Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 519: Supper (3)

Junsu had personally experienced the breakup of the group, so he really didn't want to see Girls' Generation follow that path. Moreover, there has always been a "seven-year curse" in the idol circle in South Korea, and no group has escaped this curse. This is far worse than the Japanese group, which has been around for 20 years in Japan.

There is only one old group in Korea, 'Mythology Group', which is still active. Don't look at the fact that they are together now, but in the seventh year after their debut, their group also disbanded due to various reasons. of. Now that their respective contracts have expired from the company, they have been reunited after negotiating.

The 'Seven Years Curse' has been plaguing Korean groups for a long time, and now 'seven years' is the longest period for which an artist contract can be signed. And it just so happens that Girls' Generation will be the seventh year of their debut next year, and their overall contracts will expire next year, so Junsu is really worried. Although the outside world can't see any hidden dangers in Girls' Generation now, Junxiu can see it clearly. If Sika insists on doing a personal side business, then the future 'time' will be the biggest fuse.

Once there is an "overlap" between the time of the personal side business and the time of everyone's common business, things will inevitably break out. From the perspective of everyone in the group, it's okay for you to be busy with a side business, as long as you don't delay everyone's common cause. But can Sika really achieve that her personal career does not overlap everyone's common career time? Obviously it's impossible, because she will inevitably overlap when she is doing a side business alone!

Once it overlaps, how should Sika choose? Is it choosing a sideline that focuses on individuals and throwing away everyone's main business? Or choose a common cause for everyone and throw away the personal side business that was finally made? Can't make a choice, then Sika is left with the only way to go... not to renew the contract, or to quit the team! Only when she came out of Girls' Generation would she have enough time to work on her sideline! !

Just like Junsu told her last time, although he has his own company, it is run by managers and teams. They also have cross-shareholdings, so Min Hyuk will never dare to mess around with the accounts of 'JS Entertainment', supervise! So he can leave it to Min Hyuk to take care of it with complete confidence, and then free up all his time to devote himself to his acting career.

That's why Junxiu kept saying "cooperation" to her, and when he didn't have time to take care of it, he left it to a special person to take care of it. Although she calculated that she suffered a little loss in the money she earned, Girls' Generation was always there. As long as the group brand of Girls' Generation stands behind her, her sideline development will naturally sing along the way!

It seems to have lost a little personal money, but it unites the entire Girls' Generation, because only the entire Girls' Generation can compete with the company. It's really hard to talk about the big deal like learning the 'mythological combination', after you quit, everyone will regroup together!

Besides, how can money be earned?

Junsu does not say that he expects their Girls' Generation to become these super long-lived groups in Japan. After all, it is unrealistic for them to be women. Once the members of the girl group get married, they will basically lose more than half of their fans. And in the idol world in Korea, dynasties change so frequently, so Junxiu just expects them to hold on for ten years. Anyway, Junxiu wants to see their 10th anniversary concert.

If there are too many, he doesn't want to, after all, neither he nor the company can delay their lives. When the time comes for them to transform, they can concentrate on their side jobs. Junsu really wanted to say straight to Sika, 'Hold on for a few more years! ' But the problem is that the 'side business' is Sika's personal business, he can only suggest at most, it is impossible to force it.


At this time, Sika heard Junxiu's question of 'overlapping time' and said with a stunned smile: "I haven't even started yet, and I don't know how far I can go? Maybe you say This matter, I can't stick to it? So let me put up the framework first. Let's talk about these issues.. I'll talk about it later. I don't think I can affect everyone, I promise. "

ensure? When personal interests conflict with this so-called 'verbal assurance', the assurance becomes worthless.

When Junxiu was about to speak again, Sika quickly picked up her glass and invited Junxiu to clink it. Maybe she really didn't want to talk about her side business at this time? Junxiu couldn't force her to discuss an answer with herself.

Junxiu sighed, picked up the glass of whisky in front of him and touched Sika, Junxiu drank the strong whisky in one sip. However, the weather in May caused the ice cubes to melt faster, and the wine was diluted a lot by the water that melted the ice, at least not as strong as the first sip.

Whether it was the anxiety caused by Sika's sideline problem or the heartburn caused by alcohol, Junxiu suddenly became a little bored.

In the noisy environment around, many office workers in formal clothes took off their jackets and sat at the bar chatting with the boss. Fortunately, no one noticed that the two Korean stars Junsu and Sika were sitting in such an izakaya, which also made them feel a lot less worried.

Junxiu raised her hand and asked for another glass of whisky. I wonder if the previous topic made Sika also upset, but she also ordered a glass of whiskey like Junxiu, but with soda water.

Maybe she really doesn't want to talk about her sideline anymore~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sika took the initiative to chat about Junxiu's work: "Oppa, have you made up your mind about the collaborator? Don't you want to record tomorrow afternoon?"

"I'll ask Yui again." Junxiu took out the phone and opened 'Line', Sika looked at Junxiu and opened the Japanese chat software, she smiled and said, "How many contacts are there? "

"Three, Yui Aragaki and two members of Nogizaka46." Junxiu responded to Sika and sent a message to Yui at the same time, "Yuyi, I thought about the song "Fireworks" which is the most suitable for you to cooperate with . ' He immediately sent a second, 'This song was originally created by me thinking of watching the fireworks festival with you. ’

After Junsu's message was sent, Yui replied quickly." But once the two of us work together, I'm very worried that some news will be written here... I think it's better, let's talk about it, you said it too. Let me focus on acting, won't you? ’

To be honest, Yui also really wants to work with Junsu. But once they cooperated, it was originally just speculation about the "amour" news about the two of them. It is very likely that the current speculation will change to a confirmed attitude. What about Taeyeon?

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