Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 695: His circle of friends (below)

When Junxiu brought Yui to a place not far from Ha Dongxun's barbecue restaurant, Yui looked at the crowd gathered at the entrance of a restaurant in front. It is normal to queue for meals in Japan, but the way of queuing for Koreans is different from that in Japan. In Japan, they line up in an orderly manner, while in South Korea, they wait in groups in twos and threes. The visual effect is completely different. .

Yui looked at so many people in front of them getting together in twos and threes, it was a bit like fans were waiting for them to come. Yuyi frowned and said to Junxiu, "oppa, what happened ahead?" Because they visited two scenic spots in one day, both of them were almost 'surrounded' by fans, and now Yui still has lingering fears in her heart.

Junsu smiled and said, "Oh, here it is. This restaurant is opened by a friend I want to introduce to you. You know 'Running Man', right? This Korean variety show is very popular in Asia recently, and this restaurant is one of them. It is run by members. So many fans come to eat here, because he himself often helps in the store, and fans can chat with him and take pictures when they come, and the business will be better.”

Yui just nodded and said, "I see, I thought we were being followed by fans." When he was coming down from Nanshan, he was chased by fans driving cars. On the way down the mountain, the fans actually drove the car Kailai is parallel to him. If you know the mountain road, there are two roads up and down. Fans occupied the opposite traffic lane. If there was a problem, it would not be a joke. As a result, the fans forced Junsu to stop and curse.

In the end, Junxiu angrily posted the other party's car on SNS, of course covering the license plate! Yui was also taken aback by the crazy behavior of Korean fans at that time, because such crazy behavior is impossible in Japan.

Just as Junxiu and Yui slowly walked towards HaHa's barbecue restaurant, fans waiting in line at the door had already spotted them from a distance, and then the flash of the mobile phone at the door of the restaurant kept flashing in the distance. Get up, it's a day worth celebrating for the fans who came to dine today, especially the fans who came from afar, originally wondering if they could take their chances, seeing Ha Dongxun in the store, but no one thought that there would be big brands gathered here today. .

Now in the barbecue restaurant, not only is Ha Dong-hoon himself, Kim Jong-kook, Girls' Generation have come one after another, but now Junsu and Aragaki Yui are also here. This is really the gathering of big names. Fans who came to the barbecue shop to check in today feel that they have made a lot of money. There are many photos of celebrities in the memory of the mobile phone.

Junxiu walked through the crowd with Yui Aragaki and directly entered He Dongxun's store. His store has a private room specially prepared for artists, and today the private room is really full of artists.

Opening the door, Junxiu and Yui entered the noisy barbecue restaurant together. Yui felt the atmosphere of a local Korean barbecue restaurant for the first time. The dinner, and the smell of the barbecue made Yui smile.

What appears in the store is a very ordinary, very life-like scene. But such a scene has very little time for Yui to experience, because her popularity in Japan is really very high. Just like Taeyeon and the others in Korea, it is impossible to choose a restaurant with so many people.


After Junxiu and Aragaki Yui came in, the diners who were sitting in the restaurant put down their chopsticks one after another, and began to pick up their mobile phones and slapped Junxiu and Aragaki Yui for a while. The people sitting in front of the store saw the girl. When the era appeared, he had already guessed that Junxiu would come, and sure enough, Junxiu came, and he also brought Yui Aragaki with him.

He Dongxun, who was busy taking photos with fans, saw Junxiu from a distance and waved to Junxiu as a greeting, and then pointed to the private room, indicating that Junxiu should go to the private room first. Junxiu nodded, and took Yui through the diners who were dining toward the private room.

In the private room, Ha Dongxun's wife, Xingxing, and Taeyeon were all women, but Kim Jongguk was the only man sitting in the room, and he looked very reserved. Kim Jong Kook was better when facing the 'star'. After all, he was a younger brother and sister, and he met more often on weekdays, but when facing Girls' Generation, he seemed very cautious.

The moment Kim Jong Kook saw Junsu, he smiled as if he was relieved: "Junsu, you're finally here, it's embarrassing for me to sit in it all by myself."

Junxiu looked at Jin Jongguo wearing sweatpants, and that leg seemed to burst the sweatpants. He smiled and patted Jin Jongguo's leg: "Wow, Brother Zhongguo, are your pants going to be torn? What are you embarrassed about? Don't you know Taeyeon and the others? Uh, yes, let me introduce you, Yui Aragaki from Japan." Junsu first introduced Kim Jong Kook in Korean, and then immediately changed to Japanese and introduced Kim Jong Kook to Yui.

"Yuyi, this is a very good senior brother of mine, Kim Jong Kook~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After Junsu's introduction, Yui bowed to Kim Jong Kook, and after introducing Yui full of Japanese. Kim Jong Kook also used Japanese. Introducing himself, he will also say these two sentences, which is also learned when doing activities.

After Kim Jong Kook introduced himself, Ha Dong Xun also came in. The position he came in happened to be standing next to Yui Aragaki. His height was similar to that of Yui Aragaki. This made He Dongxun wince and retreat towards his wife, and then muttered, "How tall~!"

Seeing Ha Dongxun's 'fearful' appearance, Shungui laughed heartlessly on the spot: "Hahaha.."

And Yui didn't understand why Shungui laughed, because in Japan, Yui was really taller than many male stars, so she didn't care that much about her height. But it's different here in Korea. Male stars are very concerned about their height.

Ha Dongxun had heard Junxiu mention the name 'Aragaki Yui' many times, but today was the first time we met. At a glance from afar, he felt that this girl was quite tall, and only now did he know her when he got closer. He was as tall as himself, and even vaguely taller than him.

Looking at Yui's dazed appearance, Junxiu smiled and said in her ear: "He said you are too tall. Your height problem also troubles many male stars in Japan, right?"

Yui was also very distressed and said, "Hehe, I don't know why I've been getting taller recently. I measured my height two days ago, and it was 169cm, and it's 170cm when I wear shoes."

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