Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Chapter 196: negotiation

Park Renjing was already the mourner, so she couldn't leave the mourning hall at this time to find Junxiu and explain it to him. The update is the fastest, so she has more time to think about this question repeatedly, and even compare her heart to heart. If she sees Junxiu hugging other women, and then saying that that is a friend is a good relationship, she can Forgive and forgive? Even Park Renjing admits that this matter is difficult to forgive and forgive.

Even though he said forgiveness on the lips, there was still that lump in his heart. I have a clear conscience, shouldn't I just ask Junsu to forgive me? Suddenly, Park Injing thought it was a very absurd idea. Since I knew that such a move would cause misunderstandings, why didn't I choose to prevent such mistakes from happening in the first place? Woolen cloth

Park Renjing just sat quietly in her grandmother's mourning hall, thinking about that question, and she suddenly felt tired, and she didn't know what was going on. When she woke up, she was already lying on the hospital bed.


On the other hand, Junxiu drove the car back to Seoul and put on a hat by himself. He casually found a roadside stall and started to eat and drink. Mainly drinking, cup by cup, bottle by bottle, there are more and more soju bottles on his table. Then, then, for the first time since he had increased his drinking, he stopped drinking.

The next day Junxiu woke up with a splitting headache. He half-opened his eyes and looked at the familiar environment around him. He was lying on the sofa at home. He patted his head and tried hard to recall what happened yesterday: How did I come back?

Then Yin Gui's voice came from behind him: Wake up and drink some water. Yin Gui brought Junxiu the water and put it in his hand, and then Yin Gui said in a depressed tone: Ah, Junxiu, I really convinced you, really, it was the first day I returned to China. drunk on the street

I'm drunk on the street, right? How can I come back if I'm drunk on the street? My head hurts. I'm so angry, I'll cook some sober soup.

I don't know how you came back. It was the aunt of the shop owner who saw that you were drunk and unconscious. She called the police. After the police came, they found the car keys on you, and then contacted me through the vehicle registration. I'm really... You said that you were drunk by yourself just after returning to China. What is the situation when you drank 13 bottles of soju by yourself? You are really capable. Didn't you go to An Le Tang yesterday? Why did you go to drink again?

Junxiu took two sips from the water cup, put the cup on the table, and responded to Yingui: I went, I went to the incense and left, there are too many people, I dare not stay there. Angry, help me finish the soup, I'll take a bath first. Suddenly I found that drinking like this is very good for adjusting the jet lag.

Oh, who told you about the drinking adjustment... Before Eun Kyu's words were finished, Junsu entered the bathroom and closed the door.

In the bathroom, Junxiu felt the shower hitting his split head. Yesterday, the image of An Letang Park Injing throwing himself into the man's arms reappeared in his mind. My heart hurts again from that picture. The feeling of sadness also rushed to the eye sockets again along with the heartache, and the tears slipped down with the water droplets from the bath. I couldn't tell if it was water or tears.

After taking a bath, Junxiu packed up his mood and returned to the living room. The hangover soup that Yingui cooked for him had been placed on the dining table. Junxiu was eating the taste of home-cooked food that he was familiar with and said with emotion: If you are angry, you are there. Okay, you don't have to cook for yourself when you wake up in the morning..

In the morning, it was almost noon, and the broker called in the morning, saying that he would come and pick you up after lunch.

I know, it's really not a moment to spare.

Junxiu is eating here, and the agent has already come to his house. Today Junxiu can't find any excuse not to go to the company. So he drank the hangover soup that Yin Kyu made for himself, changed into a sports suit and set off for the company.

The agent in the car asked why Junxiu’s phone was not turned on, but Junxiu responded by forgetting to charge the phone. In fact, his phone still had more than half of the battery. It's just that he didn't want to turn on his phone, because he wasn't ready to face Park Renjing yet.


In the six months since Junxiu left, s.m has not changed. There are still many fans at the entrance of the company. Today, Junxiu did not choose to go through the back door, but entered the company with the screams of fans after getting off the car at the main entrance. The news of Junsu's return to China was quickly spread by fans. js Junsu's return to China means that TVXQ's album is about to start production~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this time, Junsu is sitting in the conference room, the company's decision-maker Li Xiuman, as well as Kim Youngmin and several shareholders are here. At this time, they smoked cigarettes and said to Junxiu with a smile: Junxiu, I didn't expect you to achieve such good results in the United States this time. You are the pride of South Korea now. By the way, the company js.. recently set up by your former broker. Did you take a stake in it?

Junxiu also knew that one day this matter needs to be made clear, so he didn't plan to hide anything at this time, he said directly: js, I don't have a stake. However, that is a company that I personally hold, and the company's land, construction, decoration, procurement, etc. are all funded by me. The total cost looks like 50 billion won. Minhyuk is now acting as the president of js company.

One of the shareholders asked Junxiu: How do you want to set up a company by yourself? Do you think there is anything wrong with us s.m? And your current contract is the best in Korea in terms of five-to-five, and The copyright of the song belongs to you. This is a contract that all idols cannot get. It is not easy for the company to train you.

Hearing this shareholder's words, Junxiu immediately laughed: Yes, it's really not easy for the company to train me, dsp trained me for 2 years, jyp trained me for 2 years, yg also went to stay for 3 years, oh, s.m me The longest stay is more than 4 years. In terms of debut selection, I did not choose other companies, but s.m. Of course, it was also because I saw that the contract s.m gave me was very good.

Junxiu's remarks instantly made the shareholder's face blue. He really didn't know that Junxiu had stayed in other brokerage companies for so long, and they were all top Korean brokerage companies.

To be continued. .

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