Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 318: TVXQ Incident Begins

s.m, President Lee Sooman's office was filled with smoke as if it was on fire. E novel Ww "W. ┡1XIAOSHUO. The cigarettes in the hands of COM Lee Soo Man and Kim Min Young were burning, and the cloud of smoke slowly rose. The ashtray in front of them looked like hedgehogs, with cigarette butts stuck in a mess.

In front of the two s.m bosses, the three TVXQ members, Kim Jae-jung, Kim Jun-su, and Park Yoo-chun, when facing Lee Soo-man, the three of them are no longer the same as they used to keep their heads down as if they had done something wrong, yeah, It has been five years since TVXQ debuted, and it is absolutely beyond doubt to say that TVXQ is the number one boy group in Asia, so their wings are hardened!

After five years of TVXQ, apart from Junxiu, they have not made any money. Of course, they are better than salarymen, yes, they are a little better than ordinary salarymen. On the surface, TVXQ, the No. 1 men's group in Asia, looks beautiful and beautiful, but in fact, the surplus in the past five years is really limited!

The only thing that makes them envious is Junsu, the advertisement has the highest endorsement value of 100 million in South Korea, and his album in the United States is so1o, let's not talk about whether he earns dollars there, let's talk about Junsu's activities there. There is no need for him to take out the money and distribute it to the members. Because s.m's consistent sharing agreement is that personal itineraries belong to individuals.

However, the sideline 'cosmetics' that the three of them have exhibited together has been very popular in Japan recently. This is also because there are three people working together on the platform to help promote the brand. And there is another reason for them to be confident in their public platforms..

Li Xiuman took off his glasses and said to the three: "For whatever reason, you should not open your platform. Your brokerage contract is still in s.m and Aihui!!"

"President, it's been five years, and we've been with TVXQ for five years. Even if our legs are broken, we still have to perform on stage. We think we deserve the company, but does the company really deserve us? We signed the contract, then we Got it. Why doesn't the company allow us to develop a side business? The company has not clearly stipulated in the contract that TVXQ cannot develop a side business, right?"

Li Xiuman raised his head slightly and looked at Jin Jae-jung, and said coldly, "The contract you signed includes the right to portrait, and all your business itineraries must follow the company's arrangements. I know that the three of you have recently been with Baek Chang-soo, who was born in the underworld. Let's meet, if you don't want to be the second Quan Xiangyou, I advise you to cancel your relationship with him as soon as possible."

The fact that Kwon Sang-woo was threatened by Baek Chang-soo was front page in Korea. Of course, Baek Chang-soo was also punished by the law, fined, and imprisoned. Now that Baek Chang-soo has been released from his sentence, he directly pointed to TVXQ. And Baek Chang-soo promised them that as long as the three of them are willing to leave s.m, then the company's affairs will be handed over to him.

The three have not yet agreed to Bai Changzhu, after all, his notoriety belongs to the stinky street in the entertainment industry. Notoriety such as threats is a fact, but one thing they definitely do better than s.m is giving money. Even the former Quan Xiangyou and the others never defaulted on the payment, which was very cool. If the contract was written, then Quan Xiangyou could definitely get as much as possible. For being divided into Baek Chang-soo, I gave Kwon Sang-woo a lot of points.

Otherwise, Kwon Sang-woo would not have been extorted 3.3 billion from him by the staff of the brokerage company in a scandal. 3.3 billion, such a figure proves that Quan Xiangyou can spend such a large sum of money that he will explode this price.

The fact that Kwon Sang-woo can come up with 3.3 billion proves that Bai Chang-soo is still very happy when it comes to money. At least there is no situation where he has done something and cannot get money. Although they terminated the contract in the end, it was not because of money, but because the underworld agency threatened him to participate in some autograph sessions that he was unwilling to do, and even said that he would kill his whole family if he did not participate, which led to Quan Sangyou reporting the case to the police. .


Li Xiuman knew that Bai Changzhu planned to set up a brokerage company again after he came out of the classroom, and his first target was TVXQ. Why is Baek Chang-soo staring at TVXQ? Because he knows that IdoL is a high-profile, low-return group in the entertainment industry, he can offer actors a sharing agreement to seduce them. Coupled with his complex social background, dealing with such a thing is easy.

He is not afraid of light or dark. Obviously, anyone who knows a little about labor law knows that IdoL's contract is a slave contract, which is absolutely illegal. So he knows that he will definitely win the 'lawsuit'! !

Going in the dark, hehe.. Baek Chang-soo was originally a person from the dark zone, and he still has a good position in the dark zone. Is he still afraid that the brokerage company will be hacked? If it is said that 'TVXQ' is affiliated with the brokerage companies of such large groups as cJ, sk, etc., then he really dare not touch it, but s.m? He is really not afraid of tearing his face! !

Let them make money for themselves, no matter if s.m goes white or underworld, he won't care~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After listening to Li Xiuman's last sentence that seemed to be a warning but actually carried a warning, Kim Jae-joong Glancing at the remaining two, the three of them exchanged glances at this moment. At this moment, Kim Jae-joong said, "President..." This time Kim Jae-joong did not call Lee Soo-man 'teacher', but used the title of 'president': "The three of us do not have the right to do business for our family's store in private. Is it propaganda? And there is no express provision in the contract about private matters, right? Could it be that if we become an artist, our family can’t engage in business, or we can’t admit that we are the children of our own parents?”

"Business? Don't think we don't know anything, that cosmetic product was originally a joint venture between the three of you. You are a smart legal person who wrote about your parents, but if you go to a product platform, this is a commercial activity, and this is a sale of portrait rights. , this has violated the contract. Of course, the company does not say that you are not allowed to develop a side business, but you have to go to the platform under the name of 'TVXQ', that is not acceptable."

"President, we went to the platform in private, and we didn't use TVXQ's name. We used our real name and didn't use a stage name. So we have no right to interfere in any company we do."

"No right to interfere? Okay, now I don't want to talk to you so much, either to compensate for the liquidated damages, or if it involves your product companies using TVXQ's name, all companies have the right to receive dividends.."

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