Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 589: Treat (3)

Women's tears are a 'deadly weapon' for most men. Especially when women's tears show their weak side, many men can't be hard-hearted, and Junxiu is no exception. Although he has achieved a little pride in his musical achievements, in the final analysis he is an ordinary person. He has not experienced the cruel training of a wealthy family, so the situation of Sha Yuri's tears swirling in his eyes at this time still has ripples in his heart.

He knows that he can't be as firm as a rock, so his only way to face other people's emotional expressions is to choose to escape. The weapon of a woman's tears is very lethal, so Junxiu deliberately turned around and walked towards the refrigerator as if he couldn't see it. He slowly sorted out the ingredients he brought back from the market.

Sa Yuri's tears appeared a little embarrassed at this time. Although she herself didn't want to cry at this time, she couldn't control her "heart". Especially when the illusion in my heart was shattered, the sour taste rushed to my nose, and even if I gritted my teeth and endured it, it would still change into a mist of tears.

Mai Shiraishi, who was watching all this, immediately put his arms around Sha Youri's shoulder and said, "Let's go to the terrace to see the scenery." As the sound of their slippers gradually drifted away, Junxiu just stood in front of the refrigerator and let out a sigh of relief.

The ridiculous thing that happened in the karaoke room that day was a knot. Looking back now, maybe it was because I drank too much, maybe it was because of the loneliness of the moment, maybe it was the excitement that short-circuited reason, maybe, maybe it was fortunate that it didn’t happen that night. Go for the worst. He was still a little embarrassed when Junxiu and Sha Youri met again afterwards. After all, the two were the last step away that day, and everything else was done, so Junxiu still avoided Sha Youri a little bit.

After that day, Junsu and Sa Yuri also met several times, although they did not meet with Mai Shiraishi as many times, that was because Mai Shiraishi cooperated with him. When Junxiu and Sha Youli met later, Sha Youli showed that he liked him. Junxiu was not a piece of wood, of course he could feel it. Just in the face of these likes, Junxiu is definitely unacceptable, because his personal feelings are already very messy, so he can't accept this confession, so as not to add to the chaos.

Junxiu didn't dare to do some "bad things" with other female stars in the name of "lover", because since his debut, Li Xiuman has reminded Junxiu more than once that he must not be too casual in his private life. Because Junxiu is casual, it may be careless, and someone will grab the handle at that time. If you don't want to be ruined by peach news, you can't indulge your private life, let alone get away with it! !

So Junxiu remembered Li Xiuman's advice from beginning to end, he did not dare to loose his life. Because he himself knew how many eyes from the outside world were watching his every move along the way. There is a slight inattention to myself, and that is the time when the wall falls and everyone pushes. And Junxiu doesn't want to be a scumbag in the circle. Don't think that your love can be hidden from everyone. Once it is too promiscuous, the day will be 100% exposed.

Perhaps in the absence of evidence, bad things in the circle will not be passed on to the media. But the gossip among the artists in the circle is even scarier than the media reports. A person's reputation spreads very fast in the circle, whether it is good or bad. Junxiu has a good impression of being in business for so many years, but he doesn't want to be gossiped by insiders behind his back because of some indulgence in private life.

Besides, gossip will reach the ears of reporters one day. So it's still the same saying, 'Once the character design collapses, you can't stand in the circle. ’ Because then everyone in the circle will stay away from you!

Just like what Lee Soo Man told Jun Soo, when you reach a certain height, you will cherish your hard-earned reputation even more. The higher the status, they tend to pay more attention to politeness, because after a certain height, fame and face will be more important than money! This sentence is also very useful to Junxiu, so he does not dare to loose his private life, and with the gentle Yui and kind Taeyeon, he feels that he is enough.

Although the debauched life of those rich second-generation bridegrooms is envied by many men, but envy does not mean that Junxiu dares to live like that. He doesn't even dare to go to nightclubs now. Many artists can still go to nightclubs, but he is very depressed in order to maintain his image.


Mai Shiraishi and Yuri Sa came to the terrace of Junxiu's house. The terrace is very large, not only with two reclining chairs, but also a small square table for dining on the terrace. From the terrace, you can see the Minato area where the Tokyo Tower is located, and you can look down at the Imperial Palace Garden. Because there are no high-rise buildings around the Imperial Palace, Junxiu’s family can see the city skyline of the Minato District at a glance.

Tears began to fall after Sa Yuri came to the terrace. The tears are not because of the pain of being injured, nor because of emotional grievances. Maybe this is a kind of unwillingness? Maybe it was the idea of ​​'it's possible' that was in my heart, so I was so shocked when I saw the happy photos of Junsu and Yui Aragaki.

The happy smile in the photo made her 'like' destined to be empty.

Mai took two tissues and handed them to Sha Yuri, then lay on the railing of the terrace and looked into the distance: "I told you before that the two of you are obviously inappropriate. If you say that your 'like' is as a fan I can still understand the kind of liking. But your liking is heart-wrenching, which is not realistic. Look at this 'home' and you will understand how far Junsu is from us. It's not about the luxury of the home, but "

Aragaki Yui is by Junxiu's side. From the point of view of their women, Aragaki Yui thinks she is perfect. It's been so many years since her debut, except that she has some scandals with Junxiu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Oh, no Gossip. No other news about her private life has been reported, which shows that Yui's life is only two words: clean.

Many popular stars in Japan, whether male or female, always have some news about their lives. But the news about Yui Aragaki on the market, apart from some publicity, has no other reports, these are all worth their thinking.

Because her life itself is very clean, from the cleanliness of the room after entering this room, you can basically see Yui Aragaki's attitude towards life.

She never goes out to provoke right and wrong in the outside world, so naturally there is no news about her life outside. This is the attitude of life and the wisdom of life.

It's more because she feels that there is a handsome presence beside her, so the colorful world outside is not attractive to her!

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