Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 327: "Nightmare Concert" (5)

The interruption of the concert went through most of the oblique mediation, and the sky and night have unfolded waiting for the start of the concert again. The cheering light sticks in the hands of the fans danced in the auditorium with the dynamic music of the city, and colorfully dotted the whole place. The venue has become a sea of ​​stars, which is very beautiful. The fans under the stage were full of passion, and she used their screams to cheer on the stars performing on the stage.

Their cheering voice is a stimulant for the stars performing on the stage. Their roaring makes the stars on the stage work harder. They use the stage enthusiasm to return to their fans who love them deeply. The heat wave, the sound wave, ignited the entire venue, not only the stars on the stage were sweating after a song, but the fans off the stage were also sweating profusely in the crowd.

However, the heat can't stop the enthusiasm of the fans, and they are not stingy with their screams. Even if you use your voice too much to cause you to lose your voice tomorrow, is it a kind of honor?

Halfway through the concert, the hosts Kim Heechul, Park Soohong, and Song Jihyo were in front of the host stage, while introducing the guests who performed next. To 'Girls Generation' "Girls Generation". And they were all standing in the backstage, ready to appear, and Junxiu also stood in the backstage with them.

He stretched out his hand and patted snny's shoulder: "It's obviously your stage, why do I think I'm more nervous than you all? Haha.. I won't say much about the lve stage of a large-scale performance, everyone is 'right up' !!"

With a cheerful smile, Yoona patted Junxiu's shoulder with a wide heart and said, "Hahaha..oppa, we will do our best, you can just prepare more barbecue for us. Oppa, I'll tell you. A secret, last time Xiuying said that she went to eat barbecue alone and ate eight people!!”

Who knew that Yuner's so-called secret was not whispered, but was told in a voice that everyone could hear, which made Xiuying scream like thunder, and at the same time she made a look like she was going to fight, okay? Yu Li, who was beside him, hugged Xiuying's waist to prevent her from going crazy: "Yeah! Lin Yuner~~ You obviously also ate seven people, and after you came out, you said that you were full. Why don't you do these things? What do you say?"

And Yoona also pretended to be afraid and hid behind Junxiu and pulled Junxiu's arm: "You can eat eight people better than me!!"

Junxiu smiled and said, "You guys are too childish, and Changmin, we are busy, so long as we eat barbecue meat, we have to eat at least ten servings. I feel very greasy after eating three servings. I really don't know how you can not get tired of eating? Moreover, our Shungui can eat five or six servings of pork belly."

"Shungui, Shungui, Li Shungui, hahaha!!"

Everyone is really excited when they talk about "eating meat". You must know that women do1 live in the situation of body management every day, so the opportunity to eat meat is really rare. And today Junxiu's moving banquet is a kind of celebration, so they look forward to eating meat piled up like a mountain, and they can justifiably let go of their burdens and eat.

After the host introduced the next three groups of guests, .g from the first group took the lead on stage. After Junxiu spoke to them, he stood on the side of the stage and watched them, because he promised Park Zhenying to give them to them. To write a song, Junxiu hasn't come out yet. So he watched their scene closely at this time, so that he could better grasp their stage style, so that Junxiu could create songs that could suit them.

After all, this is also Junxiu's first attempt to compose a song for a girl group, so he hopes to find a model from it, which belongs to the composition mode of a girl group.

Seeing that they were wearing retro clothes and singing songs in a retro tune, Junxiu raised his eyebrows slightly: "Retro is perfect."

The last time Junsu watched them practice at Jyp, they didn't have a retro taste in their dresses. Looking at their scene now, the costumes and dresses are matched with songs and dances, and the strong retro style comes out, and the stage is very exciting.

Junxiu wondered if he should follow their retro style? This is a question worth considering! Just when Junxiu was thinking about their next move, .g's performance was over, they came to the back of the stage where they were standing, and when they saw Junxiu, they politely bowed to him and said, "Senior Junxiu. "

Junxiu smiled and nodded towards them: "I saw your stage, it's great. Hold on!!"

"Hehe...Senior Junxiu is also very proud!!" After a simple greeting, they left~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Junxiu continued to stand here, he planned to see the stage of Girls' Generation next.

But after the .g goes down, the performance is '', this group is a hp-hop group composed of two rappers and a dj, although Junxiu also played hphop-style dance music, but not the same as their type, they belong to Nightclub style.

After their performance, the lights on the stage dimmed along with the screams of the fans, and they quickly trotted out of the stage from Junsu's side. When the lights on the stage turned on again, the music for the song "Girls' Generation" sounded, and the cheers at the end of the performance just a second ago stopped instantly.

Compared with the previous second, the scene at this time can be described as 'silent'. There are only a few Girls' Generation's sone's voices struggling, but they got too few seats, and they are very far from the stage. , coupled with the on-site audio equipment, their cheering sound can be inaudible at all.

Quiet! The audience seemed eerily quiet, so quiet that it was scary! !

Junsu has never seen a concert so 'quiet', never!

It's a silent, totally silent event for Girls' Generation!

And it's not just that 'Silent' Junxiu looked at the auditorium in the dark corner... His pupils shrank quickly because he saw the star sea that originally existed in the auditorium, and all of them were turned off at this time. Now, the scene is plunged into darkness! !

One second it was a live fluorescent star sea of ​​50,000 people, the next second it was like a dark cloud covering the stars, the scene fell into a black ocean, and the faint lights could only see the heads of people in the distance, except for Girls' Generation's sone, all 's fans have all turned off the glow sticks in their hands! !

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