Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 553: Friendship concert?

This time, the president went to Huaxia for a visit and exchange. But 'communication' always has something to offer, right? But for Huaxia, the 'technology' that South Korea can use as a means of communication... It seems that there is really no such thing. The only thing that can have 'communication' is that Korea has influenced a large swathe of Asia's 'entertainment culture'. The entertainment culture here in China is slightly weaker than that in South Korea for the time being!

So the officials accompanying the Ministry of Culture discussed with the Ministry of Culture of China whether they could have a 'Friendship Concert'? As for cultural exchanges, of course Huaxia will not reject this proposal. So the 'communication staff' was pushed down by the Ministry of Culture and fell to the heads of major brokerage companies, JYP, and JS from Junsu's side, were invited by the Ministry of Culture.

It is impossible for any brokerage company in Korea to refuse the invitation of the Ministry of Culture, so this matter is settled. Girls' Generation, SUJU, and Junsu are all named celebrities by the Ministry of Culture. Because their influence in Asia and their fan groups in China are very strong, of course, this also shows the sincerity of the Korean side.

However, when the Ministry of Culture named 'I hope Junxiu will attend', the company's staff immediately responded to the Ministry of Culture. During the concert, the schedule of Junxiu's Japanese album overlapped, so it may not be possible to come, but the company will try to communicate with the Japanese company as much as possible. . After all, Junxiu's Japan itinerary is managed by a Japanese agency and can be decided. The Ministry of Culture did not force Junsu to attend, but just said 'Junsu' to communicate as much as possible, and Girls' Generation, SUJU, must be there!

Of course, the company has never thought about forcing Junxiu to attend. If Junxiu is really forced to attend, he can squeeze some time out. But there is no benefit for the company to force Junsu to attend this friendship concert without an appearance fee, so it is better not to mention it. So Junsu didn't know about the 'Friendship Concert'.

And Li Xiuman met Junxiu, so he just mentioned it casually. As for whether he went or not, it was up to him to decide. But Junxiu was reluctant to go to a 'concert' in this form. If he really wants to go to Huaxia to promote something, he can completely ask the company to organize a "fan meeting" for him, instead of such an official itinerary, which he thinks is disrespectful to the fans.

Besides, he has never thought about going into any political circle, so there is no need to meet the official face requirements, he thinks that the singer should just do his job as a singer. He doesn't ask for anything from the Ministry of Culture, and the Ministry of Culture shouldn't ask him. It's best not to interfere with each other. And he really hasn't participated in the official itinerary for a long time, such as the dream concert organized by the Ministry of Culture.

However, when Junxiu faced Li Xiuman's proposal, he curled his lips and said, "The official schedule of the Ministry of Culture? This one doesn't even have an appearance fee. I think it's better to forget it? I can give newcomers more opportunities if I don't go. You say yes Bar?"

Hearing that Junxiu opened his mouth to say 'appearance fee', this is simply teaching bad trainees who have not debuted, Li Xiuman stared at him speechlessly and said, "Oh, what do you need for the appearance fee for the government's official itinerary? Do you understand? It's called winning glory for the country?"

Li Xiuman's eyes are handsome and understandable, and he also knows that he can't create an image of greed for money in front of his younger generation, and he can't set a bad example for his younger generation. Although Junsu and Lee Sooman knew that this was a joke about the 'official schedule', the children didn't know it.

So Junxiu can only say with a wry smile at this time: "Of course I know what it means to win glory, and it's not that I don't want to go. Really.. Forget it this time, my trip to Japan is obviously related to this 'friendship concert'. The itineraries are overlapping. My Japan itinerary is not easy to adjust? The main reason is that the program promotion over there has been signed, and the filming was originally booked, but it suddenly retreated temporarily. This is too offensive to the TV station. ?"

Junxiu's 'explanation' was not bad. Li Xiuman nodded and said, "I'll go and communicate with the Japanese side to see if it can be rescheduled? If not, forget it! I'll let you know when it's done."

Junxiu nodded and said, "Well, Mr. Li Xiuman walk slowly." Seulgi and Pei Zhuhyun also bowed and said goodbye to Li Xiuman.


After Li Xiuman left, Junxiu deliberately sighed and brought the two of them to his recording studio together. The trainees downstairs used a record player similar to the karaoke room, and the equipment in Junxiu's recording studio was the first professional recording equipment they had seen as a trainee for so many years. The recording studio, these are the equipment that the two of them are very curious about.

Junxiu smiled and said to the two: "The sound coming out of the recording studio is your purest voice, which is much better than the equipment used in your downstairs practice room. I will bring you here and let you listen to your own singing. , This can make you clearly feel your lack of singing. This is also where you have to practice harder next."

The two looked at the recording studio together, and Junxiu gave them a lot of emotion and excitement today. As for the problem of meeting Li Xiuman before, they all forgot about it after entering the recording studio.

Could Junsu not be moved by giving them such help? Seulgi kept bowing to Junsu to thank him: "Thank you Junsu-senpai, thank you."

Junsu reached out and rubbed her head: "Okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You can go first." Junsu greeted Seulgi and entered the recording studio, and after the door was closed, Junsu said with a talker, "What are you going to do? Which song to sing? I'll tune the lyrics for you."

Seulgi smiled and said, "I sing Taeyeon-senpai's 'If'."

"Oh? This song is very difficult. Even Taeyeon herself can't say 100% that she can perform stably." Junsu laughed and transferred the lyrics to Seulgi and put it on a monitor inside, and continued. said: "There is no accompaniment, you can start directly when you are ready."

Because to let them know the flaws of their own voice, naturally they will not be able to sing with accompaniment. Only in this way the effect is the most direct.

Seulgi nodded to show her understanding, and after taking a deep breath in the recording studio, she adjusted herself. The acapella singing of "Taeyeon "If" surrounds the entire studio.

As Junsu said, the equipment here is more intuitive than downstairs, and Bae Joohyun, who is standing next to him, can clearly feel Seulgi's singing flaws after hearing Seulgi's acapella...

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