?"

Sika patted her stomach and smiled embarrassedly, "Uh...what do you say, I really feel hungry."

When it was time to eat, Sika didn't go out to eat, but dragged Junxiu to work in the conference room. Seeing Sika's enthusiasm, Junxiu was too embarrassed to disturb, so he was busy with her...

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