Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 598: end shooting

Filming started at ten in the morning and continued until a little after four in the afternoon. And Junxiu and Tonggu Meiling didn't eat in the middle. Modeling work is like this, and they won't eat in the middle of filming. Although the sportswear is loose-fitting, it is impossible to highlight the full stomach even after eating, but Junxiu and Kiritani Meiling maintained their working conditions and did not eat all day.

After the end, Kiritani Meiling and Junxiu were saying goodbye to the staff on the set. Junxiu suddenly picked up the sportswear and said, "Can I take the sportswear?" The person in charge of the manufacturer said with a smile: "Of course, of course. It can be taken away, but these are all autumn models, so I can't wear them now."

Junxiu said with a smile, "It's okay. I wear it in autumn, and I keep exercising every day. And I usually wear sports clothes when I practice. I like this autumn clothes very much."

"Oh? Junxiu-sang, do you like it? Then we will send it to the company after we launch it?" Since Junxiu said that he likes it, and the cost of sportswear is not high, the manufacturer naturally wants to give it to him generously, as long as he If you wear it once or twice every day and be photographed, it is the brand that makes money. Endorsement advertisements, pictorials, how can an endorsement actually wear on the street come true?

Since you want to send it, Junsu is also welcome, he nodded and said, "Okay, can you send it to my company in Korea? I can post it on my SNS at that time. Thank you for today, and trouble everyone. "

Junxiu agreed to upload it on SNS, you must know that he has already exceeded 8 million followers on INS. This is a live advertisement, so the person in charge of the manufacturer smiled and shook hands with Junxiu and said, "Where, we should thank you. It's hard work, and you haven't eaten for a day."

Junxiu and his agent left the studio with a bunch of clothes. After getting in the car, Junxiu said to his agent, "I checked the model number. You can wear all these clothes. Can you take them back and wear them?"

These clothes were only worn for a while during the shooting. In order to make the models comfortable, the tags were cut off. Even if the natural brand company took them back, they would not be able to sell them again. Junxiu also asked for the clothes. Thinking that I can wear it myself, and the agent can also wear it.

"Didn't you say you wanted it?"

"Anyway, the manufacturer promised to give it to me after the new one, and I'll just wear what they sent. If you don't mind, take it back. Besides, I'm going to China soon. You let me take these with me this summer. It's not convenient to wear autumn clothes, isn't it?"

The agent will naturally not dislike the clothes that have been worn once. And these are all new models that have not been released. After waiting for the listing, most of the coats are about 10,000 yen, and with so many sets, he can save a lot of money. The most important thing is that the manager's job is to take artists around the studio, so most of the time their clothes are mainly comfortable and loose, and they don't need to be dressed all the time.

The agent looked at the clothes piled up in the back seat, and said with a smile, "Then I'll be welcome."

"Hehe.. You didn't work in Korea, otherwise I would send you more clothes. You also know that the clothes worn by celebrities must follow the season and fashion, so many clothes will not change even after a year. I will be wearing it. And my Korean agent is a big fat man and can’t wear my clothes. I throw a lot of clothes in the donation box every year.”

In fact, Junsu has lost fewer clothes recently, because the clothes he wore were either sent back to her brother by Taeyeon, or picked out by Yuri for her brother. They are not celebrities, so those clothes are acceptable even if they are over a year old, and there are many high-end items in Junxiu's sponsored clothes.

The agent looked in the rearview mirror, Junxiu was flipping through his backpack, he smiled and said, "Checking your passport?"

When he went out in the morning, Junxiu put on his backpack. Whether it was going to the United States or Japan, Junxiu rarely used suitcases. In Junxiu's words, what can't be bought in the city now? And he doesn't buy luxury brands in private. Clothing from chain brands is cheap, just buy some casually. And it's summer, and chain brands like T-shirts are cheaper, so why are you carrying big bags and small bags? It's not moving.

Junxiu took the ticket stuck in his passport and looked at the departure time and the current time. He said depressedly, "Why did you book the night flight for me?"

"I don't know when it will end here? It's early, what if you don't finish it? So I just booked the night flight. I thought about the whole day, and it's all finished, saving trouble."

"You... well, but this time is neither too early nor too late, where on earth can I go? There are still more than five hours before takeoff. Where do you want me to go? Go home and sleep? If you fall asleep and miss it, What if I get on the plane? Even if it is to eat, it's only four o'clock. I can eat a meal for five hours? Maybe five hours, and I'm too drunk to board the plane. You are really giving me a problem."

The end of the shoot was awkwardly close to getting on the plane. The main reason is that it is about two hours before dinner time. It is not too early or too late. Now I go to have a cup of coffee and eat some pastries. If I don't go to eat, I'm a little hungry again. If you want to go home to rest, but there is no one at home. Facing an empty room, I don’t want to go back so much, and it’s even more impossible to go shopping or something. It only made headlines today.

The agent smiled and said, "What's the problem? You can go to the company at the moment, go to any coffee shop or bookstore to take a break, isn't it just to pass the time?"

"Don't, don't tell me about the bookstore~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I have a shadow in my heart now." The last time Junxiu was treated by "Human Observation" using the excuse of "bookstore", there is still a shadow in my heart.

"I'm talking about real bookstores. There are many quiet bookstores. Or you can go to the record store and see if there are any stores that play your songs."

Junsu's song promotion period has ended, and there are other singers' releases, so it's natural for the store to replace Junsu's albums.

Junxiu tilted his head and said, "Did you go to the record store to see the songs that were replaced by me? What if I changed it? What if I didn't change it? If it was replaced, I asked him to replace it? If it was not replaced, shall I award a trophy? Seriously.. Besides, singers who release films every week, even if the store changes my songs, is it normal?"

"That's not what you mean, aren't you trying to pass the time? Going to these places is easy to pass the time. And your favorite 'Nogizaka 46' has released a new movie, Mai's 'C position', don't you buy an album to support it? "

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