Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 535: unintelligible emotion

When Sister Yoona came home, their father took her aside and said that Yoona was 'weird' today. If he didn't know who the person who delivered the package was at first, then at most it was Yoona. entered adolescence. But now that I know that it was Junxiu who delivered the bag to Yoona, and that her daughter's appearance was the same, it made the father annoyed secretly.

Although he didn't know what happened to Junxiu's current emotions, he could clearly feel his daughter's strong affection for Junxiu. It would be fine if Junsu was single, but it is obvious that Junsu is not single at all now, his daughter... So he can only let the eldest daughter chat with Yoona.

After hearing what her father said, Yoona's sister also felt that she wanted to chat with Yoona. If Junxiu is currently single, she really thinks that her sister and Junxiu are a perfect match for a talented woman. So after she came in, she began to inquire slowly, and only after talking did she realize that Junxiu was not single now, so it would definitely not work, no matter whether her sister was tempted or not, this matter would not work, and it would definitely not work!

As a past person, my sister has experienced love herself, and she has also seen friends around her who have experienced failed relationships. So as for the matter of 'persuasion', she knew that if she insisted on giving her analysis to those who were silent in their love thoughts, she would not listen at all. The only way is for her to shift her emotional attention from one fixed person to another.

So after Yoona's sister learned that Junsu was still in love with Taeyeon, she half-jokingly asked if Yoona was in a relationship? People are clearly in love, so you can't get in the way, right?

Well, to take a step back, if Junsu's love object is not a combination, then you can make use of Shungui's advantages of being close to the water and work hard, and it is understandable to be a sister. Happiness, you need to fight for it yourself, as long as the other party is not married, there is a chance. But the problem is that 'Taeyeon' and Yoona are in the same group. If you knew this was the case, would you still work hard? Afterwards, no matter whether it is successful or not, you have to be pointed by your teammates. How will your teammates treat you, Lim Yoona?

What Yuner's sister has to do at this time is to persuade her not to be stupid. The starting point of persuasion is, of course, emotional issues. She was not good enough to directly involve Junxiu, so she asked Yuner if she liked it.

Facing her sister's question, Yoona shook her head and said, "I haven't met any good people, and the ideal type in our circle is just for dealing with the media."

"Then you haven't met someone who makes your heart flutter?" Yuner's sister always wanted to put the emotional topic on Junxiu, and she continued only when Yuner spoke up.

Of course, Yoona couldn't easily express her feelings for Junxiu, because she herself knew it was inappropriate. So she continued to deny it and said, "How could it be so easy to meet someone who makes my heart flutter? I'm not the kind of person who would fall in love at first sight. I'm busy with work on weekdays, so how can I have time to think about what's not in my heart? Maybe There is a heartbeat, but it is only for a moment, and it fades after a long time."

Yoona's dodging made the elder sister have to take the initiative to attack. She smiled and said, "Oh? But I heard from my father, wouldn't you be very happy that Junxiu gave you a birthday present today?"

When she heard her sister take the initiative to mention Junxiu, Yoona finally understood what she wanted to talk about. But she didn't want to talk about the issues she wanted to talk about, because she herself understood these things, but she couldn't control her heart after she got emotional.

Yoona smiled and said, "Of course I'm happy. He prepared a birthday present for me so thoughtfully, can I be unhappy when I receive it?"

Feeling that Yuner didn't want to talk about this matter, and being a sister couldn't be forced, she just smiled lightly and said, "Just be happy. Yuner, you are a very smart person. There are some things that you don't want if you don't have fate. Force it, lest you end up hurting yourself."

Her sister had made it so clear that Yun'er could only nod her head in agreement: "I know, didn't you just come back and take a shower?"

Yoona soon gave her sister an 'expulsion order'. Really, she didn't want to talk too much about her feelings for Junsu, because so far, she couldn't even explain why she was still unwilling. In it, even if you know 'can't' but it doesn't mean you can cut it off, even Yuner feels worried!


In Tokyo, Junsu's album production has been put into MV shooting. There is less than half a month before the release of the album. A few days ago, Aihui's official website launched the pre-sale of Junxiu's album. After the pre-sale news came out, the Japanese entertainment media began to release Junxiu's album in an all-round way. Because this is the first time he has officially released a music album in Japan after the disbandment of TVXQ, and now Junxiu has become a well-known figure in the world music scene.

Therefore, his album this time has made the Japanese music industry look forward to it. You must know that Junsu is the first overseas musician to write his music into Japan's "music textbook". People in the music world here naturally want to know what style Junxiu will bring back this time?

Although Junxiu has not appeared in Japan in recent years with any music works~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and has not seen anything about film and television, he still has a lot of endorsement advertisements broadcast on TV stations in Japan. And his commercials will always arouse everyone's hot discussion, yes, just the commercials will also get everyone's attention. The main reason is because of the scandal between him and Yui, which has never been broken.

Gossip combined with advertising, coupled with Junxiu's unrestrained advertising imagination, will always cause ripples in everyone's hearts. Whether it's his and Yui's "Winter Soldier" ramen, or Uniqlo's non-stop casual Gakki dance, every advertisement makes him and Yui's hot search in Japan. So he has not been forgotten in Japan, and the songs in his English album are often used as 'BGM' by TV stations in Japan, so the public's love for him has continued.

Junsu has not released Japanese songs for many years, but other members of TVXQ are active in Japan, so the public's love for "TVXQ" will still be transferred to Junsu.

Therefore, his album this time has become the album that everyone is looking forward to. Within three days after the official website pre-sale started, Junxiu's album pre-sale exceeded 500,000. Although there is no AKB horror, but still shows the strength of Junsu.

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