Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 604: Yanjing welcomes you (5)

Old Yanjing-style jajang noodles are more difficult to stir than Chinese-style jajang noodles in South Korea, because the jajang noodles have been improved in Korea, and the noodles there are almost all the ratio of jajang, water, and oil. So it is much easier to stir than the old Yanjing's fried noodles with only oil. The fried sauce noodles in Old Yanjing are almost made by the oil accompanying the fried sauce.

Junxiu took the noodles and started mixing. After mixing, he put his noodles in front of Taeyeon and brought hers over. Taeyeon laughed when she saw that the color of the noodles changed to Korean Chinese style jajang noodles: "The color is the same, how does it taste?"

Junsu continued to mix the noodles, and Taeyeon picked up the chopsticks and rolled the noodles and put them in her mouth, she nodded contentedly: "Mmm~ It tastes good, it's completely different from what you eat in Korea. It lacks sweetness. There is only a salty taste. And because of the size of the dishes, when chewing the noodles, it is mixed with the crunchy texture of the vegetables. The aroma of the cucumber is very good~~ It is too oily.”

Junxiu smiled and nodded, pointed at the white fungus soup and said, "That's why I called you 10,000 white fungus soup. It uses sweetness to suppress the greasy. In fact, Yanjing prefers to use raw garlic to suppress the greasy."

Korea doesn't mind eating garlic. Originally, many dishes in Korea use garlic, but this is the first time for the two of them to have breakfast. Too much garlic is bad, and they don't have toothbrushes, so it's impossible to eat them. Rinse mouth after meal. In fact, when eating Korean barbecue with raw garlic, it is also used to suppress the greasy feeling. So Taeyeon didn't show much disgust, she just tilted her head and drank Tremella soup with a spoon.

Junxiu mixed his own noodles again, and he began to eat it. It was true that Yanjing's fried noodles were very greasy. And it's a little less sweet than the jajang noodles in Korea. This makes the feeling of 'oil' stronger. The relationship between putting so many vegetables in the fried sauce noodles is probably also to suppress the greasy, right? After taking two bites, Junxiu looked at a small pot in front of him with the word 'vinegar' written on it.

Junxiu smiled and picked up the small pot and poured some noodles in the bowl. Taeyeon looked at the small pot and said, "What?"

"Vinegar, rice vinegar." Junxiu took a sip after mixing it, and was surprised: "Oh, try it, this fried sauce noodles must be put in vinegar, the greasy feeling is suppressed by the vinegar smell." Junxiu said and put his own The noodles were pushed to Taeyeon, she picked up two noodles and put them in her mouth, then stared at Junsu with wide eyes. After Junxiu understood her eyes, he picked up the vinegar and gave her some.

The two ate a large bowl of jajang noodles after adding vinegar. Taeyeon ate all the noodles and all the jjajang in the bowl.

After the two were full, they left the restaurant satisfied. After leaving the restaurant, the outdoor temperature seemed to have risen by two degrees? Taeyeon raised her umbrella and turned to look at Junsu and said, "Where are you going next?"

"Of course it's the Forbidden City. In front of Gyeongbokgung Palace and the Forbidden City are 'children'. We need to stand in front of the city gate to feel the majesty of the Forbidden City. Why has China been called a great country since ancient times!!"

Taeyeon doesn't care about the big or small country. She just looked at Junxiu when she looked at the traffic jam on the road. She asked, "Walking?"

Junxiu smiled, took out her phone, opened the map, typed in 'Tiananmen Square' and showed it to Taeyeon: "It's less than a kilometer, are you going by car or subway?"

Taeyeon also smiled embarrassedly: "Go, go, go."


Ten minutes later, the two of them appeared at Tiananmen Square with ice-cold mineral water. They stood in front of the gate of the Forbidden City and felt its grandeur. Taeyeon took out her mobile phone and started recording "Forbidden City" like a tourist.

When she saw the walls of the Forbidden City, she finally understood the meaning of "Gyeongbokgung Palace is a child" in Junxiu's mouth. Indeed, the two palaces are incomparable. The buildings with red walls and yellow tiles and the super-large gates are simply shocking. .

At first, when the two of them took pictures in the distance, they didn't have a great feeling. When the two took some photos and came to the gate of the Forbidden City, they felt the grandeur of the city gate. It's time to 'the majesty and great power of the Chinese emperor'!

When the two came to a door, they stopped to take pictures until they bought tickets and entered the Forbidden City. Passing through the Meridian Gate to the Jinshui Bridge, Taeyeon couldn't help sighing, "Wow..too..too majestic."

While sighing and taking selfies with her phone, Junxiu took out the camera and started taking pictures of her. There was no difference between the two of them and the tourists around them. After entering the Forbidden City, all tourists sighed at its majesty and grandeur, including many Chinese people who said, "I don't feel it when I watch it on TV. Only when I come here do I know how big the imperial city is and how secluded the palace is." ’

After hearing these words, Junxiu smiled and said to Taeyeon beside him: "The previous emperor was isolated in this deep palace compound, and everything in the world had to be heard by others. It was the same with the emperor of North Korea back then. I just heard it, how much folk things does he know?

Taeyeon smiled and shook her head and said, "You want to say that this is the change of the world, the development of the times, right. What class are you going to take today?"

"I..." Just as Junxiu spoke, he suddenly heard Korean words appearing around him, so he pulled Taeyeon and started to walk forward quietly. And Taeyeon also noticed the Korean auntie group wearing skin suits. They all had loud voices, and they kept posing in the imperial city and asked the tour guide to help take pictures.

Junsu and Taeyeon stayed away from the tour group. Especially Junsu, he is a very popular actor in the eyes of auntie. So when I met Junxiu overseas, they still didn't take two pictures? Hide if you can't afford it!

The two crossed the Jinshui Bridge~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and walked towards the Hall of Supreme Harmony. After viewing the interior of the hall, the two set off towards the Qianqing Palace. It was still one word, big.

Junxiu laughed when he came to the courtyard of Ganqing Palace, and he said in Taeyeon's ear: "Qianqing Palace, from here on, it has been the emperor's harem. Life, a place to live. Is it big enough?"

Taeyeon gave Junxiu an angry look and said, "Well, the harem (accent) is big enough~~~"

Junxiu put an arm around Taeyeon's shoulder and said flatteringly: "The emperor's home, although it is big enough, is quite sad. Isn't life just about peace? The emperor is worried about the world, but also the house? I can’t enjoy this kind of life, so it’s best for me to be an honest person.”

"Honest man? Hehe~~"

Taeyeon's 'hehe' is a bit irritating.

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