Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 521: Supper (5)

In the eyes of them and others, Junsu is the perfect image of a good man, because so far they have never heard any bad news about Junsu. You must know that he has been out for nearly ten years, and he only has a constant scandal with Yui Aragaki on the Japanese side. Before Sika was sure about Junsu and Yui Aragaki, the news of the two of them was a scandal.

He's been out for ten years, he's in his twenties and he's in his thirties. The only one they know is Junsu's lover, Kim Taeyeon! And the two have been dating since 2008, and until now, Sika has never heard of the two breaking up. After so many years, they have become the representative girl group of Korea from Girls' Generation. The relationship between Junsu and Taeyeon is still so beautiful in her opinion, but today Junsu's image suddenly collapsed in her heart.

It turned out that the perfect man in their eyes was not perfect. He also made mistakes that most rich men would make. (In Sika's eyes, Junxiu and Aragaki Yui's problem is his fault.)

So when Junxiu mentioned the name of "Aragaki Yui" again, Sika expressed her opinion. Sika feels that since he has Taeyeon and the relationship between the two is still so good, he shouldn't make such a mistake. Isn't this pushing himself to the edge of the cliff?

Sika's questioning made Junxiu raise his head, he smiled slightly towards Sika and said, "You have experienced at most one or two episodes of ambiguous/ambiguity, let's talk about it after you have experienced love, You must distinguish between ambiguous/ambiguous and love. Love cannot be controlled by itself! Suddenly one day you have the idea of ​​a man that he must be, that is the arrival of love, and then we will sit down and drink Have a glass of wine and talk about what love is."

Junxiu's words are not to belittle Sika, but to tell the fact that she has gone through the ambiguous/ambiguous period after others expressed their goodwill at most. She has not experienced true love, so she will not understand what kind of qualitative changes will happen after true love occurs. Love is not a TV show! Don't learn about love in TV series, because love in TV series is equivalent to a fairy tale.

Junxiu's smile and words made Sika very unhappy. So in her understanding, he was making a 'mockery' at her, so Sika choked at Junxiu in dissatisfaction: "I'm not asking you about love, I just want to ask you, why do you do such a thing? Yes Are you lonely? As far as I know, the industry to relieve loneliness is very developed in Japan, right?"

When Sika talked about Japan's industry, Junxiu laughed helplessly, and at the same time, he toasted Sika with a glass of wine: "You said that you are digressing. The industry here is developed and developed, but you, I , Do you really dare to go in there to spend? I promise that if we go in today, tomorrow will be the headline, and it will be a headline that has a huge negative impact on you and me. Do you believe it? Believe it or not, today I will pay you to go to the Niulang store to try it try!"

Believe it or not, of course. As an overseas artist, once you step into the peach-colored zone on the Japanese side, you will come out tomorrow as a show. It is normal for the general public to consume, but as public figures, they go to such places to consume, and as a result, they are waiting to be consumed by the media.

After Sika was scolded by Junxiu, she still curled her lips in dissatisfaction and said, "You know what I said is not what I meant. I just don't understand why such a thing happened to you?"

Junsu understands Sika's expression, and in their hearts, their image is Mr. Perfect, but now this image has been broken. That's why Sika felt incomprehensible, but it was her incomprehension that was the most real answer, Junxiu smiled and raised her hand to ask for another glass of whisky and said to Sika: "Because I am also a human being, so I also have Emotions exist, this is the answer!"

I don't know if Junxiu's words are too profound, or Sika's comprehension ability is too poor. She really doesn't understand these words, and when she doesn't understand, her expression shows the most common eight-character eyebrows. Junxiu's wine was delivered, and he took a sip from the glass himself, and Yui's message also came back.

Once again, she rejected the proposal ruthlessly, and she said in words, 'Didn't you tell me to focus on acting? It's a matter of cooperation. ’

Looking at the reply, Junxiu shrugged and said to Sika, "She still refused."

Sika nodded and said, "It's alright if she refused. When I thought you were nothing, I thought you were looking for her for publicity in the early stage, but now I think it's right for her to refuse, lest the two of you have something to do with it. The overheating caused all the reporters to follow you two. When the time comes, they will watch you every day, and I will not believe that you will not be caught. Japanese paparazzi are much more patient than South Koreans.”

Hearing what Sika said, Junsu really was sobered up. Sika's words really shocked him into a cold sweat, because he is living with Yui now. If reporters stared at him and came to guard him every day, then he and Yui Aragaki entered the same building at the same time. Things will be exposed.

Although reporters could not enter the apartment building where they lived to collect evidence, seeing the news of the two entering the same building was enough to give affirmation.

Seeing Junxiu's dazed appearance, Sika stretched out her hand mischievously and shook it in front of Junxiu: "What are you dazed for? Seriously, you can hide so well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'm really surprised, you In Japan, we don’t have the same protection as in Korea. The paparazzi didn’t follow the news about you and Yui, you are really amazing~~!”

"Yeah, the scandal between me and Yui has been reported for a long time. So far, the news of my relationship with Yui has been posted on the Internet, don't you know?"

Of course, Sika knew about the news about Junxiu and Yui Aragaki, so she nodded and said, "I know, I know, I just think the paparazzi in Japan are too quiet? They clearly know that you are in Japan now. "

When Sika said these words at will, she and Junxiu looked at each other, and then their eyes widened at the same time. Yes, the Japanese gossip club with such a powerful paparazzi has been too quiet after Junxiu's arrival. Isn't this a very strange thing?

So when the two noticed something strange, they started to look at the front, rear, left, and right corners outside the store. Sure enough, Junxiu saw a camera with a high-powered lens in a dark corner. Junxiu smiled and shook his head and said, "Sika, it is estimated that the two of us will be on Yahoo News's hot search tomorrow. There is a high-powered camera in the right corner behind you."

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