Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 331: Consolation After the Incident (Part 2)

As Xiuying said, Junxiu found out the old yellow calendar, and this history happened to be something they knew before. Δ┡E"FictionWw"W. ㄟ 1XIAOSHUO. COM is of course because this matter is very funny, the four of them wanted to use their identities as 'seniors' to suppress Junsu when they were young. Perhaps it was the old old Huang Li that Junxiu suddenly mentioned. At the moment when they were caught off guard, they were finally amused by this incident.

Perhaps it was Junsu's uncomfortable consolation that played a role. At this time, the depression in their hearts was relieved a little. The hearts of young people are fragile, because they are the most vulnerable. But young people are also the greatest, because they are the easiest to forget. Any pain can always be healed over time.

In the face of Xiuying's dissatisfaction, Junxiu just smiled and touched her head, which was a kind of comfort and apology. Then Junsu got up and said, "I'll change clothes first, Taeyeon, Pani, you two, go to the market with me later, Shunkyu, you will greet them at home. In a while, express all your dissatisfaction and grief with food."

Junsu asked Taeyeon and Pani to go to the city with him. However, the two people that Junxiu called made them not have too many objections. Taeyeon is the captain first, maybe Junsu still needs to communicate with Taeyeon as the captain? In addition, there is Pani who is very close to Taeyeon, and after such a thing happened today, they will not think about the emotional problems of the two.

However, when Junxiu was about to change clothes, Xiuying immediately said, "Junxiu oppa, I'll go, let me go together."

It was really difficult for Junxiu to refuse them today, so when Xiuying brought it up, Junxiu secretly gave Taeyeon a look with helplessness in her eyes. And Taeyeon raised her eyebrows slightly in response, Junxiu nodded and agreed: "Okay, let's go, I'll change clothes first."

"Oppa, I'm going too, I'm going too. I'm strong, I can help with things."

Looking at Yoona's positivity, perhaps a place like the city can eliminate some of their worries, and he didn't plan to refuse at all. He smiled and shook his head and said, "Anyway, you can figure it out. My car There can only be 5 people, including me, the driver, you can discuss it yourself or guess the boxing. I'll change clothes first."

Now Junxiu feels that it doesn't matter who goes to the market with him, as long as the 'going to the market' can make one of them come out of the depression, then it is a profit. Things like that have already happened, so acceptance is the only way. What to do, what to do, as long as it can make them feel at ease, then Junxiu can agree.

When he came out in a casual outfit, he held several hats in his hand: "Have you negotiated? Who's going?"

Yoona finally showed her signature crocodile smile, and it could be seen that she was a little more relaxed than at the beginning, she raised her hand and said, "Just the four of us, me, Taeyeon, Panioni, Xiu Inoni."

"Okay, bring hats to all of you. After all, you are all famous IdoLs now." Junxiu gave the four of them his baseball caps to cover them up a little.

After they put on their hats, Junxiu looked at sunny: "Shungui, there are two baking trays under the kitchen stove. You take them out to wash, clean up the table, and we'll be back in a while."

"Understood, you go."


Junxiu and his party of five took the elevator to the underground garage. It was the same BMW, and Taeyeon naturally sat in the co-pilot seat according to her usual habit of being a nanny car. Junxiu moved the car and headed out of the market. The car perfume in the car smelled sweet, and Yuner and Xiuying sniffed the very familiar smell: "Hey...the fragrance in the car. So familiar."

Of course familiar! Because Taeyeon has this fragrance in their room! This fragrance was put together in the gift bag when Junsu gave Taeyeon's birthday perfume last time.

Xiuying also nodded and said, "Well, it's very familiar... um, isn't that the smell in our room?" After Xiuying said this, she immediately focused her attention on Tai who was sitting in the passenger seat. on Yan. She remembered that Taeyeon took out this fragrance and put it in their room. Junsu and Taeyeon both used the same fragrance. Is this really just a coincidence?

To know that there are thousands of flavors of fragrances, there are dozens or hundreds of common ones on the market, right? The two of them like the same fragrance among a wide variety of fragrances? This probability is not to say that there is no, it can only be said that it is a little small, and it is very small.

Junsu saw Xiuying's suspicious eyes in the rearview mirror, and before Taeyeon answered, he said, "Same taste? That's what I gave Taeyeon, her adult birthday present, Yoon. Didn't you see it that day?"

Junxiu turned Xiuying's attention to Yuner, and Xiuying looked at Yuner beside her in surprise: "Ah, did you see it? What did you see?"

Yuner didn't know why the topic suddenly came to her, and she didn't have time to think. So at this moment, in order not to be misunderstood, she said something misleading. She kept shaking her hand and said, "I didn't see anything~www.wuxiaspot.com~What am I.."

Yuner's words were too imaginative, and Junxiu immediately shouted: "Yeah, Lin Yuner, are you sure you were downstairs in your dormitory that night, and you didn't see anything? I also said that when you come of age next year, perfume , flowers, kisses are a lot of yours." Junxiu deliberately bit the sound of 'kiss'.

Sure enough, when Xiuying heard the word with a super pink flavor, she cried out in a strange voice: "kiss~~~~??"

"No... no, ah, me, oppa, what are you talking about?"

"Am I talking nonsense? Taeyeon was listening by the side that day."

Seeing that Yoona was a little flustered because she didn't know how to explain it, Taeyeon laughed, "Hehe..oppa, don't tease Yoona."

After a while of gags, the question about this fragrance was carried over. And Pani sat quietly watching all this, watching Junxiu carefully maintaining his relationship with Taeyeon everywhere, she suddenly realized that she seemed to be the only insider. A little envy, a little jealous, and some unspeakable emotional expectations..

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