Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 581: Small Landlord (Part 1)

At the end of July, the sun became savage. Junxiu opened the sliding door from the living room to the terrace to let the air in the room convection. When the weather got hot, he felt lethargic even when he was working. Although the air conditioner can reduce the irritability caused by the heat, but blowing too much air conditioner in one day will make you sick, so Junxiu will open the doors and windows of the house every day to let the air circulate.

Junxiu was wearing an apron and stood in the sink washing his and Yui's breakfast dishes. Yui went to work, and Junxiu was left at home. The surroundings of the imperial palace, which seemed extraordinarily quiet in the morning, could only hear the sound of birds, but also Very comfortable. After washing the dishes, Junxiu stood on the terrace of her home with a cup of iced Americano, looking at the greenery in the Imperial Palace. The combination of mountains, water, trees, and arch bridges makes the manor extraordinarily unique.

Chic is for sure, it's a royal residence after all! The grandeur of the Forbidden City in China shows the atmosphere of a great country. The Japanese Imperial Palace mainly highlights chic, quiet and elegant, which also has a flavor of Jiang/South gardens, but the Chinese architecture is quite different from the Japanese style of architecture. The Chinese style is extravagant, and the Japanese style is quiet. As for the Gyeongbokgung Palace in Seoul, hey, Junsu just wanted to say, 'It's not as beautiful as his home. ’ At least Junxiu’s house has a modern architectural style that blends in with the surrounding greenery and looks very comfortable.

And Gyeongbokgung Palace is a bit...well, it should be said that after visiting the Forbidden City, I began to draw gourds and wanted to imitate it, but in ancient Korea, there was no money and no population, not to mention the cultural heritage of Huaxia and the emperor's spending money. So bold, so the feeling of the imperial palace of Gyeongbokgung is nondescript. If there is no atmosphere, and there is no elegance, it is almost worse than the Wangye Mansion in Huaxia. At most, it is an ancient city.

Junxiu was lying on the railing of the balcony and drinking coffee slowly, as if there was a romantic movie in the 1960s and 1970s, but most of the protagonists of those movies were drinking coffee on the balcony on the second floor, and he was the Lying on the twenty-third floor. Even if you pass by a beautiful girl downstairs, you are not used to looking up at the sky, right?

After a cup of breakfast coffee, Junxiu returned to the living room. He just sat on the sofa in the living room and stared at the bright sun outside. I don't know if it was because of the coffee. All the drowsiness was gone. When I'm busy, I want to rest, but when I really sit at home and rest, it becomes a feeling of emptiness that has nothing to do.

Yui's pet dog has been handed over to her sister's house to help watch. Although Junxiu has started to rest during this time, there will still be some finishing work every day. Yui didn't want Junxiu to drink outside while thinking about no one at home to feed her. And Yui also knew that Junxiu was going to return to China soon, and she worked so long every day, she definitely didn't have time to take care of her, so she sent the dog away so early.

As for the 'heart sauce' (leopard-print palace guard) in the display tank at home, it is enough to feed the crickets once a day, and it is the least to worry about.

While Junxiu was sitting on the sofa in a daze, the vibration of the phone on the desk pulled him back from the wandering world back to reality. The caller showed 'Lee Soo Man'. When the name came up, Jun Soo always had the thought of 'rejection'. Because Junxiu knew one thing in his heart, it would not be good news for him to call in person.

Jin Yingmin called, Junxiu knew that he wanted to squeeze himself more, but Li Xiuman was different. His personal calls always brought some news that made Junxiu furious. Although he wanted to refuse to answer, Junxiu's hand slid to answer the phone.

"Uncle, why did you call so early?"

On the other end of the phone, Li Xiuman listened to Junxiu's voice, and he smiled gently: "Why, I can't call you in the morning? Have breakfast? It is said that Japanese women are gentle, and she gets up to prepare a hearty breakfast for you. Yet?"

Hearing that Li Xiuman started running the train with his mouth full as soon as he came up, Junxiu also said very depressed: "Can you talk about the business directly? When have you ever cared about my relationship? When you have time, you care about Hyun Kyu's love. Let's do it." (Lee Hyun Kyu, the eldest son of Lee Soo Man, studied in a prestigious school in Los Angeles and rarely returned to Korea. The Lee family, this generation's children are all called 'Lee X Kyu'.)

"Yeah, you kid... Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you. You, your property has been exposed. I'm calling you today to tell you."

"Property exposure? What is my property exposure? The running accounts of my bank cards in my ten years of debut are only 100 billion yuan, and there are not 100 billion yuan after I founded the company. What's so strange about exposure? Besides, which world star is now? It's not a hundred billion assets, Taylor made my money for ten years last year, and I don't see anything strange."

Junxiu has also debuted for ten years. If someone else has made hundreds of billions of dollars in his ten-year career as an artist, he will definitely be proud of him, but Junxiu is not. You must know that he is a world star who stood on the Grammy podium five years ago. What is the pride of an artist who has been a world star for five years and made 100 billion in ten years? As Junsu said, Taylor earned the income of his ten years as an entertainer in just last year, so what is he to be proud of.

The turnover is 100 billion, but now the deposit in his hands is not 100 billion, because the establishment of the two companies has invested a lot of money.

Now his private funds and the company's accounts are managed separately~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So even if Lee Soo Man said his property was exposed, Jun Soo had nothing to worry about, because he really didn't have much savings in his hand, he felt that It is not a big problem to be exposed to have tens of billions of liquidity, right? Of course, considering the estimated price of Junxiu's shares in the two companies, some media, it wouldn't be surprising that his total assets are several hundred million US dollars, right? After all, 'JS Entertainment' has become one of the top agencies in Korea.

But after Junxiu said the 'not strange' words, Li Xiuman said, "Ah, who told you that this time it was the money you were holding? It's the land, the land!!"

"What... what? Land? It's so good, why did it suddenly get involved in the land?"

"Seoul land prices have skyrocketed further. Haven't you read the reports?"

After surviving the fallout from the 2007 US financial crisis, housing prices in Seoul have soared again, the biggest jump since 1997. Because South Korea has a total population of 50 million, there are 24 million people living in Seoul after 2008, of which 13 million are in Seoul. With such a dense population, housing prices have naturally skyrocketed.

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