Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 547: Harry

Junsu, as the chief producer of EXO, although he handed over the songs to Yu Yongzhen to help them record them, but as long as Junsu did not speak about their comeback arrangements, they would have to wait indefinitely. This is the right of the chief producer. Without his permission to arrange the shooting of the MV, they can only practice in the practice room every day and can never stand on the stage.

This time, Junxiu suddenly went to Japan. For them who had already recorded the sound, they could only practice in the practice room for the rest of the time. They were still a little hesitant. Because they knew very well that if Junsu didn't arrange for them to return, they would have to practice, practice, practice every day. Originally, they thought that they might have to wait until Junxiu came back from Japan to arrange their affairs, probably in September or October.

But he didn't expect Junsu's album in Japan to be pre-sold, and he returned to Seoul to 'check' their practice results. Fortunately, their practice results did not disappoint Junsu.

Junxiu turned his head and instructed his agent to go upstairs to arrange the shooting of the MV. And he stayed in the practice room to watch the group of young people, Junxiu said with a smile: "Now the world's first reaction when thinking of Korean idols is the knife group dance, that's why I ask you to practice for several months. Maybe. What fans see are the three minutes of your performance on stage. However, I need you to use these three minutes to infect them, which requires you to keep practicing, until your muscles hear music, they will produce natural conditions Reflection. In Chinese, 'one minute on stage, ten years off stage.'"

Junxiu continued: "No one's success doesn't need hard work. How much sweat you can carry, how much honor you can carry. Just like me now, I am also studying, whether it is Japanese music charts or Chinese music. Charts, music charts in Europe and America, music charts in South Korea, every time the charts are updated, I will download and listen to them. What kind of arrangement mode do they use to gain the popularity of the public? The same is true for music, We all need to understand the development of the world. For example, if you bring the original music model of the 1990s to the market, it will not work. This is the development of the world and the development of the music model. Even the music of the retro model needs to be added. The current fashion factor! So life or music needs to keep pace with the times and meet the taste of the current public, so that you can be called a music creator!"

First of all, Junxiu's Chinese strength when he opened his mouth surprised all Huaxia members. Indeed, Junxiu's Chinese strength is no different from their Huaxia members. Some of the simple truths that Junxiu told later are not big truths, but they are very admired by Korean members. Originally, Junxiu was an idol-level figure in their hearts, so they listened very seriously, especially when there were people in the team who could create. Junxiu's words gave them a broader creative vision!

After Junxiu finished talking about the problem at work, he looked at the Huaxia members who were thinking or didn't understand Junxiu's words at all, he said with a smile: "Okay, I won't teach you any lessons, lest you listen. I’m also tired, so let’s practice. Oh, by the way, let’s eat together at noon, and I’ll come down at noon.”

Junxiu left their practice room after dropping those words. At the moment when the door of the practice room closed, they all sighed in relief and sat down on the floor of the practice room one by one. looked at him, and then inexplicably giggled.

Seriously, Junsu's standing in front of them gave them a lot of pressure. Huaxia members also have the same feeling. When they are very tired on weekdays, they always like to mumble in Chinese to express their psychological injustice, but they dare not talk nonsense in front of Junxiu, because in their eyes, Junxiu is no different from Huaxia people. . And Junxiu's fluent Mandarin is really scary, even more standard than them.

The 'return' that they had been thinking about in their hearts during this period of time finally got the answer today, and their hearts became more relaxed at this moment. Come back in July!


After coming out of the practice room, Junxiu walked to the stairwell and suddenly stopped because he didn't know where to go now? Are you going to the upstairs office? No matter who wants to go to those high-rise offices? But where can he go without going to the office? He made an appointment for the EXO children to have lunch together at noon. It was only nine o'clock, and there were still three hours before lunch.

But where can I go in three hours? Even if you go to a cafe, you can't sit there for three hours, right? Cafes are not internet cafes. So Junxiu really couldn't figure out where to go, so he just stood in the stairwell and didn't know whether to go up or down.

Just when Junxiu was standing here alone, a boy with a baseball cap appeared at the corner of the stairwell. When he saw Junxiu, he immediately showed a very European and American greeting: "Hey, JS~~ "

Junxiu looked at the man who spoke English, and he realized that he had never seen it before. Junxiu smiled politely and asked in Korean, "Hello, who are you?"

"Hello, I'm Herry from SUJU-M."

"SUJU-M?" Junxiu tilted his head and remembered that the 'M' represented the squad for activities in the Huaxia region. So he immediately said to this Henry in Chinese: "A Chinese member of SUJU-M?"

Henry understood Junxiu's simple Chinese~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, he said in English: "I'm of Chinese descent in Canada, and my Chinese is not good. JS. I'm your fan, can you take a photo with me?"

Junxiu nodded, Henry took out his mobile phone and took a photo with Junxiu, then smiled and said to Junxiu, "Can you give me your number? I'll play with you in the future."

Junxiu said jokingly: "My number is only for beautiful women, are you a woman?"

After Junxiu finished speaking, he left the stairwell and walked downstairs. Only Henry was left dumbfounded looking at Junxiu's back and didn't know what to say. His rejection was very interesting. The number is only for women?

Junxiu went downstairs while thinking about this Henry, Junxiu thought he was quite interesting. Because the younger generations of the company are actually quite restrained when they see him, and he has a sense of freedom from the United States. So he didn't have that restraint towards Junxiu, instead he wanted to come over to chat.

Junxiu smiled and said to himself, "When you see him next time, give him your number, he's a very interesting person."

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