Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 593: Take Yuyi off work (on)

After Junxiu came to the place where Mai Shiraishi lived, he frowned on the spot when he saw the messy environment around him. The safety of artists, especially female artists, is very important. Moreover, Japanese brokerage companies will not send cars to artists. In case they come back at night after overtime, there is no manager to **** them. Then the female artist must choose a bright enough and safe environment around the environment where they live, not to say that they want to live in a tall mansion.

After all, Tokyo's housing prices are among the top expensive places in the world's housing price rankings, and their income may not be able to afford the expensive rents of high-end apartments. Therefore, in terms of choosing a living environment, I would prefer to rent 10,000 to 20,000 yuan more than such a complex place, and even if it is 10,000 to 20,000 yuan more expensive, the room is still smaller than here.

It's just a place to sleep anyway. It's not bad to have a room of your own. You know, Korea even has idols with five or six people crowded in a basement. It's really nice to have a space of your own. Therefore, everything must be considered from the perspective of security. Japan is a wonderful country. What if, in the event of unpredictable consequences?

So Junxiu shook her head when she saw the dark alley and said, "Although I don't know how big Sa Yuri's room is and how much the rent is. But the place where she lives is more than ten times safer than yours. You...don't be afraid of 10,000, but just in case. I saw a lot of izakayas on the street in front of me. Can you guarantee that you won't be disturbed by drunk Sao on the way home? What if there are unpredictable consequences? Mai-like, Haven't you thought about these things clearly? So everyone often says that they would rather suffer a little bit of money, and don't fall into the situation where others suffer, because no one wants to meet them in the end. Well... I'll take you in. "

Looking at this deep alley is really scary. It's even scarier than the mountains where Junxiu lives. At least the street lights on the winding road are bright. Only the dim light of the street lamps on the main road shone on the entrance of the alley, and the inner section of the road was all illuminated by the peripheral light from the windows of the surrounding residents.

Junxiu parked the car outside this alley and walked towards the place where she lived with Mai. Mai also knew what Junxiu said just now, and she also felt that nothing was more important than safety. Especially the word 'what if' is very scary because it involves countless possibilities.

It's just that Mai Shiraishi is still just an entertainer with a fixed salary, and her family can't help her much financially, and she is a child who grew up in the countryside and knows 'money' precious, so she will always maintain a thrifty style. She might be thinking about saving 10,000 or 20,000 yen a month on rent for pocket money, especially since she's already working, and it's not easy to go back and reach out to her family, so Did she choose such a place?

After passing through this dark alley and turning two more corners, Junxiu came to the house that Mai Shiraishi rented. It was an old building with three floors in total. Mai pointed to the top floor and said, "Thank you. Senior, please send me in, I live on the third floor."

Junxiu nodded and said: "Well, let's go up, I'll go back first. In addition, I think it is necessary for you to put on the agenda of renting a house. Now you have some fame. And the development of your group It is relatively smooth. In the future, I believe that you will have more and more jobs, and the possibility of leaving get off work at night will become higher and higher, so it is better to move as soon as possible for safety reasons. You do not have to rent a senior Apartments, as long as you remember the first condition when choosing a house is that the taxi can stop downstairs when you take a taxi back, so it is relatively safe.”

"I see, I'm waiting to move next month when I get paid."

Junxiu smiled and nodded and said, "Well, take care of your own safety, I'll go first."

Although her conditions may not allow her to move immediately at this time, Junxiu did not say that she would take the initiative to borrow money to help, because after borrowing money, the nature of the two of them getting along has changed a bit. So Junxiu chose to respect her, and of course she believed that she would get a good remuneration when she settles her salary next month. After all, her pictorial shoots have increased this month.


Junxiu set off from the vicinity of Mai's house and went directly to the TV station where Yui was filming. This time, Yui's "The Winner is Justice 2" was filmed in the Tokyo area. Completed in the studio, after all, it is impossible for the court to really give a hall for the crew to use. Then the only way is to set up a booth, and the daytime shooting is generally in the "home" of Sakai Masato. The scenes after dark are basically arranged in the "court", because indoor scenes do not need sunlight.

The car quickly arrived at the indoor parking lot of Fuji TV, Junxiu parked the car next to Yui's nanny car, and then he sat in the car alone and laughed. Because when the security guard saw it was Junxiu when he entered the parking lot of Fuji TV, he raised the pole and didn't ask any questions. This is also because most Japanese artists do not have a nanny car, so they either take a taxi or drive their own car, so the security guard is used to the artist driving the vehicle to the TV station to run the trip, so naturally they will not ask.

Not long after Junxiu arrived, Yui's agent came down. He came to Junxiu's car window and said with a smile, "You rarely have a day off~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Why don't you rest at home? Yui is here. There may be more than an hour, do you want to go to her lounge and wait?"

"I'll be in the car. It may be inconvenient for me to go to the lounge. You go to work, don't worry about me, I'm right here."

"There's still more than an hour, are you in the garage?" The manager also came down to tell Junxiu because the above shooting might be late, and if he wanted, he would take him to the lounge to wait by the way. Because it was night, everyone wanted to go home early to rest after the end, and the farewell was also greeted on the set, so no one would come to Yui's waiting room. This is also the reason why the agent dares to take Junxiu upstairs to wait.

Junxiu also knew that sitting in the car for more than an hour was boring, but he still wanted to go up, but he said worriedly, "Is it inconvenient for me to go up?"

"It's okay, these are the last few scenes. Usually no one will come to the waiting room."

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