Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 592: treat (end)

Work is important, but so is my time. Whether this self-time is used to fall in love or to travel, you can relax your body and mind. This is the real combination of work and rest. When you can't take a break just to make money, you'll eventually tire of the job. Money never ends! It is said that making money is for enjoyment, but Junsu is so busy as he was a few years ago, how can he have time to enjoy it?

So in the past few years, he has completely changed, and every year he has enough time to rest. And he will use this time to accompany Taeyeon or Yui.

Junxiu is now talking to them about this and wants them not to get lost in making money, just to understand why make money? And the real meaning of 'money'! He didn't want them to be fools who only knew how to make money, just like him back then.

Junxiu said, cutting the legs of the king crab for the two of them and putting them on their plates: "Eat, you haven't reached my stage yet, so you are only making money for living, and you want to live a good life. Better and more profitable. In the future, I hope that you will not be enslaved by money when you look back on your own path. When I calmed down, I seriously recalled my 'original intention'. It turned out that I chose this profession because I loved music. Instead of making money today, at least I have never been short of money. Hehe.. It's like the Korean media is investigating my assets during this time."

The two put the crab legs into their mouths and inhaled them in a hurry. When they heard the last sentence, they exclaimed in surprise: "Huh? What do you mean by investigating your assets?"

"Isn't there a lot of fuss about the signing of Puma some time ago in Japan, so the Korean media are not willing to lag behind, they have begun to investigate my assets. In this way, the media in both countries want to hear from me as if they were in the game. What's been dug up here. As a result, the Korean media have really dug up a lot of news. They now find that I have more money than they guessed, is this news good enough?"

"More money than I thought?" Sha Youli tilted his head and didn't understand what Junxiu meant.

Junxiu smiled and said, "Well, I'm richer than I thought. How much do you think I have?"

Mai Shiraishi shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"It doesn't matter, guess, just guess and play." Junxiu said with a smile.

Sa Yuri mustered the courage to guess: "Senior Junxiu, after so many years of debut, there should be more than 10 billion yen, right? (More than 100 million US dollars

"Yeah, the media and Sha Yuri's guesses were similar at the beginning. It is estimated that I have more than 10 billion yen for so many years. In fact, I have more, and they found out after investigation that I had 100 billion yen!!"

"Pfft~~" Mai Shiraishi watched Junxiu casually say the number of '100 billion', she thought Junxiu was using it as a talking point, and said it casually, jokingly. So Mai Shiraishi couldn't help laughing, because the amount of 100 billion yen sounds like a joke.

Junxiu looked at Mai Shiraishi's appearance and laughed: "Is it funny? Haha... So I can't pretend to be rich."

Mai said with a smile: "There are 10 billion people who are already very rich. In Japan, it is estimated that only a top queen like Amuro Namie earns 10 billion, right?"

Junxiu nodded and said, "Senior Namie Amuro has been debuting for so many years, and her albums used to be invincible. She, Kimura Takuya, it is not unusual for them to earn 10 billion. I have only debuted for ten years. In ten years, I believe they will earn more than them."

Sha Youli laughed: "That's for sure. You created a brokerage company yourself, but they don't. They make money by themselves, but you make money by yourself, other artists have to help you make money."


Junxiu didn't explain too much, anyway, the news will come out in two days, they should watch the news then. After a simple meal at home, Junsu personally drove them home. After the two got into the car, Sha Youli smiled and said, "I'll just say, why didn't Senior Junxiu drink tonight. Thank you so much, and you deliberately endured not drinking to see us off."

"Where, anyway, I haven't finished eating the dishes at home. I'll have you two drinks after sending you back. Wine is my soul food. Hehe..."

Junxiu drove the car to send Sha Yuri, who was relatively close to her home, and once again thanked Junxiu for her hospitality today when she got off the bus. Junxiu also said to Sha Youri again: "If you encounter any problems in the future, think about it more, don't get to the point of being a bullshit, do you know? If there is anything that can't be solved, just talk to Mai, or call me, Don't hold it in your heart, you know?"

"I know, thank you senior, really, it's my great luck to know you."

"It's my luck too. Go, go upstairs." Junxiu stopped downstairs in the small apartment where she lived and watched her go upstairs before leaving. And when Sa Yuri walked up the stairs by himself, the tears fell again unconsciously. Because from today on she knows that she should not like Junxiu anymore, but her heart seems to be a little out of control..

Junxiu continued to carry Mai Shiraishi and walked towards her house. Junxiu said again: "You just lack self-confidence. As long as you improve your self-confidence, I really believe that you will be the best-developed one in Nogizaka. Now the profession of idols has changed~www. wuxiaspot.com~ You don't need to be talented, as long as you are beautiful enough, in good shape, and able to speak. And you have all of these, I don't believe you can't do the best, I expect you to be the one in the idol world 'only'!"

"Well, thank you for your encouragement, senior. I will keep in mind what you said. Thank you for your hospitality today. I will definitely try my best to succeed in the future. Please eat 'Longine'."

"Then I'll be looking forward to your treat for me."

It didn't take long for Junxiu to arrive at the place where Mai Shiraishi lived, and the car could not drive in the place where she lived. The car stopped on the side of the road, and Junxiu saw drunk passers-by everywhere. Junxiu couldn't help frowning in such a surrounding environment: "You live here? Sha Yuli lives there. The conditions are better than yours. I don't know how big the room she lives in, but if there is a night work, she can at least take a taxi and sit directly in front of the house. How dangerous you are walking in this alley. "

"It's okay, it's not dangerous here. When the conditions are better, I'll just move out."

"I said, don't you look at the surrounding environment when you choose a house? There is an izakaya in front. There are so many drunk people here, in case you meet one day."

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