Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 523: Mai Shiraishi

Junxiu's words made Sika's eyes widen again. What he said now means that they both know? Sika suddenly felt that her head was not enough, because the answer was a bit contrary to common sense. It is normal for them not to know about Yui Aragaki. After all, Junsu and Taeyeon in South Korea did not have any abnormal emotional performance, so they were kept in the dark.

But, like Junsu said, is Taeyeon stupid? Obviously not. If not, then Taeyeon must know about Junsu and Yui's problem. But how did she accept this matter, and Yui, how did she accept it? The three of them... do they really think that Junsu has Iraqi nationality, so it doesn't matter? impossible! There must be something else in there? It's just that Sika didn't dare to ask more questions about the three people who were too private now.

Knowing more is not necessarily a good thing for her. So Sika quickly retracted her surprised gaze, she just smiled and shook her head and gave Junxiu a silent thumbs up. Maybe as Junxiu told her earlier, she has never experienced love, so she doesn't understand what true love is?

Although she has never experienced what true love is, she has also heard that many men and women in love will be stupid, and the degree of "stupidity" is beyond the imagination of bystanders. Because it has appeared on a lot of news, a man committed robbery and murder for his vain girlfriend. There is also a woman who is willing to go to work in the 'night show' for the sake of a man.

From the perspective of bystanders, this kind of "love" is really too stupid to describe, right? But why don't the parties in love feel that what they are doing is stupid? And no matter what the persuasion of the people around you is useless. Maybe love includes a kind of willingness to pay, right?

Looking at Sika's thumb, Junxiu just smiled bitterly: "Are you still eating? It's almost time to go back, there is still a lot of work to do tomorrow."

"Let's go, go back, remember to contact the person you want to cooperate with, and you want to record things tomorrow."

"Yeah, I will be recording tomorrow. I don't know if she has any work arrangements for tomorrow? Should I contact you in advance now? Or let the company come forward to contact you?"

"The company came forward? Do you think you said it? Do you really think this is Korea? Listen to everything? Contact yourself! I really want to see, who is the collaborator who can make oppa fall in love this time? "

Junxiu said with a smile, "Nogizaka46's child."

When Junxiu said the name, Sika said in surprise: "Oh? Is it the child you publicly recommended on sns some time ago? Do you really think they can surpass akb?"

At that time, Junxiu publicly recommended the child on his SNS, which attracted the attention of the Korean media. Of course, the Korean media just reported it simply, unlike the fact that many media here reported the news. And Sika was surprised at this time because Junxiu gave them a recommendation, and now he is directly looking for them to cooperate. How does all this feel like it was planned in advance?

I'm really optimistic about 'Nogizaka46' Junxiu, at least their appearance will make 'akb' dare not say that he is the only one in the future. After the appearance of Nogizaka, after all, the fans' interest in female idols will gradually move from nurturing to 'beauty'.

This is an inevitable development trend, just like the development of South Korean girl groups, now 'face' is more important than 'strength'. No, it is accurate to say that all people in all industries admit that today's world has entered an era of face-seeing. Well, with the exception of scientific researchers, researchers still look at their abilities.

So facing Sika's questioning, Junxiu smiled and nodded: "Not to mention complete transcendence, at least we can fight in court. Of course, the current Naituan is not good enough, why should it be two years later?"

After receiving the affirmation, Sika became even more curious, and she immediately asked, "Who, who, oppa, who is the person you want to cooperate with this time?"

"Mai Shiraishi. How about we go to the karaoke room, and I'll call her over so you can take a look?"

"Okay, okay. I also want to see what the beauty in Oppa's mouth looks like!"

"The beauty in my mouth is, of course, our Zheng Xika. Let's go, let's go to the karaoke room and play for two hours." After the two checked out the izakaya, they moved to the karaoke room soon.

Junxiu sat in the taxi and called Mai Shiraishi. Their current job in the group is only a fixed title show, and Mai is just another model job. And there are so many senior models, she is still a newcomer and she doesn't have much work arrangements. So when Junsu called her, she was already resting at home.

Mai Shiraishi was very surprised when she saw Junxiu's initiative to call. Although they exchanged numbers, they basically had no contact in private. Mai didn't want Junxiu to think that she was someone who likes to hug her thighs.

Mai felt strange and picked up Junxiu's call: "Hello, Senior Junxiu."

"Oh, Mai-like, are you free? Come to the 'karaoke' on Qingshan's side."

Mai felt very speechless, why did Junxiu suddenly remember to ask her to go to karaoke? Although rì himself likes to take k-sing as a kind of vent, but such an abrupt invitation made Mai still say "?", expressing confusion.

Junxiu said with a smile: "Come here, I just have something to talk to you about work. Oh, I'm with Jessica from Girls' Generation, it's not a strange invitation, if you don't worry, you can ask Sa Yuri to accompany you. Come here."

Listening to Junxiu and Girls' Generation being together, Mai said with confidence: "How can I be worried about you, senior~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Send me the address, I'll come here, can I call Sa Yuri? "

"Of course, I'll send you the address via line."

"Okay." After hanging up the phone, Mai just didn't understand why Junxiu was looking for her for work. It stands to reason that her level is too far from Junsu, even if it is work cooperation, it can't be hooked? Although she doesn't understand, it doesn't affect her going to karaoke where Junsu is.

While thinking about what to wear, Mai Shiraishi called Sa Yuri: "Where are you?"

"At home, what's wrong?"

"Oh, Junsu-senpai told us to go to karaoke."

Matsumura Sa Yuri is a little sensitive about this place, because something almost happened when she and Junxiu were in it last time, so she said cautiously, "Karaoke? Where did he tell us to go?"

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