Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 579: end the promotion

After coming out of the restaurant, Junxiu put the two of them in a taxi and went home with Yui. Junxiu didn't decide on the issue of Wu Yanshu on the spot. After all, Minhyuk is now taking care of the company, so he couldn't agree to it immediately. This matter has to wait for him to tell Min Hyuk, and then see his decision. It's worth it, it's not worth it, it's still up to Min Hyuk to judge.

Don't sign gold's 'Rookie Award' winner, there must be a certain value, and whether this value is worth the company's investment in her, because she is still involved in the original brokerage company, and that thing is a problem. protracted war. So Junsu and Minhyuk both need to discuss, is it worth it?

And her promise not to sign Kim, which sounds enticing. If she is someone who repays her kindness, then she will definitely get her gratitude for helping her in this difficult situation. But, what if she was a white-eyed wolf? You must know that it is the economic market now, so Junxiu has to guard against it. The most worrying thing is that she invested resources after signing the contract, and she flew after she succeeded. Because there is no signing fee, legally speaking, the two parties are just a cooperative relationship. Once one party wants to terminate the contract, the other party can only bear it.

Junxiu never liked that, so on the way home, he called Minhyuk, and after he told Minhyuk about the matter, Minhyuk immediately said that it was a good thing, the company Now that the actors are weak, it is not bad to be able to find potential actors. He asked Junxiu to send him Wu Yanshu's phone number, and he would handle it.

Junsu knows the actor resources of JS Entertainment, and there are indeed very few professional actors except Liu Inna and Xu Xianzhen, who are the new generation idol actors. I want to find some big-name actors who can support the company, but the company is reluctant to pay the signing fee of billions of won. Therefore, Min Hyuk won the "Rookie Award" for Wu Yanshu, which is considered a potential actor and is very willing to sign.

As for Junxiu's concerns, he also told Minhyuk, but Minhyuk said he was over-hearted. Is this too heartless? Still be careful? Junxiu couldn't explain it himself. Anyway, Junsu asked for Oh Yeon-seo's phone number from Jun Hye-bin and sent it to Min-hyuk, so he ignored it. Of course, Wu Yanshu signed a contract with JS Entertainment smoothly, but Junsu didn't know how black-hearted Minhyuk was when he signed with JS Entertainment, because the whole signing process was filmed by Minhyuk. In the future, you have obtained company resources and become a big actor. If you want to cancel the contract, hehe. Then just broadcast the contract.

When you were in trouble, JS Entertainment stood up and signed a contract with you. Although there was no signing fee, JS Entertainment also worked hard to help you recover your salary through the judicial process. As a brokerage company, JS Entertainment has never underestimated your resource investment in the "newcomer award". After you become famous, you are tempted to leave. Then lift your veil and show everyone what kind of person you are. If it really gets to such an extent, Wu Yanshu will definitely be overwhelmed by the saliva of public opinion, right?


Junxiu didn't have time to find out about Minhyuk's black belly signing, because his schedule in Japan was still very busy. The brokerage company on the Japanese side has fully arranged his schedule, because this return of Junxiu is also very important to the company. After all, Junxiu's future tour in Japan will definitely be handled by Ai Hui, so these basic problems in the early stage must be handled well, and then a lot of money will be returned in the future.

Soon, this month of the promotion period has passed. After three consecutive weeks of playing songs, Junsu’s album this time has also successfully reached the top of the ‘monthly sales list’ in Japan. The album has been released to 1.53 million copies in one month, creating the best result for overseas singers in Japan. Fans in Taiwan, China, and Huaxia bought more than 400,000 copies, and fans in South Korea also bought more than 100,000 copies.

Although this result may be worse than that of 'AKB', which uses handshake rolls to attract consumers, but from the sales volume of normal singers, his results are really awesome. In this era of digital kingship, it is unimaginable that physical album sales have broken '1.5 million'. You must know that the last album of Girls' Generation, which is so hot, is "The Boy's Favorite". There are only 350,000 copies in Japan and South Korea combined. Junsu’s physical album this time is almost five times that of them. Can you be awesome?

After three weeks of playing songs, Junxiu finally got some free time, and those who should be busy are almost busy during the promotion time. Junxiu has no schedule today, so he can finally take a good rest. The TV series that he switched to Yui while resting has finally started filming. So taking advantage of today's rest, Junxiu got up early and made breakfast for Yui. This is already a tacit understanding of life between the two. Just like when Junxiu was busy, Yui also got up early every day to prepare breakfast for him. After setting up his delicious breakfast on the road, Junxiu went back to the bedroom and patted the legs of 'Lazy Yui' sticking out from the quilt. In late July, the weather in Tokyo was so hot that people were using the air conditioner. to the point. After getting up in the morning, Junxiu turned off the air conditioner and let the room breathe while it was cool in the morning. Yui wearing the quilt felt the heat of summer, and her long legs naturally stretched out from the quilt to enjoy the coolness.

Yui slowly opened her eyes, looked at Junxiu with a sleepy look in her eyes, and pouted, "What time is it?"

"You have forty minutes to go to work~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Get up and wash, I'll make breakfast." After Junxiu finished speaking, she leaned over and kissed Yui's blocked mouth, got up and went out .

After washing up, Yui came to the dining room. She sat on a chair and stared blankly at the breakfast in front of her. She was dazed, obviously drowsy and still awake. Junxiu filled the soup and rice, and placed them in front of her. Yui woke up a little after that. She picked up the spoon and took a sip of the soup to wake up her stomach: "Oppa, it's rare to have a day off, why are you getting up so early? Yeah, and you came back so late from work yesterday."

Junxiu has been working under high pressure for almost a month. His tiredness is obvious to Yui. After finally finishing the promotion period, Yui thought he would sleep a little more today. I didn't expect that he would wake up early to make breakfast for himself. This warmth, this emotion, this unspeakable happiness and some guilt were clearly intertwined, more than the taste of the miso soup she was drinking at this time. Even richer.

Junsu woke up so early to make breakfast for Yui because he would have to go back to Korea in a few days. There are only a few pictorial things left here. It's simple and easy, and you can go back when you're done. After all, there is another album over there that owes fans.

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