Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Chapter 193: An Letang, whose heart is being abused?

Junsu's heart suddenly became heavy after learning that Park Injing's grandmother died, because he knew what it meant to Park Injing. So he didn't say anything on the way to send sister Jessica home. After sending sister Sika off, he quickly turned back to the front of the car to send Jessica back to the company, and then he drove back home.

Why go home? Because Junsu has to go home to change clothes, funerals are a very serious matter in Korea, and they all have to wear formal attire to attend such occasions, which is also a kind of respect for their families. Junxiu wears formal attire to attend the ceremony at the end of the year, so he also has a few suits at home. After he got home, he quickly put on a black suit and set off in a white shirt.

Of course, after Junsu came home, Yingui also asked how he came back, and Junsu said, "Park Injing's grandmother died. ' Then Yin Kyu didn't say anything, just asked Junsu to go to the bank to get some money and prepare a gift.

Junxiu nodded, dressed in formal clothes, and drove out. According to the address given to him by the agent, Junxiu set off there.

The night is accompanied by silence, and the lights in the parking lot of An Lok Tang in South Korea are very bright. Perhaps it is to dispel the fear in the hearts of those who come to worship. After all, such a place is not a 'good place', because many of the relatives and friends who hold funerals have to go to work during the day, so those people can only come to pay their respects after work, and after get off work, it is dark in Korea. So it is normal for such places to park like daylight.

Junxiu drove a white BMW into the parking lot and looked for a parking space. If he wanted to find a parking space at the entrance of the parking lot in such a place, he would have to be very lucky. And Junxiu is of course not one of those lucky people, he can only slowly drive down the driveway and look around to find a parking space.

At this moment, it was not the parking space that entered Junxiu's eyes, but Park Injing. Junxiu stopped there in an instant. He sat in the car and couldn't hear what they were saying. He only saw a boy standing opposite Park Renjing, and that The boy stretched out his hand and stroked Park Renjing's head as if to comfort him. Junxiu is much better now than before. If he saw such an intimate gesture in the past, he would immediately turn the front of the car and leave.

Now he is no longer so obsessive about love, so he can accept and understand the man's comfort to Park Injing, after all, this period is a special moment.

But the next second Junxiu was dumbfounded, because he saw Park Injing jumping into the man's arms and crying. If Junxiu can accept and understand the previous action, then he doesn't know how to accept this action at this time. I really don't know how to accept it.

Park Injing was sad and sad, but Junsu could understand that even if he was taking a step back, when Park Injing burst into tears, the boy took out a handkerchief to wipe her tears, and Junsu could understand. After all, he didn't stay by her side in her saddest moments. So as a woman, she needs comfort, but there is also a degree of comfort. You threw yourself into a man's arms like this... no matter how good your relationship is! (Except my brother, of course.)

It is understood that Park Renjing does not have an older brother or younger brother, she has only one younger sister! And that younger sister, at least Junxiu, has never met. Because her sister is studying and living with her parents.

When Junxiu saw the scene of Park Injing throwing himself into the man's arms and crying bitterly, he closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, he drove the car down the road and left. The grief in his heart rushed up from his nose and gathered in his eyes, and he tightened his teeth and still couldn't stop the tears from sliding down.

Before taking two steps, Junxiu stopped the car when he had too many tears to see ahead, and the pain in his heart made him lie on the steering wheel. She cherishes so much, misses so much, and even after returning to China, the first person she wants to see is her, but at this moment, she rushes into another man's chest. Junsu once again felt the betrayal of love..

The heart hurts so much that he can't even straighten his waist, Junxiu gritted her teeth and cried while covering her chest, the pain was like she was about to die.


Just like that Junxiu lay on his steering wheel for an unknown time, his tears dried, but his heart was still so painful, Junxiu looked up at the brightly lit An Le Tang, and looked at the gate where people came in and out. He just sat quietly like that, and did a long ideological struggle, should he leave or go to the incense stick? In the end, Junxiu chose to turn off the car's engine, and he got out of the car.

Park Renjing's grandmother is a very kind old man. Although I have only seen her once, since they have all come here, it is better to go up to Zhuxiang. Junxiu got out of the car with the idea of ​​"the dead are the greatest".

After getting off the car, Junxiu sorted out his clothes and walked towards the An Le Tang above. There are also many halls in the An Le Tang. He simply asked the security guard at the door: "Park..." After he said this word, the security guard pointed to the hall next to him and said, "The old man of the Park family? side.."

Junxiu followed the security's instructions and came to the hall of Park Renjing's house~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The hall is directly a dining room. There are still some people sitting here and eating, and some people see it coming in. They were all stunned when they were handsome, and then there were some noises in the entire dining hall. Some older people said in a 'whisper': "Isn't that an actor? I've seen the TV series he starred in.". ..

In short, Junxiu's appearance surprised everyone. After Junxiu turned around the lobby, he saw his relatives, dressed in black funeral costumes, kneeling in front of the mourning hall, with the photo of Grandma Park Injing in the center.

Park Injing's family all widened their eyes after seeing Junxiu, especially Park Injing's younger sister. Because last year, there was news on the Internet that Junsu and Park Injing were in love, and their family knew about this news. In addition, the late grandmother also said that Junsu had been to their house and so on..

And Park Renjing was not here at this time, but Park Renjing's parents and younger sister, and a skinny man was there.

Junxiu took off his shoes according to the etiquette and entered the mourning hall. After he went to the mourning platform of Grandma Park Renjing and knelt down with incense, Park Renjing's family also returned the salute to him. Junxiu said to Park Renjing's parents: "I heard such unfortunate news just after returning to China. I also ask you to mourn..."

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