Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 585: roster

Junsu and Taeyeon made up their minds after talking on the phone. After the news came out, they went to hide for a while to avoid the attention of the media for a while. Junxiu never thought about becoming a big entrepreneur, because he himself knew that he was not the type to engage in business entertainment. Although wine Junxiu is relatively drinkable, Junxiu feels that he is a lot worse in some business negotiations, because he always talks like that.

It is easy to offend people like Junxiu in business negotiations, especially in this weird circle of entertainment, it is not only you, JS Entertainment, that has artists. Even if the companies on the market can't find suitable candidates, no, are there still professional schools? Therefore, business negotiation is a negotiation that requires a win-win situation. It is possible that the brokerage company needs to make more concessions, but to what extent, this requires a detailed analysis of the company and those who are familiar with the market.

Junxiu is used to being a big-name artist, and many times when he negotiates work with the company, the company is making concessions. This made him feel a lot less scruples, so sometimes he speaks like that. But business negotiation doesn't mean that you have to let you go when you rush, and business cooperation doesn't mean that without you being handsome, people won't be able to find a suitable partner.

Yes, you Junsu is a unique world star in Korea. But the artists under your company are not some super big names that can't be without carrots, right? There are too many people who can replace the kids in your company. Therefore, until Junxiu's mentality is corrected, it is best not to participate in the operation of the company, because it will not be worth the loss.

Junxiu also knew that his character was not suitable for running a business for the time being, so when the media announced his net worth, he finally chose to go out to avoid the limelight. For Huaxia, Junxiu has always liked their profound cultural heritage very much, but rarely has the time to really go to Huaxia to take a look. A lot of news in the world has said that "the future is in China", so he thought about taking advantage of this time to avoid the limelight and go to China to take a look. But this time, I have to bring Taeyeon!

After hanging up Taeyeon's call, Junxiu immediately contacted the manager on the Japanese side. He told the manager a little about himself, and the manager said it right away, trying to adjust the time for you as much as possible. Let your side of the trip end early to avoid the limelight. Because South Korea, Japan, the media on both sides are interoperable. The first time Junxiu's net worth was exposed in South Korea, Japan's Yahoo will surely reprint the news.

Therefore, the only way is to end the work here as soon as possible and let Junxiu withdraw first! The agent on the Japanese side never thought that Junxiu was so rich. No wonder he could buy two billion-yen top-level apartments in the metropolis of Tokyo. It turns out that he was born in a real estate speculator. Yes.

When the agent began to adjust Junxiu's schedule, Junxiu sat alone in the empty room again, and sat in a daze for some time. Junxiu suddenly remembered something, picked up the mobile phone on the table, and opened the The chat software 'Line' used here. These chat softwares are based on the overseas version of "Prestige" issued by a major platform of Huaxia as the largest shareholder.

And Junsu recently added friends from Japan to 'Line', and there are quite a few people in the friend list. However, all of his friends list are women, and sometimes Yui is laughing at him. Is your chat software a 'roster'? Junsu actually enjoyed the roster.

When he clicked on the 'roster', Junxiu remembered the message from Mai Shiraishi some time ago, but he never responded. Because Junxiu was really busy some time ago, as for the message she sent, he could reply, but not, so he just read it and didn't reply. After Mai Shiraishi collaborated with Junxiu this time on "Fireworks", her attention suddenly soared. She had never been in the 'C' position in the group before, but this time, because of Junxiu, she finally stood in the team. the most central position.

Mai Shiraishi was naturally very grateful for Junxiu's support after she received widespread attention from the market, so she sent Junxiu a message to invite him to dinner. Her current economy does not allow her to give gifts to Junxiu to express her gratitude. Although she has received the attention of the market, the attention has not been converted into effective economic accounting. So asking Junxiu to have a meal is her greatest ability at the moment. Of course, the restaurant must be high-end, after all, Mai Shiraishi knows that Junxiu is a very picky person.

She didn't know Junsu very well, so she thought he was more picky. If Taeyeon and Yui were the two of them, they would clearly know that Junsu's so-called 'picking mouth' is just a satisfaction brought by enjoying the food. It doesn't have to be "5A" Wagyu beef, as long as it's a delicious dish, even if the dish is street food, he likes it, it has nothing to do with the price!

The reason why Junxiu took Taeyeon to Huaxia this time was to satisfy his "foodie" heart.

Junxiu will be leaving Tokyo in two days. The next time he will come to Japan will be in a few months, so he thinks he should meet Mai Shiraishi before leaving. Everyone has sent an invitation, if he ignores it, will it make others think he is putting on airs on purpose?

Since Junxiu has helped her in her career, this friendship must be maintained. After staying in this circle for a long time, I understand that the "circle" is actually mutual support and help. In this regard, isn't Liu Zaishi senior a good example? With more friends, the road is smoother and smoother~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although Mai Shiraishi's personal career has just started with Junxiu's support, but who can tell her how she will develop in the future? ? So this relationship needs to be maintained.

Junxiu opened 'Line' and sent a message to Mai Shiraishi: "Mai-like, is there a shoot today?"

Although Mai Shiraishi has attracted the attention of the market, her current main work is still the titled variety show of the group and the personal modeling work. After collaborating with Junxiu this time, her modeling work has become more and more. In the past, there might have been an inside page shoot in the magazine once a month, but now she has participated in three modeling jobs in a month, and there is one more time cover! !

The cover of a fashion magazine, this is a huge opportunity for her who has just stepped into the modeling industry. Of course, she knows that this opportunity is actually brought by Junxiu.

Without Junxiu's support, she still has a long way to go from the page to the cover.

Soon after Junxiu's news passed, Mai replied to Junxiu: "I have no work today to rest at home and watch our show."

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